Chapter 14

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"Sunqian.. I already told you. I don't like clingy girls." Dylan brushed off Sunqian's arms.

After he loosened Sunqian's hug, he immediately looked for Yue. Damn it! She was gone again.

"Hey. Why are you here by the way?!" Dylan massaged his temple. Frustration was apparent in his voice.

"Kuan invited me here!" she pouted. "Hey! Aren't you happy that I'm here?" she slightly raised her voice.

Dylan shook his head in dismay. What the hell is wrong with Kuan?! He needed to talk to that jerk! He's ruining everything.

"Hey! Didi! Where are you going?" Sunqian screamed at him. But he didn't bother to look back.

He walked his way to Kuan's hotel room. He knocked hard on his door before it opened. Yi Han welcomed Dylan and invited him to get inside.

"Kuan is inside the shower." the beautiful Yi Han smiled. "You can wait for him inside. I need to go back to my room now." she went out after she bid goodbye to him.

Dylan threw himself on the bed. He was rolling over from one side to another. He can't keep his cool with what's happening between him and Yue.
Everything frustrates him.

Dylan was snapped back from his thoughts of Yue when the bathroom door opened. He immediately went over to Kuan and pulled his shirt's collar.

"What the hell are you doing Kuan?" he snapped.

Kuan on his usual poker face didn't say a word.

"Why did you invite Sunqian here?!"

"Oh? Sunqian's here?" Kuan didn't sound like he was surprised.

"Stop playing prank on me! You're doing this on purpose!" Dylan let go of Kuan and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I didn't really invite her."

"Who told her we're here then?" Dylan asked Kuan.

Kuan thought for a moment and shrugged. He has no idea too.

"Anyway, she's least of my concern right now." he sighed. "Kuan, will you help me with Yue?" He pleaded. "What I feel for her is more than friendship."

Kuan smiled meaningly. "I thought you don't like her in romantic way."

"I actually fell for her even before I realized I did. Sometimes you fall with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time." he closed his eyes.

Kuan patted his shoulder. "Didn't expect you'll realize your true feelings for her this soon. I thought you're too dense to even realize it." he laughed at him.

Dylan rolled his eyes and brushed off Kuan's hands. "I need to talk to Yue. But she's nowhere to be found. I saw her awhile ago with Connor.." he paused. Yue and Connor hugging each other was still fresh on his mind. "..I don't know where did they go."

Kuan got his phone on the table and waved it to Dylan. "I'll text Yue and Connor to meet us at the the buffet area for our lunch."

Dylan nodded. That's a better idea.


Yue received a text from Kuan that all of them are meeting in the buffet area for their lunch. She took a deep breath. She doesn't wanna go. She doesn't want to see Dylan.

She stared blankly at the sky, contemplating if she should go or not.

"Yue! I was looking for you!"

She turned her back and saw Jiaqi.

"Let's have our lunch now." Jiaqi wrapped her arms on hers ang started pulling her.

"Hey Jiaqi! I'm not hungry okay?" she reasoned out.

"No! We're eating together! We came here as a group, don't isolate yourself. Anyway where's Connor?"

Yue shrugged. "I don't know."

She shook her head and tried to forget what happened between them. He almost kissed her lips. Good thing she was fast enough to push him. He apologized for his behavior though. He told her that he was just carried away with his emotions. He hugged her and asked for her forgiveness. That's the time she saw Sunqian and Dylan hugging each other.

She felt really awkward with Connor after the incident. She treats him as a big brother. And going beyond the brotherhood relationship is never in her wildest dream. So she decided to distance herself with him. She needed time to cool down her mind.

"Hey! Yue you're in deep thought again. Do you have a problem?"

"Mm.. nothing. Never mind me."

"Always remember that I'm always here for you okay?" Jiaqi reassured Yue.

"Thanks Jiaqi." Yue smiled genuinely. Good thing she still has her.

Close friends are really life's treasures. Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself. They're the ones who are willing to help you in times of trouble.

Dylan and Yue are fortunate enough to have their friends, like Kuan and Jiaqi in their lives.

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