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"So how did you meet Donna?" Rosie asked as the three girls were looking around the stalls.

"We both stole hotel room keys in Paris." Gabrielle said bluntly, continuing to look at the clothing rack as if it was nothing.

"You're serious?" Tanya said, laughing lightly.

"Very." Gabrielle said also laughing. She was glad she was getting along with Donna's friends, if she didn't that would've been bad, considering what she hoped for her and Donna.

"They have cake over there." Rosie said as she talked to Tanya about Bill. Gabrielle zoned out continuing to look at some of the clothes for sale. She couldn't deny the slight jealousy of what Tanya and Rosie thought Bill and Donna were doing, but she didn't think they'd be doing anything too bad.

"Jesus christ, what kind of island is this?" She heard Rosie yell, before turning her head towards where the two girls were looking.

A brown haired, quite handsome, man walked down some stairs, before bumping into Tanya. Gabrielle could've sworn she recognised him, but she couldn't quite place it so she continued shopping as the man was pulled away but the pub owners mum.

He walked away, briefly looking at Gabrielle before walking up the stairs from where he came. Gabrielle couldn't contain her curiosity as she followed him up the stairs.

"Excuse me?" She yelled gaining his attention, he stopped, sighing, he clearly recognised her as well.

"Aren't you horse rescuer, who turned out to be engaged?" Gabrielle said, making sure she had the right man.

"Aren't you room key stealer that ended up leaving?" He retorted, glaring lightly at the red headed girl.

"You came back for her?" Gabrielle smiled softly, if only Donna was here.

"And she's off with some European Stud." He said, a huff of anger escaping his lips. Gabrielle would've said that Donna would take him back and that her and Bill weren't like that, but she couldn't, she didn't know what Donna has gone through with Sam, she wasn't there, so she sadly nodded and watched Sam walk away, probably to never be seen again. This was one of Gabrielle's biggest regrets and not telling Donna was a close second.

a/n - i've decided to write two endings to this book, this is the first chapter of both endings, but what i'm going to do is release the ending i already have written, the not so happy ending, and then release the happy ending as well, and you can like pick which one you prefer. yeah? does that sound good? does it even make sense? - emily xxx

A Woman Like You - Bill Anderson Where stories live. Discover now