Chapter 25 (part 2)

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Jiaqi was disturbed from her sleep when someone knocked on the door of her hotel room.

"Wahh" she yawned and stretched her arms before she went down on the bed and walked to the door and opened it.

"Goodmorning!" a smiling Yue greeted Jiaqi.

Jiaqi screamed in happiness and hugged Yue tightly.

"You're here!! I thought you're not gonna make it!"

"Anything for you Jiaqi! Who am I to ditch my bestfriend on her special day huh?" she smiled.

"I love you Yueyue!"

"I love you too!"

Jiaqi pulled Yue inside the room and made her sit on the couch.

"How are you? Are you done with your filming?" Jiaqi sat beside Yue.

"Yes! I asked the producer and director if I can shoot my solo scenes ahead of time so I can make it to your wedding." she smiled.

"Aww. You're so sweet. So how are you? it's been how many months since we last saw each other?! Do you have a boyfriend now? "

Yue shook her head and smiled. "Wow! Your future husband influenced you huh! Never thought you'll become nosy like him!"

Jiaqi scratched her head and pouted. "Hey! Don't speak bad about Xize!" she complained.

Yue just laughed. "Are you sure you'll marry Xize?"

"What kind of question is that huh! Ofcourse I'm 100% sure!" Jiaqi answered back.

"Alright. alright! I was just kidding." Yue laughed again.

Jiaqi stared at the smiling Yue and smiled. Her heart is full. Seeing her best friend smiling and happy makes her happy too.

Her eyes started to blur as she remembered everything her friend had gone through.

"Hey! Why are you crying?" Yue moved closer to Jiaqi and hugged her.

"I'm just happy that you're happy now." she sobbed.

Yue smiled and patted her bestfriend's back. "Thanks to you. I would have not survived everything without your help."

Jiaqi wiped off her tears and laughed. "urghh. This is so cheesy." she shook her head. "I'll take a bath first so we could go to the hotel's restaurant so we can have our breakfast. Xize is already waiting for us."

Yue smiled and nodded.

It has been 6 years since her heart was broken for the first time. Jiaqi was the one who helped her alot. She never left her.

Yue smiled remembering that phase in her life. There were those days that she didn't recognize herself. But she fought and brought back that girl that she used to be. She believed she could, so she did. But she knows in her heart that one piece of her is still missing.


Yue and Jiaqi went to the restaurant to meet Xize. The beach wedding will be tomorrow but they checked in 1 day ahead for the preparations.

"Hon! Look who's with me!" Jiaqi went over to her fiance and gave him a hug.

Yue smiled at the couple. Who would have thought these two will end up together? She was surprised when Jiaqi told her last year that Xize and her were already dating and was even surprised when they announced that they're getting married.

"Yueyue! Long time no see!" Yue smiled at Xize and went over to him.

"Long time no see nosy boy!" she teased.

The three of them sat down and ordered their foods. They were happily talking random things when someone coughed. Obviously faking it. They turned to face the man standing behind them.

"Dylan!" Xize called out. His stares shifted from Dylan to Yue. The two were staring at each other with longing in their eyes.

"Hey! Dylan! Come and join us." Jiaqi invited.

Dylan smiled. "Yue, can I talk to you?"

The couple was dumbfounded. Dylan could be straightforward most of the times. They shifted their gaze from Dylan then to Yue. She wasn't responding but she's smiling.

"Yue, can I talk to you?" he repeated. Praying she would say Yes.

Yue didn't bat an eye. Her heart fluttered from seeing him and hearing his voice after 6 long years. She smiled genuinely at him.

🎶If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?🎶

"Yes ofcourse." she answered.

Dylan scratched his head like a shy boy. "Somewhere private?" he blushed and offered his hand to her.

Yue nodded. She stood up and faced Dylan. She somehow missed him.

The one in front of her was the only person who has ever made her cry that much. The only person who has hurt her badly. But somehow he's still the only person who still owns her heart.

🎶If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?🎶

She received his hand that fits perfectly with hers.

🎶If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?🎶

He tightened his hold on hers and started walking away. They were silent. No one dared to talk again but they felt the love and connection in their heart.

🎶If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?🎶

Yue smiled at their holding hands. She stared at Dylan's back and sighed. She truly knows in her heart that he's that one piece of her that is missing.

He's still the one for her.


🎶I never know what the future brings,
But I know you are here with me now,
We'll make it through,
And I hope you are the one I share my life with...

I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand,
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?🎶

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