Chapter 13

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Dylan followed Yue in the hotel. He was running fast not minding the people looking at him.

"Hey Didi! Where are you going?" Xize asked when he bumped with Dylan.

"Have you seen Yue?" Dylan was catching his breath from running.

"I bumped with her at the lobby. She was running too." Xize answered. "Oh. By the way, why are you both running?" he raised his brow. He was waiting for Dylan's answer but he didn't get one from him.

"So nosy." Dylan pushed Xize out of his way and continued looking for Yue.

"Tsk.. Why am i friends with crazy people?" Xize shrugged.

Dylan went to the girl's hotel room to look for Yue. But Yue wasn't there.

"I haven't seen her yet. She hasn't come back in our room since this morning." Jiaqi told Dylan. "I thought you went with her in the beach. Why are you looking for her?"

"Mm.." He scratched his head. "She left me. Mm.. Never mind Jiaqi. I'll just look for her." and without saying goodbye, he started running again to look for Yue.

Dylan continued looking for Yue. He went to the pool area but she wasn't there. He went to the cafeteria, lobby and garden but she wasn't there too. He was beginning to get impatient. He wanted to find her but she was nowhere to be found.

He remembered Yue brought her phone with her in the beach. Right! He can call her and ask her where she is. He searched for his phone in his pockets but unfortunately, he didn't bring it with him. So he decided to go back in his room to get it instead.

He was on his way to his room when he saw Yue.

His jaw tightened and he clenched his fists. He just saw Yue with Connor. And Damn it! Why are they hugging each other?

Wow. Is she playing prank on him? She just told him she likes him right? But why on earth is she on someone else's arms? He was lost for a moment.

He immediately regretted what happened in the beach. That could have been his chance to express his true feelings for her.

"Yu.." he was about to get Yue's attention when someone hugged him from behind.


He turned around to see who was hugging him and found out it was Sunqian. Why is she here? He thought.

"Dylan I miss you!" she encircled her arms on his shoulders and nuzzled on his neck. "I miss you so much."

"Hey.." he was about to loosen her hug but Sunqian hugged him tighter.

"1 more minute please." she pleaded.

Yue was startled when she heard Dylan's name. She slightly pushed Connor and searched for Dylan. And then she found him hugging Sunqian.

Her chest tightened. Her eyes started to blur again. She bit her lips to control her tears. She shouldn't cry.

She was snapped back to reality when she felt Connor's hand on hers. She felt awkward with him after what happened.

"Sorry about what happened awhile ago Yue.. I.."

"Connor! Let's not talk about it." Yue massaged her head. Everything seems so complicated for her.

"Okay. But I'm really sorry!" sincerity was evident in his voice. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

Yue nodded. She wanted to get out of the place. Her heart couldn't take another heartbreak.

She stared at Dylan one more time. She sighed. Atleast she has done her part.

And then she started to walk away..

This is it! She finally decided to walk away from him and her feelings for him. No turning back this time!

How brave of her to walk away knowing that her heart would take a hit. So brave of her to choose herself over someone who stopped appreciating everything she is. Someday, that braveheart will find someone she truly deserves.

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