Chapter 6

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"Are you okay?"

Yue wiped her tears and composed herself.

She turned to face Connor.

"Yeah I'm fine! Something got inside my eyes! I'm tearing up because it's too painful." she lied.

Connor didn't say a thing and just watched her every move.

"I saw everything." he commented.

Yue bit her lip. Now she's doomed.

"Connor, don't tell anyone about this please." she pleaded.

Connor stared at her and nodded. "Your secret is safe with me." he assured her.

"Thank you." Yue bowed her head. Her thoughts were completely haywired.

"Treat me as a friend Yue. You can tell me everything and I'm willing to listen."

Yue was doubtful at first. She didn't want anyone to know about her feelings for Dylan but she needed to express it too. And she thought Connor could help her.

Yue and Connor decided to go on a nearby coffee shop. They were seated at the farthest corner of the shop.

"This is my treat." Connor declared.

"No. no. This is my treat! My way of thanking you for keeping my secret."

"If you insist then." Connor smiled at her.

She was never close to Connor. He is the serious type among the F4. She couldn't even remember a moment where they had a full conversation. The situation just made her awkward.

"So, you like Didi right?"

Yue blushed at the question. Dammit! This guy is very straightforward. She thought.

She was dumbfounded and couldn't say a word. Why would he asked her such question when in fact he already found her ugly crying for the guy.

Connor laughed at Yue's reaction. "You don't have to answer that question. I already made up my mind awhile ago that you like him. I was just watching your reactions while you were with them.." he paused and looked at Yue straight in the eyes. "..and I can see you were hurting."

Yue pouted. "Am I too obvious?"

"Mm.." Connor thought for awhile before he answered her. "I don't know if you're quite a good actress that you fooled Dylan or he was just stupid and naive. But I think it's the latter."

Yue smiled at Connor's remarks.

"When did you start liking him?"

"I don't know either. He really caught my attention during the story conference. At first I thought he's arrogant and intimidating but when i got to know him more, he's the total opposite of my first impression of him."

"Was it love at first sight?"

Yue pouted hearing Connor's question. "Ofcourse not! Aren't you listening huh?" she acted mad.

"Okay. Please go on. I'll listen this time." he joked.

"Dylan was giving me mix signals. I thought of his gestures differently. I thought he likes me based on how he treats me. He's a natural bully to me but he's also soft and gentle to me as well. There were also times that he would be so sweet and clingy.." she paused and sighed. "..I shouldn't have assumed. That's my fault."

"He's an asshole!"

Yue was taken aback with what Connor has said. She never imagined something like that would come out on his mouth.


"I said Didi is an asshole! He confused you with his actions. He's a natural jerk!"

Yue agreed with Connor. Yes! That's true! He confused her with his actions.

"You're basically in love with an asshole." Connor added.

Yue laughed at his comment. She didn't know he has a sense humor.

"You know what? You're much prettier when you're happy."

Yue smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

"for the compliment or for keeping your secret?" Connor asked.

"No." Yue shook her head and smiled again. "For making me feel better."

Connor just answered her with a smile and nodded. He was flattered.

"Friends?" he offered his hand to her.

"Aren't we friends?" Yue asked in confusion. Yes they're not close or something but she considered him as a friend.

Connor laughed at her reaction. "I want to be that friend who you would want to talk to everytime you have problems. I would always listen." he smiled at her. "So friends?"

Yue smiled and agreed. "Friends!" and she received his hand for a handshake.

Well, for Shen Yue, there is always a room in her heart for one more friend. So she'll gladly accept another friend like Connor.

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