Chapter 20

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"Dylan! Let's take a selfie!" Sunqian went over to Dylan and had a selfie with him.

This day was so tiring for him. He taped 9 out 10 revised scenes with Sunqian already. 1 last scene and they're done. But unluckily the shooting for the last scene was delayed.

Dylan lazily sat on the chair provided for him. He wasn't able to call Yue the whole day. He missed her a lot.

"Sunqian. Can I have my phone?"

Sunqian offered to hold Dylan's phone for him.

"Mm.. your phone? I gave it to your manager." she pouted.

"What?! Why did you give it to him?" he raised his voice in annoyance.

"Hey! Why are you mad? Don't you trust your manager?" she raised a brow.

"You don't get it!" he shook his head. "If I had to choose between you and my manager I would gladly let him hold my phone for me. But he has another meeting to attend and I know he'll go back to Beijing ahead of me!"

"Well, it's not my fault that he didn't give it back to you tho."

Dylan closed his eyes and massaged his temple. He badly needs to see Yue first thing in the morning. That is his goal.


"Manager Chang?! Thank God you picked up!" Xize screamed in happiness.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Where's Dylan? Why did he turn off his phone? We were calling him hundred times already."

"Oh. Why are you calling him anyway? Sunqian gave his phone to me. She said Dylan want me to keep it."

"Why would he do that?" Xize frowned. "He didn't even call Yue the whole day!"

"He was actually busy filming. They were only given short period of time for their break so that they can finish filming tonight. And It was Dylan's idea so that he can go back to Beijing early in the morning."

Xize nodded. "Alright. alright. I'll tell Yue about that. Thanks Manager Chang." and he ended the call.

Kuan raised a brow to Xize. Questioning him about his conversation with Manager Chang.

"He has Dylan's phone. Sunqian gave it to manager Chang because Didi wanted him to keep it for him."

"Weird. Dylan always make sure he has his phone with him whenever he's not with Yue. We all know how clingy he is with her." Kuan commented.

Xize shrugged. Kuan has a point. That was really weird.

"Kuan! Xize! I can't find Yue inside the powder room!" Jiaqi was catching her breath when she came running back to their table.

"What? Where did she go?"

"I don't know!" Jiaqi cried. She's worried of her friend. She know she's not in her normal state anymore. She was obviously drunk!

"We have to find her." Kuan sighed. He would not forgive himself if anything bad happens to Yue. He promised Dylan to take good care of her while he's away.


Yue slowly opened her eyes and immediately sat up on the bed. She's in a not familiar room. She closed her eyes and tried to remember everything but her head hurts so much that she couldn't think straight.

"What happened last night?" she massaged her temples with her hands.

Yue looked around and found her phone on the bedside table. She grabbed it and scanned through all the missed calls and text messages from her friends. But still, no text or call from Dylan.

"Ouch" she winced in pain from her sudde move. Her head hurt so bad.

Yue was about to stand up when something caught her attention. Her clothes last night was neatly folded in the couch.

She immediately examined herself under the blanket and found out she's only wearing an oversized shirt to cover her undergarments.

She covered her mouth in shocked. She closed her eyes again and tried to remember what really happened.

"Yue! What have you done?!" she covered her face with her hands.

She remembered going to a bar with her friends after the party their producers hosted for them. She drank 5 glasses of rhumcoke. She was drunk. She was wasted. She remembered she almost tripped but good thing Kuan was there to catch her. She remembered pushing Xize away because she insisted that she can still managed herself. She went to the girl's powder room and bumped into..

"Connor?" Yue was shocked when Connor went out of the bathroom half naked. Only a piece of towel was covering his lower part of the body.

"Good thing you're awake. How are you feeling now?"

Yue covered her mouth and went down on the bed. Her tears started streaming down her face.

"What did you do to me?!" she shouted at him.

"Yue. Please calm down." he walked closer to her.

"I hate you!" she slapped him hard and grabbed her clothes on the couch before she ran to the door.

Yue opened the door and went out. She was busy fixing herself when she bumped into someone.

"Love?" Dylan frowned when he saw Yue came out from Connor's room.

"Dy..Dylan?" Yue froze.

"What are you doing.." Dylan paused when he saw a half naked Connor came out of his room.

He felt his world crashed when he realized what exactly is going on. Yue came out from Connor's room wearing his shirt.

His sight traveled from Yue to Connor. He grinned  and laughed sarcastically. "What's this huh?"

"Love! I can explain."

"Seriously??!" he shook his head in disbelief. He came home to this kind of shit.

"Love please I can explain!" Yue hugged Dylan and hid her face on his chest. She was crying.

"Dylan.. you.." Connor was cut off when Dylan ran towards him and punched him on his face.

"Dylan!" Yue pulled Dylan away from Connor because he was punching him non-stop.

"Hey! What's happening here?" Xize and Kuan went immediately to Dylan and Connor.

Xize pulled Dylan away and stopped him from punching the guy.

"Dylan. Stop!" Xize pushed him away.

"Urgghh What the fuck!" Dylan groaned in frustration. He was hurt. He felt his heart died the moment he saw Yue came out from Connor's room.

Yue just cried her heart out as she watched Dylan break down in front of her.

"What have I done wrong?!" he punched the wall out of frustration.

No one answered. Only Yue's soft cries filled the room.

"I never thought loving would hurt me this bad! Damn!"

"Dylan.. Let's talk please. You trust me right?" Yue pleaded. She walked towards Dylan and hugged him from behind.

Dylan didn't say a word. He was just there standing with a blank face.

"Hey! Love!" Yue hugged him tighter.

Dylan sighed and slowly loosened Yue's hug from him.

"I quit on you." He said it with finality before he walked out from their sight.

If trust is broken it will never work the same again.

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