Chapter 1

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Shen Yue, one of the most promising stars in C-entertainment circle, was seated in a make-up chair. She was done shooting for a promotional video for her web drama a love so beautiful when her manager entered the room to spill some good news.

"Yueyue! You got the role!" Her manager excitedly said. She was jumping up and down as if she won the grandprize of a lottery.

"Hey hey. Manager Xie will you calm down? what role are you talking about?" she asked calmly tho her heart was already beating wildly. Hoped her manager was referring to her dream role as Shan Cai.

Her manager fanned her face to calm herself. She was doing purse lip breathing.

"You got the role of..."

"Hey. Manager Xie! You're making me nervous!" Yue needed to hold on the chair's arm rest for support. She felt like she'll collapse anytime soon.

"You got the role of Shan Caaiiii!!"

Yue shrieked as her manager spilled the good news! Thanks to all the gods in heaven for making her dream come true! She was speechless. Her tears were freely streaming down her face. It was tears of joy. She didn't know what to say but she knew the news made her heart full.


Yue entered the conference room in high spirit that she'll be able to gain new friends in the drama series.

She was guided in a make up chair. They'll also have their look test today.

"Yueyue you look so tired and sleepy! What have you done all night?" her make up artist commented.

She laughed as she remembered her craziness.

"Well, i ran few lapses last night!" she shook her head in disbelief. She ran more than 10 lapses until her legs hurt and that's the cue for her to stop. "I ran to express my happiness! My heart was so full and i needed to express it or it'll explode. I was running and screaming like a crazy woman!"

Her make-up artist and manager shook their heads. Yueyue is always their happy pill. Her laugh and smile is infectious and will brighten up your day.

Yue's team were laughing and teasing her when she noticed 4 young men walked behind her. She intently stared at the mirror to see them clearly.

She saw familiar face like Darren. She knew him because they have same audition schedule few months ago in Taiwan. She knew he auditioned for Huaze Lei's role.

Then she stared at the other three. All were so serious. The tallest was reading a book while the other two were talking with their serious faces on.

Her eyes stayed on one guy. His aura was so full of authority. His eyes were dangerously intimidating.

"Oh he must be Daoming Si!" she wanted to keep it to herself but ended up blurting it out loud.

"Who?" Mei, her make-up artist asked.

She put her index finger on her lips signaling to keep quiet. "Shhh.. Is my voice too loud?"

"Not really. I just heard you say he's Daoming Si!"

Yue sighed in relief. "I see. Thank you."

"So who are you referring to as Daoming Si?" her nosy make-up artist asked again.

Yue looked at the guy again and pouted. "Mm.. never mind. We'll know him later."

Her make-up artist nodded and didn't dare to ask anymore. Mei together with Manager Xie went out of the room.

Yue stared at the guy again. There's really something in him that caught her attention.

The guy is undeniably good looking, he's around 6 feet tall and has this hipster vibe in him.

She was staring at him intently when suddenly the guy looked at her direction and caught her staring at him.

His brow raised as if questioning her.

Yue gulped and pretended that she was looking at the other direction. That was so embarrasing.

"Meteor Garden casts! Get ready now!" one of the staff announced.

Yue was startled. She stood up immediately and went off balance as she was about to walk. She fell on the floor. What an unlucky day for her.

She was about to stand up when a hand offered her for help.

She was dumbfounded when she saw that it was owned by the hipster guy. She gulped again as she stared at the hand.

"Here. Hold my hand. I'll help you get up." he offered.

Yue's eyes blinked. Her brain was slowly processing everything.

Without waiting for her response. The guy grabbed her hand and assisted her in standing up.

"Yue! Dylan! Everyone is waiting for you inside!" another staff announced.

Oh so his name is Dylan. His name sounds good to her.

"Thank you." she bowed and thanked Dylan for the help.

"You're welcome. By the way my name is Dylan." He answered. Showing his brightest smile that would make every girl fall for him.

Yue blushed. He's really good looking.

"Mm.. Shen Yue." she smiled back.

She was about to walk again when her knees wobbled. The fall awhile ago was a hard fall. She must have injured her leg.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Dylan asked full of concern.

"Ahh yes. My leg is kinda painful but i can manage." She winced in pain.

"Just hold on me tightly so you won't fall again." he offered.

Yue was hesitant at first but ended up grabbing his offer.

She held on his arm tightly for support.

"There you go! Hold on tight so you won't fall."

She smiled and nodded.

Later did she know.. what he just said will eventually have two meanings to her.

First, Hold on tight so you won't fall on the floor. And second, Hold on tight so you won't fall for him.

And she didn't prepare for the latter.

Hoped he'll help her again this time.

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