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After Gabrielle had decided to stay, the pair of girls had gotten over their differences, Gabrielle completely forgiving Donna. However, Gabrielle could only dread the day Bill would return to the island, like he had promised to the day he neglected the fact he slept with Donna.

As time passed Gabrielle hoped Bill was never to return, that she would never have to deal with him again, that she would never have to confront him. But with the luck of her, she knew what she hoped, never usually happened.

Her hopes were truly shattered when she saw a familiar blond walking around the town, they had once walked through hand in hand. Gabrielle's eyes widened as she turned around, heading back to the goat house, hoping Bill wouldn't notice her. With her bright hair, it proved quite difficult.

"Elle!" She heard a loud voice yell, she knew she couldn't ignore him, she knew she had to face him. She stopped and turned around slowly.

"Bill." She said bluntly, as he walked up to her.

"How are you? How's Donna?" He said, his smile filling his face. He was so happy to see Gabrielle again, he hadn't returned as quickly as would've hoped but he was there now. Gabrielle couldn't smile in return. When he asked about Donna all she could think about was the time the two spent together; the time he cheated on her. Could she really call it cheating? They weren't official. Did she have a right to be as angry as she was?

"Donna's," Gabrielle began, she stopped herself from bringing up Donna's pregnancy, as one of the potential dads stood before her. "busy." she finished.

"And you?" Bill asked again, keen to know. He gradually moved closer, to the red head, he thought he had a connection with. He placed his hands on her waist and leaned in for a kiss only to be interrupted when she pushed him away as hard as possible.

"You're ridiculous." Gabrielle whispered, yet loud enough for Bill to hear. He furrowed his eyebrows, and went in to comfort the girl, who get again wiggled away.

"I know what happened on your little boat trip with Donna." Gabrielle said, looking up from the floor and towards the Swede.  The boys concerned face fall immediately, now becoming more guilty. "Why didn't you tell me? At least Donna had the decency to." She now spat, letting her anger out at the boy.

"Elle, it just happened". He replied, trying to reason with her, trying to give excuses for his mistake.

"Don't Bill, just leave." He remained looking at her as tears fell from her eyes, and tears threatened to fall out of his. "Just go!" She yelled, as she ran away back to the goat house and to a comforting Donna, who apologised again.

a/n - i hates writing this, especially since i really like Bill and Elle together, it just had to happen you know?
anyways thats why i'm writing an alternate ending, so we can all see happy times between the two lol
- emily xxx

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