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Gabrielle say on the edge of the boat, taking pictures of the beautiful surroundings, just like she had the first time she was on this boat. However now, her beautiful surroundings included the owner and captain of said ship.

The red head looked up from her camera to gaze at the man, not through a machine, as she looked at him, he looked out at sea. As if he felt her stare he turned to look at her, he calm face turning into a teasing smirk.

"Like what you see?" He asked, causing the girl to smirk in return and shrug. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He continued, walking closer to the girl.

"Already have." Gabrielle replied, smiling as the man she had previously snapped came to sit next to her.

"Let me see." He said, reaching for the camera that sat on the other side of Gabrielle, the girl in between the two, pushing Bills hand away as she shook her head no.

He grabbed a hold on her arm and pushed her backwards as he went forwards so he was now on top of her, their chests touching. She tried to push him off, so he couldn't get to her camera but it was no use as the blonde had already grabbed it. Gabrielle sighed and gave in as Bill got off of her and turned her camera on to look through her photos.

"These are good." He said, looking at the beautiful photos the beautiful girl had taken.

"Well duh." She replied, lightly shoving him. "I went to college for it. Dropped out to travel though. More fun that way."

Bill couldn't take his eyes off the girl as she told him more about herself. Their conversation getting deeper and deeper about the two of them. Sharing things they wouldn't tell just anyone. It's how they knew their bond was special, how they knew it was going to last.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now