Chapter 9

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Didi went to Xize's hotel room instead of going back in his room. He needed someone he can talk to. And he think Xize is the perfect person, whom he can vent out his anger. If he'd go to Kuan for sure he'll just sleep on his rants. So he decided to go to Xize instead.

"Didi, what the hell bro?" Xize snapped when he saw Dylan outside his room. He was disturbed from his deep sleep because of the loud knocks on his door.

Didi entered Xize's room without a word and threw himself on the couch.

"Hey! What's your problem? You won't go here early in the morning if you don't have problem right?" Xize asked.

He was about to close the door when Kuan pushed it back. Kuan entered smoothly and went directly to Xize's bed and lay down.

"Hey! Why are you all here in my room? As far as i remember, we were all given our individual rooms!"

Xize stared at Kuan who was now comfortably sleeping on his bed. "Hey Kuan!" He was now pulling Kuan to get up on his bed but he's not moving. "Wahhh" Xize screamed in frustration.

He shook his head and went over the edge of the bed and sat down. He was now facing the frowning Dylan Wang.

"Hey Di! How about you? Why are you here bro? And what's with the face?" his brows furrowed as he stared at Dylan. His friend is obviously not in the mood. "Did you and Sunqian had a fight?"

"Why are you all assuming that everything that's happening in my life is related to Sunqian?"

"Mm.. Because she's your girlfriend? mm.. because you like her?" Xize scratched his head.

"Sunqian isn't my girlfriend okay? We hang out but that's it." Dylan got a stick of cigar and was about to light it on his mouth.

"Dammit bro! You're not allowed to smoke inside the room!"

Dylan stopped himself from lighting the cigarette stick and put it back in his pocket. "I really thought I could get along with Sunqian but after getting to know her.." Dylan paused and thought of the right words. "..damn! I don't know."

"You don't know what?"

"Nevermind! And Hey! Why are you so nosy huh?" Dylan pulled Xize's collar.

Xize raised his hands in defeat. "Okay I'm not asking about Sunqian again! But what's really your problem then?"

Dylan let go of Xize and sighed.

"I wanted to punch Connor awhile ago!" Dylan told  him. He clenched his fists as he remembered what happened outside Yue's hotel room.

"You want what?!" Xize needed to confirm it if he heard Dylan right.

"He wanted to punch Connor." The "sleeping" Kuan answered for Dylan.

"Hey Di! Tell us more about it.. Do you have a problem with Connor?" Xize being a nosy friend interrogated Dylan.

Dylan sighed at Xize's question. That's what making him mad right now. He wanted to punch Connor but he didn't know why. All he know is that he doesn't want the guy to go near Yue.

"He's jealous of him." Kuan answered for Didi again.

"Jealous? Why would you get jealous of him? You wanted the Meizuo role?" Xize asked in confusion.

"Shut up! Why would i get jealous of him?"

"Hey Kuan! Why would Dylan get jealous of Connor huh?" Xize slapped Kuan's stomach to fully wake him up to get some answers.

Kuan lazily sat down on the bed and faced his two friends. "Because of Yue." he smiled.

"What the hell?" / "What the hell?"

Both Dylan and Xize answered in unison.

"Hey Kuan! How many times will I tell you i don't like Yue in a romantic way. She's just a friend."

Kuan just laughed at Dylan's sudden outburst. "Why are you so defensive? I didn't say you like her tho. I was just telling Xize that you're jealous because your original buddy got herself another buddy in Connor."

Xize nodded as if analyzing everything.

Dylan, on the other hand, just looked away and stared blankly at the wall. Kuan was right! He was jealous because Connor is slowly taking away his role as Yue's buddy. That's it.

Xize and Kuan looked at each other and shrugged.

The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.

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