Tom Hiddleston X Reader: Script Reading (O-S!)

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Tom Hiddleston X Reader: Script Reading (One-Shot!)  

It had been about a month since Tom had gotten his manuscript for The Avengers. All he did was read it over and over again, that's all he did, he wanted to nail the part of Loki. But you were worried he might strain himself if he kept this up.

Tom was sitting on the patio reading over his script for The Avengers.

You walked over to Tom and set down a cup of hot tea for him, "Need any help?" You asked.

Tom smiled softly but still seemed a bit stressed, "Thanks, but no, I'm fine..." Tom muttered softly.

"Are you sure? Because-","I said no!" Tom shouted at you, he sighed realizing he had snapped at you and covered his face.

"Oh..." You muttered softly hanging your head low, "I'm sorry..." You mumbled and turned to leave trying not to cry.

Tom got up from his chair and grabbed your arm; he turned you around making you face him, "Darling... I am so sorry... I didn't mean to snap at you like that" Tom apologized.

You sniffled, "It's alright... I understand..." You muttered softly.

"No. It's not alright, just because I'm stressed, doesn't give me the right to yell at you the way I did" Tom sighed.

"I forgive you, seriously" You mumbled.

Tom gently pulled you into a deep passionate kiss, "I love you, and I would love if you'd help me" Tom smiled.

"Really? You're not just saying that?" You asked.

"Really" Tom smiled and leaned in kissing you again.

You walked followed Tom over to the piano and sat down with him.

Tom stood a few feet away from you, "Kneel!" Tom shouted.

You blushed and quickly looked down, "Oh my..." You giggled cutely.

"Was that too over the top? I mean, I am a mischievous god who does have daddy issues and so on, I just want... Want to play Loki perfectly" Tom sighed stressfully.

"No, that was amazing, say some other lines" You smiled softly.

"I am Loki, of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" Tom said.

You giggled and smiled happily; "Very good" You said and stood up kissing his cheek, "I think you'll be perfect just like you always are, you're a brilliant actor Thomas" You muttered softly. Tom smiled and kissed you deeply.

Tom was on set of The Avengers, you were in his changing room waiting for him to arrive for his break. You saw him walk in dressed up as Loki, you smiled and giggled, but Tom sighed and looked up at you than walked out of his changing room.

"Tom?" You asked and peeked out of his change room watching him walk down the hallway.

"I'm sorry darling, I'm busy and can't chat, I'll be home later" He called as he ran back onto the set.

You sighed sadly and decided to head back home. Once you got home, you turned on the television and snuggled up with a blanket and sat down on the couch waiting for Tom to get back from filming, you yawned tiredly as hours passed by.


Tom quietly walked into his flat and heard that the television was still on; he walked into the living room and saw you fast asleep on the couch. He smiled softly noticing dinner was still on the table but was now spoiled; he sighed and took off his coat and hung it on a chair.

He walked over and turned off the television and gently picked you up and carried you into the bedroom, he lay you down and kissed your forehead.

Tom rubbed his eyes and yawned tiredly; he sat down at the edge of the bed and began to untie his shoes.

"You're finally home..." A tired voice mumbled.

Tom turned his head and saw you sniffle and rub your eyes, "Were you crying?" He asked.

"Oh so now you have time to see how I'm feeling? All you care about is your bloody god damn acting!" You cried as tears streamed down your cheeks, "You never call me! You didn't even tell me when you were going to be home!" You looked down sadly.

"Darling..." Tom looked at you worriedly.

"For all I know you could be with some other woman..." You looked deeply into Tom's eyes and sighed.

"Why would you think that? I love you, my phone had died and Joss wanted me to shoot some single Loki scenes, I'm sorry I got home so late" Tom apologized.

You hugged Tom tightly.

He chuckled and held you close, "I'm sorry darling that I haven't been paying much attention to you, I'm just under a lot of stress, I love Marvel and want to be in their movies for years to come" Tom explained.

"I know you do, you read comics for two days straight, I had to go out and buy you another box of tea" You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Yes I did drink quite a lot of tea" Tom chuckled.

"Now get some rest love, you need it" You whispered to him.

Tom nodded and lay down with you, he caressed his arms around you, "I'm going to call in sick tomorrow okay, so we can have a special day, just you and me" He whispered in your ear.

"You don't have to do that... It's fine really..." You muttered softly.

"I want to, we'll go out for dinner, or maybe have a movie marathon, snuggle up on the couch, maybe have some pudding after dinner or as a snack..." Tom mumbled.

You turned around and smiled and kissed Tom passionately, "I'd never pass up pudding and dinner with my man" You giggled and snuggled up to him. Tom chuckled and held you close as soon later, you both fell sound asleep.  

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