Chapter 22

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Dylan put another cigarette stick in his mouth and lighted it. It was his third stick since he arrived in the venue where MG2018 press conference will be held.

He was tensed and uneasy. It's already been four months since his break-up with Yue. And now he'll get to see her again. He thought he's ready but why is he feeling so unrelaxed?

"Are you okay bro?" Xize asked. He was on his cigarette break as well.

Dylan nodded. "I'm fine." he answered before he puffed on his cigarette.

Xize just stared at him unsatisfied with his answer.

"You'll see her again tonight." Xize stated.

Dylan just stared blankly. He'll see her again tonight. It slowly sink in.

"Are you ready to see her tho?" Xize asked again.

Dylan sighed and shrugged. Is he ready? He doesn't know. After what happened between them it would probably be so awkward.

He remembered how Yue chased him. She pleaded for him to listen to her but his mind was clouded. He felt betrayed and his ego took over him.

He became judgemental because he was hurt. He was so attached with his own truth that he wasn't able to listen to her side of the story. He pushed her away to protect himself from another heart break. He failed to communicate and feel the love and connection.

"Bro, you've been miserable since that day you broke up with her. If only you can see yourself! You're a total wreck! Give yourself a chance bro! Find that peace in your heart. Stop holding on that fear of another heartbreak. If the love is worth the pain then go for it." Xize, the love master, adviced his friend.

"Why does it hurt to love? Why is it so painful to be in love?" Dylan asked Xize before he puffed on his cigarette.

Xize laughed at his silly question. His main man was obviously new in this game of love.

"Love doesn't hurt Di. Love never hurts. It's the growth alongside it that hurts and the ego that stings. But love is always worth the pain that you will go through."

Sometimes, Love is complicated and confusing. It's the pride and indecisiveness that complicates it. And it's confusing because how can we still love people even after they hurt us deeply? Love truly works in wonder.

"She has already given you so much space bro. I think it's time for you to sort out your feelings before it's too late." Xize tapped Dylan's shoulder before he walked away.

Dylan sighed. Four months is already enough. It's now time to lower down his pride. No matter what her reasons are. He'll accept it with all his heart.

He loved her and he knows in his heart that he still do.


Dylan sat down on the chair provided for him. He was seated beside Kuan and on the other side is the chair provided for Yue. He was obviously uneasy. He was moving from time to time.

Kuan just stared at Dylan with his usual blank expression. He shook his head and looked away.

'Idiot!' He thought of the best word to describe Dylan as of the moment.

Dylan sat straight when the door opened. He saw Yue entered the venue together with her manager. She looked happy and glowing. Very opposite from the last time he saw her. Honestly, his heart broke when he saw her on that state. But he wouldn't be chosen Daoming Si if he was not good in acting.

He saw her glanced at him but looked away like she didn't see him. She has this blank expression on her face.

"Miss Shen Yue, this way to your seat please." one staff guided Yue to her seat.

Yue just followed the staff and didn't mind where she was guided.

Dylan stared intently not leaving his eyes on her. She was guided on the chair next to him. She smiled and greeted everyone except him. She sat down next to him and got her phone out.

He took a deep breath and found the courage to start a conversation with her.

"How are you?" he asked.

Yue shifted her gaze from her phone to Dylan. She has this empty eyes expression on her face.

"I'm fine." she answered. Her treatment towards him was cold.

"Yue, can we talk later?" He asked. He's determined to start over again.

"Dylan, I'm busy. What do you wanna talk about?" she said it in her coldest expression.

"Us." he answered directly.

Yue smirked. She shook her head and laughed like she just heard something funny. "Dylan.. Seriously?" she grinned. "You have the audacity to talk about 'us'?"

Dylan frowned. "Wow. Why did it sound like I'm at fault here?" his ego was taking over him again.

"Idiot!" Yue stood up and walked out. Jiaqi asked her where she was going and she answered that she needed to see someone.

Dylan covered his face with his hands. The situation was frustrating him. "Urggh." he groaned.

"Idiot!" Kuan commented.

Dylan frowned and glared at Kuan. He was obviously referring to him.

"What did you say?"

"You're an Idiot." Kuan calmly answered. "Yue just voiced out the most appropriate word to describe you."

Dylan rolled his eyes and leaned back on his chair.

"Shut up Kuan!"

Kuan shrugged and smirked. "You're already four months too late Di." Kuan's eyes directed at the door.

Dylan shifted his gaze from Kuan to the door and found Yue talking to somebody. He squinted his eyes to focus on them.

"Who the hell is Yue talking to?" Xize asked.

"Fei Qi Ming." Jiaqi answered. "Yue is dating him for two weeks now." she stared at Dylan with her sad eyes.

"Whattt?" Xize asked in shock and looked at Dylan while Kuan just smiled meaningly.

Dylan felt his world collapsed on his very own eyes. His heart broke and shattered for the second time around.

Sometimes it's too late to make things right. Sometimes we hurt others more than we realize. Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone.

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