Chapter 5

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"Yue?! What are you doing?!" the director shouted.

Yue bowed her head and asked for apology.

"I'll do it again Director Li!"

"Ofcourse you have to do it again! You're happy and in love in this scene!" the director reminded her. "You aced your crying scene a while ago! Why can't you do this easier scene now?!"

"Director Li. Let's have a break first. And let Yue scan through her script again." the assistant director suggested.

"Okay! Let's have a break first!" the director announced.

"Hey Yueyue. Are you okay?" her manager asked her. She guided Yue in a chair.

Yue bit her lip to control her sobs.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Manager Xie was worried of her.

"I'm fine! You don't have to worry about me Manager Xie."

"You don't have to lie to me okay? I know you better than anyone else!" her manager almost shouted at her in annoyance.

Yue hid her face with her hands and started crying again. She's hurting big time! She didn't know that falling in love would hurt her this much. But she knew that loving didn't really hurt her but her expectations did.

She thought that Dylan likes her too. He took his gestures differently when in fact those are just friendly acts.

Her manager sat beside the empty chair next to her and hugged her tightly.

"If you don't like to share your problem to me now. Then it's okay. But just remember you can tell me everything when you're ready. okay?" and she hugged Yue tighter.


3rd month of shooting..

Yue opened the lift and pressed her suite's floor button. She was about to close it when a hand blocked it from closing.

"Oh sorry." she immediately pressed the open button.

"Whoo! It's okay." Connor smiled. But his face
was obviously distorted maybe because of pain.

"Hey! Are you sure you're okay?" She asked full of concern.

Connor gave her a reassuring smile that he's really okay.

Silence filled the lift after. Yue didn't want to talk that much. She just wanted to lie down on her bed and rest. She thought talking would exhaust her more.

The lift opened and both Yue and Connor stepped out when two people caught their attention.

Dylan was on bended knees and was tying Sunqian's shoelace.

How sweet! Yue rolled her eyes.

Her heart hurts again.

She remembered Dylan telling her that if he'll have a girlfriend she'll surely pamper her.

"This is good now!" Dylan declared.

Sunqian hugged Dylan to thank him. "Thanks Buddy!"

Buddy?? why is she calling Dylan her buddy?

She was about to speak up when Dylan answered Sunqian.

"Anything for you buddy!" he smiled lovingly at the girl.

Sunqian loosened her hug from Dylan and started giggling like a crazy woman.

Yue bit her lips to control her tears! You're not crying in front of them Yue! She reminded herself!


She was drowned by her own thought when Connor got her attention.

"Yue. I'll go ahead."

She smiled sadly and nodded.

She was about to walk out from the place when Dylan noticed her.

"Yue!" he shouted.

Yeah. He's calling her by her name now.

"Sunqian and I are going on hotpot date! You wanna come with us?"

Yue stopped from walking. And turned to face Dylan.

And regretted it after.

Dylan and Sunqian were holding each other's hand.

"No thanks." she answered almost a whisper.

"Are you sure? I'll treat you! Come on!" Dylan held her hand and started pulling her.

Yue rolled her eyes and grabbed her hand from his hold. "Dylan!! I'm not going with you okay?!" she shouted.

"Hey! You don't have to shout at me."

Yue sighed and apologized for her behavior.

"Sorry.. I just finished a difficult scene. I was exhausted. I wanna go with you but I'm too tired." She lied.

Dylan examined her face. He was staring at her intently as if he's solving a difficult puzzle.

"Oh it's okay Yue! We understand you." Sunqian answered. "Buddy! let's go now! It's getting late already."

Dylan agreed with Sunqian and both of them started walking.

Yue just stared at them. Dylan was holding Sunqian's hand and carefully guiding her inside.

Sunqian waived her free hand to Yue to bid goodbye. While Dylan silently stood beside the girl.

The lift's door totally closed. And as if on cue, Yue's tears started to fall again.

Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't.

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