Chapter 15

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"Jiaqi.. I'm not really hungry." Yue insisted.

They're already near the entrance of the buffet area and Jiaqi was pulling Yue to get inside with her.

"What's really wrong with you? You're acting weird." Jiaqi commented. "Did you and Connor fight?"

Yue denied. "No! alright. alright. I'm going inside with you!"

Jiaqi smiled from ear to ear. "Good! Anyway, Dylan was looking for you since this morning. What happened between you two? I thought you went out with him to go strolling on the beach."

Yue felt the heat on her cheeks as she remembered her awkward confession and how it was rejected.

"Mm.. No-nothing." she replied.

"If you say so.." Jiaqi shrugged her shoulders, unsatisfied with her friend's answer.


Dylan was sitting comfortably on his seat. He was side eyeing Connor who was just sitting next to him on the table. He can't control himself and frowned at him. He thought Yue was with him.

"Hey Connor! I thought Yue was with you?" Xize asked.

Dylan thanked Xize in his mind for expressing his thoughts.

"She told me she wanted an alone time for herself." Connor replied.

"Hey Connor! I've heard you and Yue are getting along so well with each other huh! Are you two dating? I saw both of you hugging each other this morning." Sunqian smiled meaningly.

Connor faced Sunqian with his poker face on and didn't say a word. He just shrugged his shoulders before he drank from his glass of wine.

Dylan rolled his eyes and smirked at Connor's reaction. Yue doesn't like you anyway. She likes me. He thought.

Dylan straightened his back when the door opened. Jiaqi and Yue entered the room.

He silently observed Yue. She was uneasy and tensed. She couldn't even raised her head to face everyone.

Xize sighed deeply as a sign of relief. "Oh thank God! Now we can start eating! Since we're all complete! I'm really hungry!" he stated.

"Yueyue! Where have you been?" YiHan asked. She was sitting next to her boyfriend, Kuan.

"Mmm.. I.. I we-went" Yue stuttered. She didn't know what to say. Everyone was staring at her, waiting for her answer and it made her more awkward and conscious.

"I found her near the beach." Thank God Jiaqi answered for her.

"Ahh Yes! I.. I" her words were cut off when Dylan suddenly stood up from his seat.

He was staring at her intently. His brows are furrowed and his jaws are tightened.

Everyone looked at Dylan.

Yue raised her brow at him. Questioning him what's with his angry expression. She was about to say something when Dylan started walking on her direction. Her heartbeat doubled. Always his effect on her.

"He-hey!" she was shocked when Dylan entertwined their hands and started pulling her to the exit. "Where are we going?!"

He was holding her hand tightly. Seems like her world has stopped. She can't hear anything other than her heart beating wildly.

"We need to talk in private!"

"We don't have something to talk about! Just let me go.." she protested. But Dylan didn't let her go. He dragged her out of the room instead.

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