Deadpool X Reader: What Happened to You? (One-Shot!)

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Deadpool X Reader: What Happened to You? (One-Shot!)  

It had been a year since Wade had left you, you weren't a stripper like his ex-girlfriend, you worked at Weasels bar as a bartender. You were at the bar making drinks when you saw Weasel talking to someone in a black hoodie, you stared at Weasel then saw a man walk up to the bar.

"What would you like big boy?" You asked looking at him curiously, "Do you know who your friends talking to?" He smirked.

"It's not any of my business, he's probably jut helping out an old friend..." You muttered softly, "Look you sat at the bar for a reason, do you want a drink or do you just want to chat?" You asked.

"That's your boyfriend" He smirked and got up walking out of the bar.

You stared at Weasel and walked up to him and whoever he was talking to and pulled down the man's hood revealing that it was indeed Wade but his face was deformed. 

You stood there in shock but put your towel down on the table, "I quit..." You mumbled walking upstairs into yours and Weasels apartment that you both shared.

"What?! You can't quit, you can't just fucking quit!" Weasel quickly stood and looked at Wade, "Go talk to her man" Weasel said sternly.

Wade stood and looked at Weasel and took a deep breath about to walk upstairs when you felt someone grab your wrist, you turned around and saw Wade holding your arm.

"Let me explain" He begged.

You turned around and punched Wade sending him falling down the stairs, you walked into your room and grabbed a bag beginning to pack your things. 

You could heard Weasel and Wade talking downstairs.

"Have you decided what you're gonna say to her?" Weasel asked.

"Fuck me!" Wade muttered to himself.

"Uh, maybe not start with that" Weasel smiled innocently and pushed Wade forward, "Just go fucking talk to her man" He said before walking off.

Wade took a deep breath before walking upstairs, "Look, this is not how I wanted to reintroduce myself..." He muttered softly.

"What the fuck happened to you Wade? You've been gone for a year! A whole fucking year!" You shouted turning around glaring at Wade. 

You gasped when you got a good look at Wade's face, "Who did that to you?" You asked.

"Francy fuckboy" Wade growled slightly.

"Did you shoot him in the head and fuck the hole?" You asked letting out a slight chuckle, "At least fuck him up real bad..." You said sternly.

"I'm actually trying to look for the bastard, that's why I was talking to Weasel... But first... I wanted to see you but I didn't want you to see me like this..." Wade muttered softly.

"Why?" You looked at Wade curiously.

"Have you seen my face?" Wade asked.

You turned and looked at Wade, "You really think I care if your face is all fucked up, Wade I love you for your personality and you're sick and perverted humor, your sweetness and the sex mostly" You smiled.

Wade chuckled and smirked, "Are you still going to leave?" He asked.

You hesitated to answer, you turned and looked at your bag, "When I found out you had cancer I was in pure shock but I knew that things were going to get tougher but you didn't have to leave..." You sighed.

"Someone made me an offer and I should have denied it, they're the ones who turned me into a freak" Wade growled angrily clenching his fists angrily.

"Was it a man in a black suit and sounded like he was trying to sell you a shit infomercial" You asked sitting down on your bed.

"How...?" Wade looked at you confused.

"It was a joke" You winked at Wade, "Look, I think its best that you leave..." You muttered softly.

"Shoot that fucker Francis in the head for me okay?" You said sternly as a large muscular man in black suit burst out of the closet and grabbed you.

You punched him as hard as you could and kneed him in the groin as hardly.

He pulled out a knife and stabbed you in the leg causing you to scream and fall to the floor, the man pulled out a gun about to shoot you when you closed your eyes hearing a gun fire.

You opened your eyes seeing the large man on the floor, you looked down about to pull the knife out of your leg when Wade quickly put his gun down and ran to you scooping you up.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me one of his men were here and why the fuck did you punch Jabba the Hut, you crazy?" Wade asked sitting you down on the bed.

"It's not that I got stabbed or anything..." You muttered softly trying to pull out the knife.

"I love you baby, look at me" Wade smiled and kissed you deeply before ripping the knife out of your leg.

You moaned loudly clenching your fists in pain.

"Well that moan was a little sexual" Wade chuckled and took off your jeans and scooped you up carrying you into the bathroom.

He grabbed a bottle of Whiskey about to pour it on the wound but you grabbed the bottle from him and took a few gulps before handing it back to him.

"God I love you" Wade grinned.

"Patch me up doc" You mumbled grasping the counter top firmly.

Wade wrapped up your leg with a bandage than picked you up and carried you back over to the bed, "Your welcome for patching you up" Wade mumbled.

"Well you didn't give me a chance to thank you..." You grabbed Wade pulling him on top of you, "So doc, do I need full body exam?" You asked.

"I think you might" Wade smirked about to undress you when Weasel cleared his throat, "Do you still quit? Weasel asked.

You gently pushed Wade off, "Sorry I'll get back to work, this bar wouldn't be as popular as it is if they didn't have a hot chick serving customers drinks" You smirked and kissed Wade passionately before walking back downstairs.

"I assume everything went well than" Weasel nudged Wade, "I'm surprised she didn't make fun of your face, it literally looks like you were an avocado that had sex with an older avocado" Weasel shook, "You're haunting..." Weasel mumbled walking back downstairs. Wade rolled his eyes and pulled up his head walking back downstairs as well.

© Fan-Fic written by Mind-Wolf

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