Chapter 11

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"Hey bro! Are you okay?" Xize asked Dylan.

They were having a drinking session on the rooftop of the hotel they're staying. They decided to stay there instead of going out.

Dylan was already lighting his 3rd cigarette stick for the night. His thoughts were killing him. He has a lot of questions in his mind that he couldn't answer yet.

"You looked so tense bro." he added.

"Why do you say so?" Dylan asked back as he puffed his cigarette.

"Kuan and I have been talking here for more than an hour now. But you're just there puffing your cigarette." Xize pointed out.

Dylan lean on the wall and puffed his cigarette again.

"Do you have problem Dylan?" Kuan smiled meaningly.

Dylan shook his head and faced Kuan. He knows what he's thinking. "Quit it Kuan!"

"Quit what?" Xize was disoriented with their topic. He couldn't catch up with the conversation.

Kuan smiled and shrugged. "You'll eventually find the answers to your questions."

"Shut up!" Dylan finished his last stick and walked out from his friends.


Dylan went back to his room. He was about to get inside when he saw Yue and Connor outside Yue's hotel room.

They were talking and laughing.

Seeing Yue with Connor makes him real jealous. And he doesn't like the feeling.

His heart aches just by watching them.

It could have been him in Connor's position. How did it end up this way? When did she start drifting away from him? He couldn't remember.


Yue closed her eyes as she leaned comfortably on the couch rehearsing her script for the scenes they will be shooting today.

"Dyy.. Daoming Si! I like you!" she opened her eyes and looked around. What the hell? she cursed on her mind. She almost said Dylan instead of Daoming Si.

She fanned her face with her hands to calm herself down. She deeply breathed in and out. She should focus now. She shouldn't think too much of Dylan.

She was about to rehearse again when Dylan sat down beside her leaving no space in between them.

"I like you too."

Yue was dumbfounded. She froze from her seat and just stared at Dylan. She felt the sincerity in his voice.

"I like you too." he patted her head and smiled. "Was my acting good? Did I convince you that i like you?" he laughed.

Yue sighed and looked away. He's really good at playing with her feelings.

She rolled her eyes in the air and scanned through her script. "No? So we better start practicing our lines together. Convince Shan Cai that you really like her." she suggested.

"Yue, are you mad at me?"

Yes. Because you left me hanging. That would be her answer.

"No. Why would I?" she answered back.

"Because.. I felt like we are slowly drifting away with each other. And i'm mad at myself that i made that happen." he said wholeheartedly.

She felt her chest tightened.

"Hey! you talk too much! Let's start praticing now!" she stated to avoid the topic.

She scanned on the piece of paper she was holding and frowned when she realized that what Dylan said awhile ago was not really on their script.

"Hey Di! The "i like you" part is not part of the script!" she complained.

Dylan shrugged and put his head on her shoulder. "I don't know. Maybe it's for another scene."

She didn't say a word. She just stared at Dylan's face as if memorizing all his facial features. She has fully memorized all it's details tho.

She sighed as she remembered her phone conversation with Sunqian earlier.


Yue just finished taking a bath when her phone rang. She immediately picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" / "Hello?"

"Yue! This is Sunqian!"

"Oh hey Sunqian! Why did you call?" she asked. It was the first time that Sunqian called her. She didn't even know that the girl has her number.

"Mm.. Are you with Didi right now?"

"No. I'm still in my room right now." Yue frowned at her question.

"I see... Yue can i ask you something? It's actually about Didi."

Yue sighed. "What about Dylan?"

"I really find him weird. I really thought he likes me at first but after hanging out a few times with him, he has totally changed."

So Dylan doesn't like Sunqian? But she thought Dylan is courting her.

"He will not court you if he doesn't like you right?"

"Oh no. He's not courting me. We hang out but that's it. I can't even feel that he likes me. He told me he's not the clingy type and I should refrain from being too clingy too."

"Oh really? But you cuddle in public. What's the difference?" Yue asked sarcastically.

"Oh. I just forced him to cuddle for picture taking purposes."

Yue smiled after hearing her answer.

"Anyway, I know you're close with Dylan. Do you know if he likes someone else?"

Her smile faded after hearing her question. Seriously?! She called her for this? She rolled her eyes again.

"Sunqian.. I don't think I'm the right person who could answer your questions. Why don't you asked Didi instead? I'm sorry but I still have a lot of things to do. Do you mind if we hang up now?" she slightly raised her voice.

"Oh sorry Yue. I just thought you're the best person I could ask about Dylan. I thought you're close.Because he always talk about you everytime. Anyway, sorry if I disturbed you. Babye."

She was bothered by her last words.

Yue was snapped back from her deep thoughts when Dylan encircled his arms on her waist and his face nuzzled on her neck.

"Yue, do you like Connor?" he asked almost a whisper.

"Why are you all asking me about Connor?" her brows furrowed with Dylan's question.

"You seem to get a long quite well with him." he stated.

"You seem to get along well with Sunqian too."

Dylan didn't say a word and nuzzled more on her neck.

"Hey!" she slightly pushed his head. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Give me 5 mins. I just want to take a nap." he said before he dozed off on her shoulder.

Sunqian's words really bothers her.

'You two seems close. He always talk about you.'

'He always talk about you'

It keeps repeating on her mind.

She gazed at Dylan's sleeping face trying to find an answer. Why would he talk about her?

She sighed deeply.

Her mind will answer most questions if she'll just learn to relax and wait for the answer. She thought.

But is it bad if she'll believe that he might like her too? Now that she knew, he's not really dating Sunqian. Her heart hopes again.

Her mind tells her NO. Her heart whispers YES. Reality tells her not to, but hope tells her to give it a shot.

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