Chapter 12

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"Holiddday breeeaaak!" Yue screamed in happiness as she watched the waves moves back and forth to the shore.

Dylan laughed at her cute reaction.

"Thank you for coming with me Di!" Yue turned to face Dylan and smiled. "I know you're tired from the trip but you chose to accompany me instead of taking a rest."

They arrived in the resort so early that the others decided to take a rest first before they go on exploring the place. But Yue wanted to see the beach so she decided to go alone but good thing Dylan volunteered to go with her.

"I'm fine." he patted her head and gave her a reassuring smile.

Yue was so happy she got to spend time with Dylan again. After almost drifting away from each other, they tried to fix things between them. He slowly gained her trust again.

Dylan has become more clingy and gentle to her now more than ever. She remembered Sunqian telling her how Dylan hates clingy people when in fact he's the most clingy guy she ever met.

"Hey! Why don't we go over there?." Dylan pointed at the farthest part of the shore, where the big rocks are located.

Yue agreed and they went to the place together. Dylan was holding her hand as they walked on the shore. Her hand just fit perfectly with his.

They explored the place and took some pictures before they decided to sit down under the shade of the big rocks.

"This place is really nice!" Dylan commented as he looked at Yue's camera full of their pictures.

He was talking random things when he noticed Yue was not responding. She was just there sitting beside him, staring at him and not talking.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Dylan waved his hand on her face.

Yue sighed and nodded before she looked away and stared blankly at the sea.

"Dylan I have something to tell you.." she paused. She was having doubts if she has to tell him her feelings for him or not.

"What is it?" Dylan moved closer to her.

"I.." she sighed. She couldn't say it.

"Hey. You what?" He held her chin and made her face him.

"I.. I like you Dylan."

Dylan was taken aback with what he heard from Yue. She likes him? His heart beats doubled.

The past few weeks were difficult for him.
Dylan was like a lost boy trying to find himself. But too weak and afraid to know the answers of his questions. He didn't want to take the risks.

The atmosphere became awkward. Only the whooshing noise of the waves can be heard.

Yue felt embarassed when Dylan didn't say a thing.

"I like you but don't mind it. I'm not telling you to like me too." she was about to stand up when Dylan held her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I.." he couldn't continue. Is he ready for this?

Yue felt her chest tightened. That's it! He doesn't feel the same for her.

She brushed off his hands on her waist and stood up. She didn't want him to see her crying. That would be too much embarrassment for her.

"I need to go back to the hotel." she said and ran away from him.

Dylan watched Yue as she ran away. He watched her until she slowly disappeared from his sight. What's wrong with him? Why he couldn't say it back? When the truth is she likes her too. A lot! She makes him happy. She makes him laugh. She's smart. She's different. She's a little crazy and awkward. She's far from his ideals of being cool but he definitely likes her or maybe love her. She's the answers to his questions.

He's young and has never been in a serious relationship. He had dated before but that's it. No serious commitment. Basically, all these emotions are new to him. His reaction to her confession was a proof how inexperienced he was. He actually fell for her before he even realized he did.

Dylan immediately stood up and ran to follow Yue. This time he's not running away from his feelings. This time he'll take the risks.

Forget the risk and take the fall, if that's what you want, then it's worth it all.

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