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The screams of Donna and an unknown voice caused Gabrielle to run up from where her and Bill were, Bill reluctantly following.

"What's going on?" Gabrielle asked Donna who was waving at a stranger on a boat not from from Bills.

"Hi, just checking if you're  in danger, which you're obviously not. So we'll be off." Bill says reaching for Gabrielle's hand when the man interrupts.

"My engine is not working."

"Oh, oh that is bad luck." Bill said a hint of sarcasm on his tongue, "I'll radio for someone to come and help you, they should be along soon." As he said this both Gabrielle and Donna turned to look a the blonde boy confusion on both of their faces. When Bill goes to walk away, the red headed girl doesn't hesitate to pull him back saying "Bill!"

"Please, please. There is a woman waiting for me on the mainland. Her family they not want her to marry simple fishermen like Alexio. They want rich man, ugly, fat, big long face, but rich. But her she want me and I love her with all my heart. Miss please help. Kind sir and beautiful ladies with head full of curls and fire." The two girls laugh flattered by him calling them beautiful.

"Well obviously we're doing it." Donna says turning to Bill, Gabrielle nodding her head vigorously in agreement, still smiling at the man on the little boat.

"Yes!" The two girls yell to Alexio, Donna putting her arms in the air and Gabrielle spreading hers wide.

The four travelled back to the mainland, Gabrielle taking pictures of the ocean and the sky and the outline of the island as they neared it. She briefly had a chat with Alexio before returning to her camera.

"There!" Alexio yelled pointing to the dock where a woman in a wedding gown and a few other people stood.

"I see them. Okay everyone we're nearly-" but Bill got interrupted by Alexio yelling his loves name and jumping off the boat, alerting the three other passengers. Gabrielle who was frightened by the sudden splash, tripped where she stood and landed on the floor.

Her fall diverted Bills attention from Alexio to her, and he ran up to her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, carefully pulling her up so she was standing yet again. He placed his hand on her face, checking for injuries making the red head go shy.

"I'm fine, but by the looks of it, he can't swim." Gabrielle stated pointing towards Alexio struggling to swim towards the main land.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now