Chapter 3

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It's been a month since they have started shooting for Meteor Garden.

Yue's friendship with Dylan has gone into another level. Or that's what she thought.

Tho Dylan is known for his playfulness and bullying skills. He would also pamper her from time to time.

Dylan made her feel things unfamiliar to her. He always make her heart flutter with his sweet gestures. He would always check on her if she's still fine or already tired from shooting. Asked her if she has already eaten or remind her that it's already time to eat. Or do things that only a boyfriend would do to his girlfriend.

Yue was sitting on a bench. Waiting for her time to shoot when Dylan approached her.

"Buddy! What are you doing here?" He sat beside her leaving no space for air to pass in between them.

"Rehearsing my lines." she smiled sweetly at him.

"You should have called me! I'll practice with you." he smiled mischievously.

Yue shook her head. "What are you planning to do huh?" she punched his chest.

Dylan laughed at her. "What? Why are you so malicious!" he commented.

Yue squinted her eyes and examined if he's telling her the truth.

"I'm telling you the truth! I really want to practice my lines with you too." He encircled his arm on her waist.

Yue's heart started beating wildly. This is her closest interaction with Dylan without them fighting or wrestling. They would often wrestle and bicker off shoot and it would lead them being touchy with each other. But this time, this is just them talking.

Her face started to heat. Her thoughts are making her blush.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Dylan gave Yue a weirded look.

"Mm.. Yes! Ofcourse!" she immediately stood up to free herself from Dylan's touch.

"Hey buddy!" Dylan held her hand and stopped her from walking away.

His hand touching hers made her heart beat doubled. This is not good!

"Dylan.. I need to go to the rest room first." she grabbed her hand from his hold and started walking out of Dylan's sight.

"Buddy! You're acting weird today!" Dylan's voice echoed. And Yes! He's right! She's really acting weird today.


They're already in their last shooting sequence for the day. And they're shooting Daoming Si forcing to kiss Shan Cai. This is their first kissing scene and both of them are really nervous.

"Whooh" Dylan made this weird sound to ease his nervousness.

Yue on the other hand was just silent. She's silently observing Dylan's every move.

She stared at this giant kid in front of her. Dylan makes her happy. His childish acts and craziness makes her day complete. He makes her day complete. And she just realized that she has already fallen for him.

"Hey! Let's do this! It's just a kiss anyway!" Dylan patted her head.

Yue nodded mindlessly.

"We're both actors right? Let's get into the role! Let's not take this personally. We just need to act."

She smiled sadly. She didn't know what to feel. Hearing those things from him slapped her with the reality that he doesn't feel the same way for her.

"Ofcourse! Why would i take this personally? Idiot!" She joked but deep inside her heart is breaking.

Dylan smiled and patted her head.

"And that's my girl!"

This day Yue wished she could just stop loving him so that she could just free herself from the pain of him not being able to love her back.

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