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The two adventurous girls walked up to the what looked abandoned farm house, Donna thinking this would be the perfect place to stay.

"Hello?" Donna shouted, wanting to find the owner of the building in front of the girls.

"I told you it was abandoned." Gabrielle said, quietly pushing open the door and entering the farm house, the floor creaking as she did so.

Donna followed behind, and began to sing. The redhead sighed but smiled as she saw how infatuated Donna was with this farm house.

I have a dream
A song to sing
To help me cope
With anything
If you see the wonder
Of a fairy tale
You can take the future
Even if you fail...

I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream
I have a dream

I have a dream
A fantasy
To help me through reality

"Donna! Don't you even!" Gabrielle yelled as Donna slid down the stairs rail. Gabrielle screamed again as the stairs fell. Her brown eyes burned into the back of the blondes skull and then the front as said blonde turned around a gave a sorry look.

And my destination
Makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness
Still another mile...

It began to rain, a storm was coming, just like Bill had said. Donna smiled as the cold rain hit her face but the pair couldn't help but be worried when they heard multiple bangs come from in front of them.

"Hello?" Donna shouted, as the two walked down the stairs. They came face to face with a horse clearly scared of the storm above. Gabrielle tried to get closer but the horse whinnied, causing the pole that held the ceiling up to fall, creating a barrier between humans and horse.

"Wait there okay?" Gabrielle said as she ran back upstairs in search for help.

"Gabby? We'll be back okay?" Donna said following her friend.

"Donna, you go that way. I'll go the other." Gabrielle didn't even give a chance for Donna to reply as she sprinted off in the opposite direction of the farmhouse, they needed to help this horse.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now