Chapter 18

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Last taping day of Meteor Garden 2018. Everyone, from the filming crew to the casts, went to the set in high spirit that their last shooting day will be great.

Dylan and Yue, who were celebrating their 3rd month of being an official couple, were busy flirting with each other. They were resting on a couch inside the waiting room. Waiting for their turn to film.

"Happy third month babe." Dylan hugged his girlfriend and pecked on her lips.

"Happy third month love." Yue answered lovingly. She giggled when Dylan kissed her again. "Hey! Someone might see us!" she laughed.

"I don't care." he answered before he gave her a short but sweet kiss again.

"Seriously Dylan?" Xize rolled his eyes at the two lovebirds. He was sitting with Jiaqi and Kuan on the couch just parallel to where Dylan and Yue were sitting. Apparently, they can see all the lovey doveys' sweet gestures to each other.

"Yes guys! Please get a room!" Jiaqi joked.

Dylan shrugged and just continued hugging Yue.

"Why do you always spoil our moment?"

"You're like our bashers! So Killjoys!" Yue added and laughed.

Kuan just smiled while looking at his friends. His friends' happiness is always his happiness too.

"Babe, i have a gift for you." Dylan whispered to Yue. He has long prepared to give this gift to her.

Yue excitedly faced Dylan. She loves gifts an surprises! "What is it?" she asked. Actually she also prepared a gift for Dylan.

Dylan smiled and pulled the gift out of his pocket.

Everyone gasped when they saw Dylan pulled out a red velvet box from his pocket.

"What the.. Are you going to propose bro?" Xize asked. He wasn't expecting this to happen sooner than he imagined.

"Are you going to say yes Yue?" Jiaqi asked her friend without batting an eye.

"Hey! What are you saying?" Dylan blushed and he opened the box.

"Wooww!" Yue bit her lips to control her excitement. It was so beautiful!

"This one is for you babe." Dylan pulled out the necklace from it's box and showed it to Yue. It was a moon orbit necklace. "It's actually a couple necklace." he blushed. "So I got mine too."

"Wow! So sweet.." Jiaqi can't help but comment. And felt dreamy while staring at her friends.

Xize's face distorted. He shook his head in disbelief. He never thought being in love would make Dylan so cheesy. He didn't imagine this to happen. His main man is so whipped. He smirked at the thought.

"Thanks love!" Yue gave Dylan a tight hug and a peck on his lips.

"Anything for you babe."

Dylan helped on putting the necklace on Yue. And it really looked good on her.

"I also have a gift for you love." She shyly handed a small paper bag to him.

Dylan pulled out a box from the paper bag and was surprised when he opened it. A couple ring was inside the box.

"Babe, sorry but my answer is No." he joked to control his excitement.

"Idiot!" Yue laughed at his joke. "I also got us a couple ring. I was in love with the rings the first time I saw it.." she paused as she felt her cheeks heat up. "..and I thought it would fit perfectly on us."

Dylan pulled Yue for a hug and kissed her again.

"Tsk.. If we have tallied all your kisses today. I bet one whole sheet of paper is not enough!"

"Hey! Why are you so bitter? Are you a hater? You have a say in everything we do." Dylan threw a pillow on Xize. He was directly hit on the face and it made everyone laughed.

Dylan got the smaller ring and put it on Yue's ring finger. "I love you."

"I love you too love."

She also got the other ring and put it on Dylan's ring finger but stucked midway.

"Yue! I guessed, you got the wrong ring size for Dylan." Jiaqi commented.

"What? I think I just have to push it harder." and she did but unfortunately it didn't work.

"Ouch." Dylan winced in pain. "Babe, I think Jiaqi is right. The ring is too small."

"Urggh." she groaned in frustration. It was her first time to give a meaningful gift to her boyfriend but it turned out a disaster. "Sorry." she pouted.

Dylan laughed at Yue's cute reaction.

"Why your fingers have to be that long and big?! I hate it!" she pouted more.

"Whhooh. Long and big huh!" Xize teased.

Dylan rolled his eyes and threw another pillow on Xize. "Shut up!"

Yue blushed. She didn't mean it that way.

Dylan pulled Yue closer to him and got the ring out of his ring finger and slid it on his pinky.

"It still look good on my pinky tho. Right babe?"

Yue smiled and nodded. It somehow cheered her up.

"Thanks for this babe." he gave a peck on her forehead.

"I love you love."

"I love you too babe. I promised to protect you all the time. Please remember that you always have me no matter what." His words were so genuine that it melted Yue's heart. He then gave her a long and deep kiss this time.

"Ahhhh." Jiaqi screamed in excitement over the romantic experience Dylan and Yue are giving them. She's so happy for her friends.

Kuan just smiled and continued scanning his script.

"Cheesy." Xize smirked as he continued to watch the couple.

He remembered a question in an interview before.. 'If Dylan, Kuan, Connor and Yue fell into the water who would you save?' he answered Kuan because Connor can swim and Yue has Dylan.

Indeed, it's the truth. Shen Yue has Dylan Wang.

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