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"Bill!" Gabrielle yelled, pouting whilst looking up at him. She assumed she looked like a drowned rat, however that didn't stop Bill from thinking she looked extremely cute.

"Hey, Elle." Bill replied, smiling like crazy at the redheaded girl in the sea. She grinned just as much when she heard him call her Elle. It was reserved just for him.

"Help me up then." She said, sticking her arm up so Bill could use the strength he pushed her in with to pull her out. However, Bill was having none of it as he stepped back away from the edge of the dock, knowing that Gabrielle would pull him in any chance she got.

"You're not pulling me in." Bill said laughing, as he sat right in the middle, right where Gabrielle couldn't reach him.

"You really think I'm that cliche?" She replied, pouting yet again. When Bill just shrugged, she knew he wasn't going to help her, so she swam to shore on her own.

Once she returned to land, she began walking off the the goat house as if Bill wasn't even there. He pushed her in and didn't help her; now he was paying the price.

"Where are you going?" He shouted following after the girl he liked. "Elle?"

Continuing to walk up the hill, and ignoring the shouts and the blonde, Gabrielle thought to herself the reaction of Bill upon finding out Donna was pregnant, and if Donna would even want him to know.

Gabrielle eventually reached the goat house, Bill not too far behind.

"Donna," She yelled, as she entered the house, "unfortunately, we have a visitor." Bill chuckled at Gabrielle's way of acting mad, and slowly followed the girl inside.

Donna carefully made her way down the stairs, the baby brewing inside of her was getting a tad too heavy. Gabrielle waited at the bottom, so she could catch Donna if she was to fall, and to grab onto her the second she reached the ground floor. Bill stood off to the side, shocked and excited that his friend was with child.

"Bill." Donna said, opening her arms and embracing the blonde.

"Who's the father?" Bill asked, smiling down on the stomach Donna had grown since the last time he saw her.

"One of two." Donna said shrugging, at this point it didn't really bother her who the father was. She had her child and she had her best friend, which was all she needed.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now