Wolverine X Reader: Argument (One-Shot!)

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Logan walked the streets of a dark gloomy alleyway; it was dark out and pouring rain. Logan didn’t care, all he could think about was you. You had recently gotten into a horrible fight, Logan ended up shouting he hated you before storming out of the house and driving off in his truck.

How could I be such a jerk? Logan asked himself as he sighed sadly as he walked into a bar, he walked up to the bar counter and sat down.

The bartender was drying some glasses with a towel, “Tuff night?” The bartender asked.
“Yeah…” The girl muttered sitting at the other end of the counter.

Logan didn’t bother to look and see who it was; he sighed and saw the bartender look at him.

“Need a drink pal?” He asked.

“Yeah, a couple…” Logan muttered, “Whisky…” He said and watched the bartender pour him a glass of whisky, Logan chugged the glass.

“I’ll have milk please…” The girl muttered.

Logan let out a chuckle, “Who the hell goes to a bar and orders milk?” Logan asked turning his head, his eyes widened as he realized it was you.

You sat there staring at Logan with your big puffy red eyes not saying a word.

Logan was silent and just took a sip of his whisky; Logan finished his whisky, “Bartender! Another!” Logan called.

“So that’s what you’re going to do? Drink your sorrows away?” You looked at Logan and rolled your eyes, “No sorry, no nothing” You looked at him sadly.

“I need to apologize! You’re the one who started the whole fight!” Logan shouted knowing that he was the one who started the fine, “Bartender!” Logan shouted.

The bartender quickly hurried over to Logan quickly pouring him another glass of whisky.

“My fault! I didn’t start the fight Logan! You did!” You shouted standing up walking over to Logan growling angrily.

Logan stood smashing his glass of whisky on the floor, “That’s it! We’re done!” Logan shouted.

You stood there for a moment just staring at Logan in pure shock, you couldn’t believe that Logan had just told you that your relationship was over, “I-I-I don’t want us to be over…” You looked down sadly and quickly ran out of the bar and into the pouring rain in tears.

Logan sat back down, “Bartender, drink” He muttered sighing sadly.

“You gonna clean that up first?” The bartender asked not looking impressed.

Logan put his elbow on the counter, his Adamantium claws coming out, “Say that again bub, I dare ya” Logan snarled, his claws retracted as he got up and walked out of the bar and into the pouring rain.

You sat on the curb soaking wet sobbing heavily.

Logan saw you there sitting on the curb, he took off his warm leather jacket and wrapped it around you, “We should get you out of the rain or you’re going to catch cold” Logan looked at you worried.

“Why would you care if I caught cold, we’re split up remember….” You sobbed heavily quickly getting up walking away.

Logan quickly followed you down an alleyway and grabbed you gently pinning you against the wall.

You tried to push Logan away but you just slid to the ground and buried your head into your knees continuing to sob.

“Hey… Hey…” Logan gently lifted your chin, “Don’t cry princess” Logan begged.

“How could I not?! I just lost the man of my dreams!” You cried pushing Logan away, “Leave me alone…” You muttered rubbing your beat red eyes.

“I didn’t mean what I said in the bar…” Logan confessed, “I love you with all my heart…” Logan said kissing your forehead, Logan picked you up and carried you toward a parking lot, he carried you into his camper on the back of his truck.

You sniffled shivering.

Logan gently sat you on the loft bed, you hung your legs over the edge and watched him close the door and lock it, Logan opened up a small dresser and took out a plaid thick lumberjack shirt.

You took off Logan’s wet leather jacket and placed it on the table, your lips were a slight tinge of blue.

Logan quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around you, “You poor thing…” Logan whispered wrapping the towel around you; he gently dried your hair, Logan turned around and grabbed some wool socks from the dresser as well.

You quickly took off your wet clothes and slipped the lumberjack shirt on, you sniffed it and smiled, it smelt of Logan’s cologne that you loved so much.

Logan turned around and put the wool socks on your feet, “Come on, let’s get you warmed up…” Logan kissed her forehead and took off his wet clothes; he slipped on some fresh clean boxers and dried his hair off with the towel.

You blushed seeing Logan’s bum, you giggled cutely and climbed under the blankets snuggling into the pillows.

Logan turned around and climbed into bed with you, he lovingly wrapped his arms around you pulling you close.

You snuggled into Logan’s chest, you loved how he was so warm, you suddenly pulled away as tears began streaming down your cheeks again.

“What’s wrong?” Logan asked looking at you worried, “I told you I didn’t mean a damn thing in that bar, I love you so much, with all my heart” Logan said kissing you passionately.

“Then how come you said you hated me when we were yelling at each other?” You asked looking down sadly.

“I didn’t mean any of that either! I swear!” Logan said lovingly grasping your head, “Can we just forget that we got into that stupid fight?” Logan asked.

“Okay, but promise we’ll never get into a fight like that again and… Promise you’ll never leave you” You looked up at Logan.

“I promise…” Logan whispered to you leaning in kissing you passionately.

You smiled and kissed back wrapping your arms around Logan’s neck, you suddenly pulled away and sneezed, “Oh no” You said in a stuffed up voice.

“Oh no, now my poor princess has a cold” Logan lay down and pulled you into his embrace, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you” Logan whispered to you giving you a kiss on the forehead. You blushed and fit your head into Logan’s chest, moments later you both fell sound asleep in each other’s arms.

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