Chapter 10

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Yue was having dinner with Connor in the hotel's cafeteria when the other F3 boys arrived.

Xize went over to their table and sat down on the empty chair beside Yue.

"Dylan! Kuan! over here!" He called his other friends' attentions to join Yue and Connor's table.

"Did i give you the permission to join us?" Yue rolled her eyes at Xize.

"We invited ourselves to join both of you in your table actually." Xize told Yue. "You wouldn't mind right?" this time Xize faced Connor.

Connor shook his head and smiled. "I won't. We can all sit in one table."

Dylan and Kuan followed Xize and sat down on the empty chairs.

Yue just watched Dylan's every move. His brows were furrowed indicating that he's not in the mood. She was drowned of her thoughts about Dylan when Connor talked and snapped her back to reality.

"Here. Eat some more." Connor added more food on Yue's plate.

"It's okay. I'm already full."

"You're so thin, you should gain more weight." Connor added.

Yue just sighed and agreed with Connor. It's true that she has lost weight! The shooting days and her feelings for Dylan was stressing her out lately. She lost her appetite and wasn't eating much.

Dylan's jaw tightened as he watched Connor and Yue. She really has changed. He thought.

The usual Yue would probably have argued with Connor about eating too much. She would probably point out the reasons why she shouldn't eat another plate of food and how she would gain weight easily if she do so. But she just agreed and followed whatever Connor says to her.

He's disappointed at her.

Xize and Kuan secretly laughed at Dylan's reaction. He was intently staring at the two "lovey dovies". If his looks could kill, they'd probably be dead right now.

"So what's up with you two?" Xize asked Yue and Connor again. He was expecting he'll get another punch from Yue because of his question.

"Ouch!" and his instincts didn't fail him. Yue throw a punch at Xize's arm that made him winced in pain.

"You're at it again huh!" Yue, who was not satisfied with her first punch, threw another one at Xize again.

"I was just kidding okay? Ouch! Why are you so strong and violent?" Xize's face was distorted because of the pain caused by Yue's punches.

"Served you right for being nosy!"

Kuan and Connor just shook their heads and smiled while Dylan was just sitting there with no emotion on his face.

"Alright. alright. Sorry okay?" Xize raised his hand in defeat. "Yueyue we're going in an outing next week during our holiday break. Someone wants you to go with us.. Ouch! What the hell!" Xize cursed as he felt Dylan's kick under the table. "What i mean was.. we want you to come. The more the merrier right?" He immediately rephrased it. He doesn't want to get another kick from Dylan.

"Are all the casts coming with us?" Yue asked as if she's pertaining to everyone. But the truth was she just want to know if Dylan is also coming.

Yue gazed at Dylan. She's waiting for his answer.

"Kuan invited everyone including some staffs. Yi Han was the only one who confirmed of coming." Dylan answered.

"Are you coming?" Yue asked again.

Dylan nodded and looked away. He reminded himself that he's still mad at Yue for being frail and gullible when it comes to Connor. She must like the guy huh. He thought.

"Okay! I'm coming then!" Yue smiled widely.

"How about you Connor? Are you coming with us?" Xize asked Connor.

"I think I'll go home this coming holiday break." he answered Xize.

Dylan secretly grinned at Connor's answer.

"Oh.. okay if you say so." Xize smiled and stared at Dylan. As if telling him "I got you bro"

The two were smiling like idiots when suddenly the silent Kuan talked.

"I insist Connor. You should go with us. You would probably see your family soon because we're shooting some scenes in your city next month right?"

Dylan gave Kuan a death glare. Kuan just smiled and shrugged as he took a bite on his food.

Yue agreed with Kuan. "Yes! It would be so much fun if we'll all go! Pleaseee??" she hugged Connor's arm and showed her puppy-eyes look, persuading Connor to go with them too.

Dylan held his can of beer tightly as he drank on it. Seeing Yue being clingy with someone else makes him sick. He was almost close to emptying the can of beer when Connor answered.

"If you say so Buddy!"

Dylan coughed at his answer and spit out the drink from his mouth to Xize's shirt.

What the FA? Buddy who?? Dylan thinks he'll get an instant migraine. He doesn't even know what's going on in him.

"What the hell bro?" Xize complained.

"Di, are you okay?" Yue asked. Worry evident in her voice.

"Yes! I'm perfectly fine! Excuse me for awhile." Dylan just excused himself and went in the men's room.

"He's totally fine Yue. Don't worry." Kuan said showing his meaningful smile.

That moment when you can actually feel the pain in your chest from seeing and hearing something that breaks your heart is the worst moment.

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