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Donna gave birth with Bill and Gabrielle supporting her thoroughly throughout. The pair became god parents of the little girl, and everything was perfect.

One day, Donna and Gabrielle sat in the goat house, just chatting when Donna brought up something they hadn't talked about yet.

"So, what were you doing in Paris? You're clearly not French." Donna said, lightly laughing. Gabrielle joined in the laughter shaking her head.

Bill walked in when he heard Gabrielle's melodic giggle, he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her and he leaned on her back as she sat. She grunted, hitting his arm as a sort of surrender, before pulling him to the seat next to her.

"What's with the laughter?" He asked as he sat down.

"I'm just asking Gabby about how she ended up in Paris." Donna said, looking between the two, eager to know if Bill knew.

"I'd like to know that also." Bill stated "Learn what fate brought us together." He teased.

"Well that was Gabby running late, causing us to miss the stupid ferry." Donna replied, causing all three to laugh.

"It's a long story to be honest, and not even a good one." Gabrielle said, to Donna initial question.

"We're not going anywhere." Donna said, Bill nodding in agreement.

"Well I had just dropped out of my photography course at college, and I wanted out of London. My mum was drilling me with finding a rich man, and taking over her business, which I really didn't want to do. However, my mum didn't really care what my thoughts were , if it benefited her, I was doing it." Gabrielle started, Bill and Donna looking at her intensely. It was a relief for all of them Sophie was asleep and not interrupting.

"My mum was exceptionally annoyed when I went to college for photography, that's why when I dropped out she was ecstatic, immediately starting looking at men for me to marry. It became so overwhelming in just a small matter of time, I had to leave. So I stole a ton of money from my mums bank account, and hopped on the first plane to Paris. Where I met you, Donna." Gabrielle finished, she skimmed over the story not wanting the two sat with her to get bored.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Gabby." Donna said, looking at the red headed girl with pity.

"For what?" Gabrielle asked, she didn't think Donna needed to be sorry about anything.

"For you having a shitty mum." Donna said.

"You do too. You don't need to be sorry."

"How much money do you have left?" Bill asked, grabbing Gabrielle's hand and squeezing it.

"Not enough." Gabrielle laughed.

a/n - welp it's been a while and i'm sorry for that. seeing people still vote on and add this story to reading lists makes me extremely happy but also terribly sorry for leaving this book for so long. i wrote this chapter in July 2019 and just haven't uploaded it but here i am uploading it so you guys have something while i get my shit together and (fingers crossed) finish the alternate ending of this book.
seriously though, thank you so much for the continuous support on this story, it swells my heart 💓

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