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Singing could be heard from the street as Bill and Gabrielle walked down, hand in hand, in search of their dear friend Donna. They knew that the singing was her, so decided to head into the crowded pub. They headed nearer to where Donna and her friends were singing, in hopes Donna would notice them, and she sure did when she found herself in Bills arms since she just fell off a counter.

"Hi there." Bill said, smiling at the blonde. Donna jumped out of Bills arms.

"Bill? Gabby?" She said pulling them in for a group hug. "How was it?" Donna asked aiming the question at Gabrielle.

"It was fantastic, but I am very tired." Gabrielle said as she sat down and rested her head on the table. "Imma take a nap, if you need me don't." She said before she was out cold.

"Let's introduce you to my friends." Donna said dragging Bill off the Tanya and Rosie.

"Hey guys. This is my friend Bill. And sleeping over there is Gabrielle."

"Hi, its a pleasure to meet you, I've heard nothing about you." Tanya said causing Rosie to snort.

"I brought Donna here on my boat." Bill clarified, smiling.

"You've got a boat? He's got a boat?" Rosie yelled, shocked he could own a boat.

"And then Gabrielle worried about her, so we came back."

"He worries, he cares and he's got a boat."

"And now I'm taking her out to sea again."

"Taking her out to sea again, in a boat."

"You don't think I should go?" Donna asked, wary of her friends opinions.

"Are you kidding? Of course you should." Tanya said, "Tell her she should go."

"You should absolutely go."

"That's what I'm saying."

"I'm saying it too. Go. Go."

"And do everything I would do." Tanya said, smirking as she stepped closer to Donna.

"Nearly everything." Rosie pulled Tanya back to her side.

"Thanks guys, I'll be back soon."

"Elle, I'm taking Donna out to sea again, you coming?" Bill asked gently shaking the girl.

"I've had enough sea." She said groggily before falling asleep again, Bill placed a soft kiss on her temple before turning back to Donna who was just saying goodbye to her friends.

"Look after Gabby." Donna said to her friends.

a/n - okay, i feel like you might be disappointed with the ending i've got for this book, it's happy in some ways but in others not, and in the way that it's happy it may not be how you want it to be happy, if that even makes sense. sorry, i'm just having like a writers mental breakdown atm lmao.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now