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As Gabrielle rummaged through the keys behind the desk looking for what she assumed was the best room, she heard someone enter the door, right to where she was standing.

"Hello?" The random women spoke, causing Gabrielle to cringe as she turned around, to face the woman.

"I wasn't doing anything." Gabrielle spoke, hoping the woman in front of her didn't work at this hotel, and also hoping she knew english.

"Do you work here?" The blonde woman asked, smiling. Gabrielle's eyes widened at the question, she was silent for a moment genuinely contemplating whether she should lie to the stranger. Deciding against that, Gabrielle sighed, shrugging her shoulders before replying with a quiet no.

"Oh, let me join you behind there then." The girl spoke making her way behind the counter to where Gabrielle was stood. Gabrielle grinned already liking this girl, before going back to trying to find the best room.

"I'm Donna by the way." The now named blonde spoke, looking at the other red headed girl. Gabrielle turned towards her returning the big smile Donna held on her face.

"Gabrielle, you can shorten it if you want." She replied. The two were still smiling at each other, knowing they were going to be good friends. Their friendly discussion was put to an end when a man walked down the stairs in just a bath robe.

"Eh, excusez-moi?" He said, the two females quickly turned around and stood up straight acting like what they were doing wasn't mildly illegal. "Bonjour, mademoiselles. Je suis locked out de me chambre.

"Urm we" Gabrielle began only to be cut off by the boy still talking.

"Je, urm, put my tray out don le corridor, me — con je turned back la port ette femme e mant nom je need, urm, spare key por, urm, re entre don la chambre. S'il vous plaît mademoiselles." He continued to speak broken french, whilst the two girl just nodded pretending to understand what the hell he was saying.

"Sorry I didn't understand. Could you say all that again?" Donna asked, Gabrielle trying to hold in her laugh.

"Oui. Je suis... wait a second." He finally realised.

"We don't work here." Gabrielle said, a smirk on both hers and Donna faces.

"I should call the police?" He said unsure. Was he seriously asking that, Gabrielle thought.

"I'd rather you didn't." Donna said pushing the mans hand back down and off the phone.

"Not like they'd understand you." Gabrielle retorted, causing Donna to elbow her but Harry to nod in agreement.

Gabrielle noticed the boy staring at Donna, she couldn't help but find it funny, she didn't think he'd be her type, however she couldn't judge, she not even know the two 10 minutes.

Somehow Donna had convinced Gabrielle, to go out with her and Harry, and even though she didn't want to, she couldn't deny she had this feeling that her and Donna were going to go through some stuff together, and maybe this was just a part of it. Little did she know but Donna felt the same way.

"So Harry," Donna said while walking through Paris, "you work in a bank?" Gabrielle trailed behind the two slowly watching how awkward Harry was yet how carefree Donna was. The two continued conversing, Gabrielle just pulling out her camera and taking photos of the magnificent city around her. She didn't realise how far ahead Donna and Harry had gotten until her heard someone yelling her.

"Gabby!" Donna yelled waving the girl over. "We're going for something to eat, come on." Gabrielle walked over to the two, smiling before they made their way to a restaurant near by.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now