Chapter 17

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Dylan nuzzled more on his girlfriend's neck as he tightened their hug. They were lying on one of the sun loungers on the beach area.

Yue sighed. "Sunqian must be really hurt. This is all your fault!" she pushed Dylan's head away from her.

"Tsk.. I told her from the start that I just want to hang out with her because I find her cool. When she told me she likes me more than friends I immediately told her I cannot reciprocate her feelings." he reasoned out. And put his head back on Yue's neck.

Yue pouted. She felt really bad for Sunqian.

"Wow." Xize slow clapped as he sat down on the next sun lounger. "You can freely use my room if you want to." he whispered.

Dylan smirked. He loosened his hug and faced Xize. "Hey! Idiot! You sure? I won't say no.. Ouch! What the.." he was cut off mid sentence when Yue slapped the back of his head with her hand.

"Dylaannn! What the hell?" Yue blushed. She fully understands what Dylan is trying to say. What a pervert!

"Hey. Hey.. What's wrong with that? We are in a relationship now. We can.. Ouch!" He winced in pain when Yue hit her again. "Why are you so violent?" he complained.

Yue stared at Xize who was smiling like an idiot.

"Urgh. You're unbelievable! You can't say things like that in front of other people!" Yue stood up and walked away. Leaving Dylan with Xize.

Xize clutched his stomach and laughed so hard. He knew from the start that Dylan and Yue in a relationship will be a disaster.

"Hey! This is your fault!" Dylan threw his slipper on Xize. "You shouldn't have offered your room. I can book another room for us anyway." he took a cigarette stick and lighted it on his mouth.

He felt his muscle tense by just thinking of him and Yue inside a room. What the FA he has never been so turned on his entire life. He puffed on the cigarette to relax himself.

Xize smirked and shook his head. "Wow! You're too fast bro!"

Dylan shrugged. He finished his cigarette stick and followed Yue.


Yue took a deep breath as she stopped from walking. She looked around and found out she was already in the farthest end of the resort.

The thought of Dylan and her inside a room made her heartbeat doubled. She shook her head and lightly patted her cheeks with her hands.
She felt her face heat up.

"I shouldn't think too much." she pouted.

Yue was snapped back to reality when someone hugged her from behind.

She didn't turn around. She knew it was Dylan.

"Why did you walk away?" he asked as he put his chin on her shoulder. He adjusted his height so that he can easily wrap his arms on her stomach.

"Urggh." Yue rolled her eyes and groaned in frustration. "You shouldn't bring that kind of topic in front of Xize! or any of our friends!"

"What topic?" he touched his lips on her neck.

Yue opened her mouth and didn't bat an eye. She just had goosebumps.

Dylan intentionally touched his lips again on Yue's neck.

Yue turned around to face him. She stared at him and sighed. "Dylan.. I'm not ready yet!" she said it firmly.

Dylan gazed back at her and smirked. "I know." He pulled her waist closer to him and hugged her. "I know. I can wait." he told her straight in the eyes.

Yue took a deep breath and smiled. She was kinda relieved. "Thank you." and tiptoed to give Dylan a sweet kiss.

They both smiled when the kiss ended. But Dylan being Dylan pulled Yue again for a kiss. This time it's a long and deep kiss.

He was caressing her back up and down.

"Hey! You liar! You just told me you can wait!" she complained.

Dylan laughed at her reaction and shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't say making out is exempted right?" he grinned.

Yue just rolled her eyes at slapped Dylan's chest.

Dylan pulled her at his side, encircling his one arm on her waist. "Just kidding." he told her and gave her a kiss on the head.


What Dylan and Yue didn't know was that there were two pair of eyes watching them intently from a far.

"How sweet.." Sunqian commented. Bitterness evident in her voice. "We will let them enjoy this moment first." she smirked. "Right Connor?"

Connor just stared at Sunqian with a blank expression.

"Hey." she walked closer to him. "You promise you'll help me with this right?"

Connor sighed before he nodded. "Yes. Anything for you."

"Thank you!" Sunqian gave him a hug. "I don't know what to do without you."

There are two kinds of evil people in this world. People who do evil stuff and people who see evil stuff being done and don't do anything about it.

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