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After Donna got back from her boat trip with Bill, Gabrielle and her sat down for a little chat about what happened when Gabrielle was away. Donna spilt all about Sam, not just that he was engaged. And Gabrielle spilt all about Bill. Upon hearing this Donna felt immediately guilty about what had happened between her and Bill, but knew she had to tell Gabrielle, even if it ruined their friendship. Bill clearly hadn't mentioned anything about it when he said goodbye to Gabrielle earlier, promising to return as soon as possible. Donna should've known something happened, and if she did none of what happened would have.

"Urm Gabby?" Donna said causing Gabrielle to look at her friend smiling. "There's something you should know."

"What is it?" Gabrielle replied a little confused at her friends attitude, she was just happy and smiling.

"Just know that, I didn't know about anything and it happened spontaneously." She said before gulping.

"Don't say what I think you're about to say." Gabrielle said, tears welling up in her eyes. Donna nodded not being able to let the words escape her mouth.

"How could you Donna? When will you stop being so selfish and realise how your actions affect everyone around you?" Gabrielle yelled.

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't know and it's not like Bill said anything." Donna yelled back.

"That asshole. You asshole." Gabrielle whispered before running out of the pub where they were talking, and back to the farmhouse.

Now as much as Gabrielle thought about telling Donna about Sam, she never did. Maybe out of spite or pure forgetfulness, the red head never mentioned, the chance of happiness to the girl.

Gabrielle ignored Donna when she came home that night, she also refused to go celebrate with the three other girls, with whatever they were celebrating. She took this as the perfect opportunity to pack so she could leave in the morning, never to see this island and the people on it ever again. She thought it may seem rash, but Gabrielle was in the mood to make rash decisions.

Gabrielle knew the ferry wouldn't leave at night so she had to wait until morning, however her plans were disrupted when Gabrielle was about to leave and heard Donna throwing up over the toilet. She knew something was up so decided to break the silence.

"Donna? Are you okay?" Gabrielle asked, sitting down at Donna side.

"Gabby? I'm pregnant, and I don't know who the father is." She said sadly, sighing. She looked at my bag, tears threatening to fall. "You're leaving?"

Donna was a strong woman, dealing with a young pregnancy, no father to help, even sending Rosie and Tanya away. And Gabrielle thought with all Donna has gone through and would now go through, there was no way she could leave.

"Not if you need me to stay." Gabrielle said, this caused Donna to pull her into a hug, whispering that all she needed was her to forgive her and stay with her.

"Of course I forgive you." Gabrielle said, remaining in an embrace with the girl until she needed to throw up again. Gabrielle didn't know if she had meant what she said; she didn't know if she could truly forgive Donna for what happened. But after all Donna didn't even know. It was all Bill.

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now