Chapter 25 (Ending)

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"How are you?" Dylan asked Yue.

They were standing in the farthest part of the beach, facing the sea and listening to the whooshing sound of the waves. They were already standing there for more than 30 minutes. Just feeling each other's presence. No one talked until Dylan dared to ask.

"I'm fine. How about you?" Yue glanced at Dylan.

He looks very different from the last time she saw him. His built has become more manly. He has become more handsome than ever. She blushed when Dylan caught her staring.

Yue faked a cough. "How are you? What's keeping you busy now?" she asked again.

Dylan stared at Yue and smiled. He missed the girl so much.

"I'm fine. I have pursued my dream of becoming a pilot. I finished the remaining units in civil aviation and took training flight courses after I graduated." he answered back. "And I just came back from Paris. That's my last flight before I filed for a leave so that I can attend Xize and Jiaqi's wedding."

Yue nodded. Dylan once told her that he likes to pursue his dreams of becoming a pilot. And so he did. She was genuinely happy for him.

"I'm happy that you pursued your dream." she smiled. "Did you leave showbiz to pursue your career now?"

"It's one of the reasons why I left showbiz." he answered back.

Yue nodded. "Then what's your main reason then?" she knows it was none of her business but she was curious.

It was actually her who left showbiz first. She left showbiz, months after the airing of meteor garden. But she came back 4 years after but was surprised with the news that Dylan left showbiz for good.

"I just thought that you left your passion for acting because we were on the same industry. I just thought you hate me that much that you wouldn't want to come back because of me." he paused and glanced at her. "And I think I was right." he assumed. "You came back after I left."

"Why do you assume too much?" Yue rolled her eyes. "I came back not because you had left. I was even shocked that you quit for good. Your career was in top of the league that time."

"Wow. I didn't know you were stalking me." he joked. "I thought you wanted to get rid of me in your life?"

Yue felt her face heated.

"Excuse me. I wasn't stalking! it was just that you were getting popular that your name and face were almost everywhere." she reasoned out.

"So how about you? Why did you leave months after our break up? So that you can fully moved on from me? You told me you wanted to love yourself first. Was it a success?" He can't help but asked those questions. His heart still hurts with the thought that she had finally moved on from him.

Yue just stared at him without batting an eye. She sighed.

"Dylan.. I left because it was the right thing to do." she stared at him with her sad eyes. "But thank you for giving me that chance to love myself again. If it wasn't for my broken heart I wouldn't have find the courage to bring that girl who i used to be." she sighed. She looked at him straight in the eyes. "You allowed me to grow and heal on my own." her vision blurred because of her tears. "Thank you Dylan."

"Did you even loved me Yue?"  his voice cracked from crying.

"I have always loved you Dylan." Yue cried her heart out.

Dylan reached for Yue and hugged her tightly. "Yue, my love for you didn't change. If it did, it became stronger and deeper. I love you so much that time and distance didn't lessen my love for you."

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