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James and Gabrielle continued to talk, on their boat ride back to mainland Greece, the pair stayed up all night, finding out everything about the other. They got along very well, and immediately felt comfortable with each other, which both usually had problems with.

Gabrielle found out James was on his way back to London as well, and he was about to set off when she came along cursing. He claimed it was fate, she claimed coincidence. Even though James said he was shy, he came off very confident when talking to Gabrielle, he even called her Elle, which Gabrielle found perfect when he said it. Like with Bill, she felt something with James, and he felt the same. However, unlike with Bill, she didn't want to act because last time it didn't go well.

The two got along so well, the stayed the night together in mainland Greece, got a flight together back to London, James even let Gabrielle stay at his apartment in London with him because she had nowhere to go after getting evicted.  He also helped her get a job, so she could be financially stable. The money she stole off her mother was gradually running out. (this will be explained in alternate ending lmao, coz i forgot to earlier)

One day, not that long after their return to London, the two walked down the streets of the city casually talking about how much the weather was different in England compared to Greece. Gabrielle heard her name being shouted by a distant male voice. The girl was sure she had heard it before she just couldn't quite place it. However when she turned around she couldn't believe her eyes.

She grinned at the man in front of her, before pulling him into a hug, James awkwardly standing out of the way.

"Harry!" She shouted as she pulled away from the hug, "I didn't think I'd ever see you again." She smiled at him, still not believing her eyes.

"It's good to see you, Gabby." He returned the smile, "How have you been? How's Donna?"

"I've been good, Donnas still on Kalokairi with little," Gabrielle cut herself off before she dug herself a hole "service." Gabrielle finished laughing. The man also laughing. "Let's take a picture, I'll send it to her." The man agreed, brushing his hair with his hand.

She handed James, the camera she took everywhere. He took a picture, handing Gabrielle the camera back, his eyes pleading her to tell him everything. She nodded at him.

Her and Harry exchanged numbers, promising to remain in touch, since after having a chat, they got along quite well.

Gabrielle knew now would be the perfect time to write to Donna as she hadn't yet.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now