Chapter 23

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"Just kidding!" Jiaqi laughed at their reactions. She would have go on with her joke but their faces were epic. "That's Feifei! Yue's friend. They met in a variety show few weeks ago and they'll tape another one next week." she continued laughing.

Xize sighed and pinched Jiaqi's cheeks to get back at her. They almost believed her. "Hey! Don't ever joke like that again."

"Ouch!" Jiaqi rubbed her cheeks when Xize let go of it. She pouted. "I was just joking because you were too serious."

Xize pointed Dylan, signalling Jiaqi to look at him.

Dylan's face was unreadable. His brows were furrowed and his jaws were tightened. His piercing look were directed at Yue and Fei Qi Ming.

"Hey Didi. I was just joking okay? Don't take it seriously." Jiaqi told him. She then hid behind Xize because she was scared of Dylan. If only looks could kill Fei Qi Ming would be a dead meat by now.

Dylan leaned back on his chair again, closed his eyes and massaged his temple. Things were getting complicated.

He has finally decided to listen to her truth but seems like she has already given up on him.


The MG2018 conference was a success. People welcomed the casts whole heartedly. Even though the casts were a little bit awkward because of the current tension between Dylan, Yue and Connor, still, it was a huge success.

The producers threw an after party afterwards. They rented the penthouse of the hotel they were staying. It was filled with good music and booze.

Yue didn't want to go but Jiaqi forced her. She can't say no to her best friend.

"Yue! Sit here." YiHan called out Yue.

She was hesitant at first because Dylan was also in their couch. And she didn't want an interaction with him.

She was snapped back from her thoughts when Jiaqi pulled her and made her sit down on the couch parallel to where Dylan was seated.

"You're over him right?" Jiaqi whispered.

Yue just rolled her eyes.

She glanced at Dylan who was comfortably sitting on the couch. His legs were crossed, his one arm was widely spread in the backrest of the couch while the other was holding a glass of liquor. And he was staring at her.

Yue rolled her eyes. She took a deep breath before she sat down.

"Yue, who's that guy with you earlier?" Kuan asked.

"Mm.. Feifei?" she asked back.

"The one who gave you bouquet of roses." Kuan added.

"Ahh yes! that's Fei Qi Ming. I call him Feifei." she answered. "He gave me flowers to congratulate me for the Shan Cai role."

Kuan smiled and nodded. "I think he likes you."

"Hey! What are you saying Kuan? He's just a friend!" she blushed. She got a glass of liquor and drank a little to hide her shyness.

"Tsk.." Kuan smirked. "You were also friends with Dylan before you started dating right?"

Dylan grinned while Yue drank from her glass again. The atmosphere became awkward.

"So it's not impossible for you to fall for that guy too." Kuan added.

Dylan's smile slowly disappeared with Kuan's words. He glared at him like he's ready to kill him anytime.

Yue on the other hand, coughed and spit out the drink from her mouth. "Excuse me." She immediately excused herself to the girl's room.

Xize held his stomach and couldn't stop laughing. "What the hell?"

Kuan really mastered savagery and spilling the tea.

Dylan just rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Hey where are you going?" Xize stopped from laughing and asked Dylan.

"None of your business!" Dylan answered and walked out from the group.

Kuan smiled as he stared at Dylan's retreating back. He surely knows there would be something big that will happen tonight. He grinned.

Surround yourself with friends who push you over the edge and challenge you to become the best version of yourself.

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