Chapter 16

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Sunqian stormed out of the room and slammed the door when Dylan came back with Yue and announced thay they're officially together.

Yue shifted her gazed from Sunqian to Dylan and urged him to follow her. Afterall, he owed her some explanation.

"Sunqian! Wait!" Dylan called.

Sunqian turned around to face him. Tears all over her face.

"What now?!" she shouted at him. "You've hurt me Dylan! I hate you!"

Dylan tried to reach for her hand but she immediately took it away.

"Sunqian. Sorry if i hurt you. Sorry if I confused you with my actions. But I already told you from the beginning that I don't want anything from you other than friendship." he sighed.

"I know!" she smirked. "It's my fault that I misunderstood all your friendly actions towards me! It's my fault that I didn't take seriously that you only want friendship from me! Nothing more nothing less!" she shook her head and tried faking a laugh. "But you told me you're not yet ready to be in a relationship! That you wouldn't ruin a friendship for label!"

"I was wrong then.." Dylan sighed. "I wasn't really ready for it until I realized I have feelings for Yue. She makes me happy and complete. I feel jealous everytime she gives her attention to other guys other than me. I'm a jealous and possesive jerk when it comes to her. I want her for myself alone." he paused. "I realized I love Yue more than friends and I'm very much prepared to risk my heart for her."

"I should have known better." she smirked. Her tears still streaming down her face. "I should have known that you are in love with her! Everytime you're with me, you only talk about her! How smart and witty she is! How funny, cute and lovable she is! How she makes you laugh with her craziness! How a simple bickering with her completes your day! How lucky you are to have a buddy like her!" she laughed sarcastically. "Wow! I should have known better!"

Dylan sighed. All along he was in love with Yue.

"Sorry Sunqian."

"It's fine! I thought I could replaced her by being the best 'buddy' to you. But guessed I'm wronged." she shook her head.

It was her idea to let Dylan call her 'Buddy' too.. to replace Yue in Dylan's life. "I got the endearment but never got her place in your life!"

Dylan didn't say a word. He doesn't want to make things worse.

"Thanks for the false hope!" Sunqian gave Dylan a hard slap on his face before she walked away.

Dylan shook his head as he watched Sunqian slowly disappeared from his sight.

Sunqian took her phone inside her pocket and dialled someone's number.

"Let's meet somewhere private! We need to talk! You need to help me get back at Dylan and Yue for what they did to me!" she told the person she's talking to in the other line.

"Okay. Anything for you."

She nodded and wiped her tears when she got the answer she wanted to hear.

She then ended the phonecall and put her phone back inside her pocket.

"I'll make sure you'll choose me in the end Dylan!" she smiled evilly at her own thoughts.

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