Chapter 21

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"Yue. Get up! What are you doing with your life!?" Jiaqi went to Yue's house to visit her. Everyone, including her family is worried of her.

"Jiaqi. Why are you here?" She hid her face with a pillow and didn't bother to look at Jiaqi.

Jiaqi sighed and stared at Yue with her sad eyes.
"I miss you. I miss my jolly friend" her eyes started to blur. She can also hear Yue's soft cries behind the pillow.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me please." Yue assured her. But she knows in her heart that she's not okay. And she's hurting because of what happened between her and Dylan.

3 months have passed but she knows she hasn't moved on yet.

Jiaqi pulled the pillow out of Yue's face. She covered her mouth when she saw how miserable she looks.

Her eyes were puffy from crying. Dark circles around her eyes were also visible. She's pale and looks thinner than the last time she saw her.

Yue sat up on the bed and leaned on the headboard. She needed something to lean on because her body is too weak.

Jiaqi moved closer to her and gave her a tight hug. Her heart is breaking for her friend.

Soft cries filled the room.

"You can do this Yue." Jiaqi pulled away from the hug and faced her friend. "I know how strong you are. You can do this!"

Yue nodded and smiled weakly. She wiped off her tears and faced Jiaqi. "Thank you Jiaqi. Thank you for not leaving my side."

Jiaqi held her hands.

"I was miserable for the past 3 months.." she paused and bit her lower lip to control her sobs. "..up until now. I never imagined myself in this situation. I never thought loving someone would hurt me this bad." her tears freely streamed down her face. She felt numb from crying.

Jiaqi didn't say a word. She was just there holding Yue's hands and listening to her.

"You know how much I love Dylan right?" she cried hard. "I won't do anything stupid that would ruin us!" her voice raised.

"I know.." Jiaqi calmed her down.

"I can't believe he left me because of that! I tried to explain everything to him but he didn't listen!" she was frustrated. Anger was already apparent in her voice. "How ironic.." she smirked. "He wanted me to trust him but it was him who didn't trust me enough."

"Did you talk to him already?" Jiaqi asked.

Yue shook her head and frowned. "I won't begged again. How many times I have tried to talk to him but he didn't let me." she wiped her tears away.

"Yue.. I know Dylan was hurt too. I've seen how he suffered from your break up too. He needed time. He thought he was betrayed. His pride took over him and.." Jiaqi was cut off when Yue butted in.

"Damn pride! It was his fault why i was drunk that night! It was his fault!" she cried. "I also blamed Connor for bringing me in his room! Why did he do that?! He can bring me back to the group but what got into his head that he brought me inside his room?! He knew I was with you!"

Jiaqi sighed. She doesn't know too. She also bumped into Connor that night. He asked if Yue was with them. She told him she's in the girl's powder room and he excused himself after that.

"Xize told me that Connor tried to talk to Dylan as well.. but he won't let him too."

Yue closed her eyes and sighed.

Connor told her that nothing happened between them that night. He brought her to his room so she can rest because she collapsed.

"It's okay Jiaqi. It just proved how shallow his love for me. His pride is much bigger than his love for me."

"Don't say that Yue."

"I gave him all the love in this world that I left nothing for me. That was my biggest mistake." she smiled bitterly. "I'll stop this nonsense now. I will love myself first more than anyone."

She wiped her tears one last time and faced Jiaqi with her eyes full of determination and finality.

"I'm quitting on him this time. No more turning back."

Jiaqi smiled and nodded. She promised to support Yue in whatever decision she'll make. Her heart and loyalty is with her.

Don't ever doubt your worth. You have to pick yourself up and find the strength to move on. At the end of the day you're all you've got.

And be the love you never received.

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