Chapter 8

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"Dyy.lann." Yue put her hands on his chest and tried to stop him from kissing her.

Dylan smirked and held one of her hand and kissed it.

"Do you like me?" he asked her straight in the eyes.

She was dumbfounded. She could have said yes and tell him her true feelings but she just couldn't do it.

"It doesn't really matter if you like me or not Yue. But i have to tell you this." Dylan paused and stared at her eyes lovingly. "I like you so much Buddy."

Yue closed her eyes as Dylan's face moved closer and closer to hers. They were about to kiss when someone knocked so hard on the door.

Yue was disturbed from her sleep and beautiful dream by the loud bang on her door. She lazily opened her eyes and stretched her arms.

"What was that?" she blushed as she thought of her dream. She have thought of Dylan too much before sleeping that she ended up dreaming of him.

She actually had a good night last night. Dylan invited her on a coffee date when both of them were done shooting their scenes. She was hesitant to go with him at first because she was worried that Dylan would tag along Sunqian with them.

"Why are you inviting me to have coffee with you? Why don't you invite your girlfriend?" she said it full of sarcasm.

"Why do you all assumed that Sunqian is my girlfriend huh?" Dylan answered back.

Yue was taken aback with what Dylan has said. What? She's not his girlfriend?

"You liar! You're telling that now because you want to have more girlfriends other than Sunqian!" She acted mad but deep in her heart she was hoping that he was really telling the truth.

Dylan just laughed at her.

"I'm telling the truth. She's not yet my girlfriend."

Not yet?

"So she's not "yet" your girlfriend that's why you're throwing yourself with other girls." she stated putting emphasis on the "not yet" part.

"Do you include yourself in the "other girls" too?" Dylan teased.

What an idiot! He really knows how to get back at her.

"I was just kidding!" he pulled Yue closer to him and gave her a tight hug. "Hey! I miss you!" he blurted out randomly.

Yue rolled her eyes. I miss you too. But she kept it to herself.

She sighed. She's still into him.

The "coffee date" according to Dylan went really well. They talked a lot of random things. She realized how much she miss the kind of bond with Dylan. Because for the past weeks Dylan was always with Sunqian.

Yue was snapped back to reality with the loud bangs on her door. She lazily stood up from the bed to check, who on earth would knock on her door as early as 6am.

Today is Saturday and it means rest day for her. But someone just cut her sleep.

Yue opened her door and shocked to see Dylan and Connor outside her door.

She looked at the two guys.

"Goodmorning." Connor greeted. He smiled at her.

"Goodmorning." Yue greeted back at him.

*cough *cough *cough

Both of them stared at Dylan who was obviously faking a cough to get their attention.

"Wow. What a lovely sight." Dylan commented with full of sarcasm. "Helllooo! I'm also here Yueyue if you haven't noticed" he waived his hands on her face.

Yue frowned at his statement.

"Hey. What are you doing here? I mean.. what are both doing outside my room?"

"I woke up early and was about to check on you. You haven't answered my texts and calls last night. I was worried." Connor answered.

Dylan's face was distorted from Connor's answer. "She's with me last night bro! We went on a "coffee date" and we had fun and hey! it's not her obligation to text her whereabouts to you!" he spatted.

"Oh you have a coffee date with him Yue?" Connor asked Yue instead of responding to Dylan's sudden outburst.

Yue nodded. "Ahm yes. He invited me for a cup of coffee after shooting our last scene last night." She felt shy. Connor might think that she's an easy type of girl.

Connor knew how many times he cried for Dylan and with just one invitation for a coffee date she's all head over heels again with him.

"I see.. with Sunqian?" Connor asked again.

"Ahmm no. Sunqian's shooting schedule ended the other day. Her next shooting schedule will be next month i guess?" Yue answered.

Connor nodded as if he realized something. "Now i fully understand.." he smiled at the frowning Dylan. " You invited Yue because Sunqian is not available for you." Connor smirked.

Dylan smiled sarcastically. Wow. He didn't know Connor has the guts. He was just controlling himself not to beat him up.

Yue could feel the tension building up with the two guys in front of her. She saw how Dylan smiled arrogantly at Connor, who was on his usual smiling face. Dylan's blood vessels on his neck were already protruding, his jaws are tense and his fists are clenched.

"Hey! Stop it!" Yue pushed the two guy away from each other. "Mm.. why don't we all go back to our rooms huh?" she suggested.

Connor smiled and nodded. "Okay. Glad you're fine." he patted Yue's head before he bid goodbye to her.

Yue stared at Connor as he entered inside his hotel room and turned to face Dylan. He was now leaning on the wall with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Do you have relationship with that jerk?" Dylan asked with his annoyed expression.

"He's a friend Dylan!" she snapped.

"Friend huh?" he answered sarcastically.

"That's the truth! okay? What do you want to hear from me then?"

"Tsk. Nothing." He stood straight with his hands inside his pocket.

Yue rolled her eyes at Dylan. "You're unbelievable! Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Never mind."

And with that he turned his back at Yue and walked out.

"Hey Dylan! Didi!" Yue called out his name. But Dylan just walked straight and didn't turn his back again.

"Idiot! You're messing with my feelings again! Urggh" She groaned in frustration.

Feeling unsure is part our lives. But never play with someone's feelings just because you're unsure of yours.

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