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ten months later

"I'm sorry Donna, but I have to go back to London sooner or later." Gabrielle said, to an upset Donna who was sat with Sophie in her arms.

"The go later!" Donna pleaded, she needed her friend, but she also understood why Gabrielle had to leave.

"Donna." Gabrielle began before kneeling down and pulling her close friend into a hug. "I'll write so often. I promise." Donna smiles before nodding at Gabrielle as if saying she'd be okay.

"You gonna get a ferry?" Donna asked, causing Gabrielle to nod answering her question. "Don't miss it." Gabrielle laughed, now shaking her head.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Gabrielle said smiling at the blonde girl. Saying goodbye and promising to return she left the farm house and made her way to the dock.

"God damnit!" Gabrielle screamed as she reached where the ferry was supposed to be leaving from. Turns out she had the wrong time. "I can't believe this would happen again. What is the world trying to do to me?" She yelled at no one. She through her suitcase to the ground causing it to break open, her clothes flying everywhere. At this point Gabrielle didn't even care as she continued to throw she clothes about the dock, not realising a man stood near watching.

This man sat on a boat, observing the angry red head who missed her ferry. Apparently, again. He couldn't stop himself from smirking as she began throwing her clothes around. It was when he accidentally let out a little laugh, she even realised he was there. Her head snapped towards the noise, where she saw him in a boat. She saw the smirk on his face, and rolled her eyes. He raised his eyebrows as she continued looking his way.

"I'm not dealing with another boat boy." She said loud enough for him to hear. This made the mysterious man confused and as he stood with spoke for the first time.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He said, to the girl, who was still quite angry. She waved him off, she didn't want to ask him for a lift like she did Bill. So she sat down and moped hoping for him to come to her.

And that's exactly what happened. Well sort of.
In fact, it began to rain, drowning both Gabrielle and all of her clothes that were on the floor. If she began crying it's not like anyone would notice. She thought of going back to Donna but they'd already had their heartfelt and devastating goodbye she didn't want to go through that again. As Gabrielle slugged through the rain picking up her soggy clothes, the boat boy, arose from his dry spot with an umbrella. He jumped off his boat and walked over to the drenched girl holding the umbrella over her as she continued picking up her clothes.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now