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As Gabrielle and James sat on the bed, Gabrielle insisted they shared, James brought up something that was bothering him.

"What did you mean by 'another boat boy'" He put emphasis on another, raising his eyebrows at the red headed girl. The girl chuckled lightly, shaking her head as she remembered the past 12 months or so.

"It's a long story." She said sighing, hoping that because of this he wouldn't want to hear it.

"I'm not going anywhere." He replied smirking. He knew this was the opposite to what she wanted him to say, but he just couldn't help himself.

"Brace yourself." She said laughing before going on to explain her story.

"About 12 months ago, I found myself in Paris, behind a desk trying to find the best room key to steal. Until a girl, Donna, walked in, I thought I was screwed but she joined me, it was all good. We met a boy together, Harry, he tried speaking french, it was quite hilarious. But whatever, for some reason we all went out together and ended up in a restaurant where they did some weird dance thing. Then we said bye to Harry and hi to Greece. Where boat boy comes into the story. Flirtatious, seductive, ignorant boat boy. We kinda hit it off immediately, he gave me and Donna a lift to the Island, just like you, coincidentally. I ended up going to some competition, not really, with him, where things happened, you know. But it wasn't official or anything so who am I to say he wasn't allowed to be with other girls. We got back to the island where I left Donna. She just broke up with some dude, so wanted to go out on the boat with Bill. That's boat boy by the way. Where they did things. I was a bit miffed off as you may be able to tell. But I forgave Donna, she was getting over Sam, but Bill I just couldn't. Why would he do that? Then Donna got pregnant, with either Bills, Sams or Harry's child, we couldn't get it checked. She didn't tell them. I stayed with her throughout it all and a few months after, but I have to go back to London so here I am, with you." She rambled on, getting angry, laughing and getting sad.

"Woah." James said, "Sounds..."

"Pathetic?" Gabrielle butted in, James frantically shaking his head at her answer.

"No! It sounds awful." He replied, he didn't really know how to comfort her.

"Ah it's fine. I'm over it." The girl said, smiling at the older boy.

"Did you like, boat boy?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Of course, I did. I was devastated when I found out, threatened to go back home, it was only when Donna told me she was having a child I knew I couldn't leave her."

"Where's he now?"

"I have no idea. I just hope I don't see him ever again."

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now