Chapter 4

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As the days passed by, Yue's feelings for Dylan just became stronger and stronger each day.

She tried to distance herself from him but totaly failed. Dylan is a clingy buddy. No matter how she tried to avoid him, he wont just let her.

"Hey! Shen Yue! Are we okay? Do we have problem?" he followed Yue to her room.

All the casts were given individual rooms in a nearby hotel near their shooting location.

"Dylan will you give me a break?" Yue shouted in frustration. She's trying her best to avoid him. To avoid this growing feelings for him.

"What?! why are you acting weird lately? Is something bothering you? Are you sick?" he put the back of his hand or her neck to check if her temperature is high.

Yue sighed in frustration. Hot tears started streaming down her face.

Dylan panicked when he saw Yue crying.

"Hey buddy! What's wrong?" he grabbed her for a hug.

Yue hid her face on Dylan's chest. She needed to cry this pent-up emotion.

"Just tell me what's wrong buddy!"

Yue slightly pushed Dylan and wiped her tears away. "Nothing's wrong Di! I was just stress out with work lately. I don't know how to balance acting from reality anymore." she told him straight in the eyes hoping he'll get what she's trying to say.

"Don't worry too much about it okay?! You're not chosen as Shan Cai for nothing right? Jiayou!" he told her the exact lines she told him for encouragement.

Yue smiled and nodded.

Guess she'll never get away with her feelings for him.


It was another day for the whole casts. Yue had a good sleep and claimed that this day will be a great day for her. She has already decided not to hold back her feelings for Dylan anymore.

Jiayou self! She smile at her thought.

It was already 7 am in the morning and Yue decided to grab some breakfast. She went to the buffet area and was about to enter the door when she overheard Dylan, Xize and Kuan talking.

"Bro, are you sure you don't have feelings for Yue?" Xize asked Dylan.

Dylan laughed at his friend's question.

"What are you talking about?! Yue is my buddy, she's like a sister to me!"

Yue clutched her chest. The pain is real.

"But everytime you're with her it's different!" Xize insisted.

"Ofcourse it's different! I'm comfortable with Yue. I can be myself when I'm with her but it doesn't mean that I like her romantically." Dylan explained.

Xize nodded. "Do you believe in him Kuan?"

Kuan just shrugged. "If he says so."

Yue's brain cannot process all she the things she heard from that conversation. She was about to leave when Dylan talked again.

"So will you help me now? Will you ask SunQian's number for me brothers?"

"You really like the girl huh?" Xize playfully punched Dylan.

"I don't know.. But there's something in her! She's cool and straightforward! She has the quality i want for a girlfriend." Dylan smiled.

Xize and Kuan laughed as they shook their heads. Their friend is whipped.

What they didn't know that there was someone standing behind the door, crying her pain away.

Love is worth fighting for, but not if you're the only one fighting for it.

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