Mulder X Reader: Marry Me (One-Shot!)

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Mulder X Reader: Marry Me (One-Shot!)  

You were impatiently waiting at home for Mulder to come home, it had almost been four days since he was home and the bureau wouldn't tell you a damn thing. You were nervously pacing your office, you sat down at your desk and picked up the phone.

"Mulder you're a dead man when you get home" You grumbled. 

You sighed and sat down at your desk, you picked up the phone and took a deep breath expecting to get his answering machine.

"Hello?" A man's voice asked.

"Mulder?!" You cried, gripping the phone tightly.

"Uh yeah?" He asked, "Look (Y/N), I'm sorry, me and Scully were working a case and there was no phone reception..." Mulder mumbled.

"Where are you?" You asked, trying your best to hold in your frustration, you however growled slightly when Mulder didn't answer.

"Mulder?" You asked again.

"Look, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while and sometimes I don't even know why you date me, hell I don't even know how you listen to my rants about extra-terrestrial beings let alone my theories" He chuckled.

"What happened up there?" You asked, you stood from your desk hearing a loud bang from within the kitchen.

"Marry me." Mulder said.

You pulled the phone away from your ear and peeked into the hallway, "Are you on your way home?" You asked, "Wait... What? Mulder, did you just ask me... T-To..." You were in utter shock.

"Yeah, I'll be home soon" Mulder muttered softly, "You seem to be avoiding the question" Mulder mumbled, pulling out a ring box from his pocket.

"No! I mean I'm! I'm not trying to avoid the question I just hear something in the kitchen... Mulder... I don't know what to say I mean... I uh..." You stuttered, hearing another loud crash from the kitchen.

"Look, I know we've only been dating for a few years but... I love you..." Mulder confessed.

"Mulder, are you home?" You asked.

"No, I'm not home... I told you I was on my way" Mulder stated.

"Mulder... You never say that..." You smiled happily, "I love you too Mulder" You muttered softly.

"So, is that a yes?" Mulder asked.

"Of course that's a yes, of course I will marry you Mulder!" You exclaimed, you turned around and saw a dark figure standing in the shadows.

"Mulder... Oh god..." You screamed, dropping the phone.

"(Y/N)!" Mulder shouted, "(Y/N)!" Mulder cried, he quickly hung up and ran out of his office.

Dana Scully just happened to be walking down the hallway when she noticed Mulder slam the door behind him.

"What's going on?" Scully asked.

"Send for backup now! (Y/N)! is in trouble!" Mulder shouted, running downstairs and into parking, he quickly got into his car and headed toward his house.

Not soon after, Mulder burst into his house holding his gun, the house was completely trashed. Mulder searched around the house and found you unconscious in your office. He saw you battered and bruised, sirens were heard outside.

Mulder quickly set down his gun, he scooped you up and carried you out of your office.

"Mulder... I saw them... They came..." You muttered softly.

"Who came?" Mulder asked.

"The men in black... They... They took my manuscripts... Our notes..." You mumbled.

Mulder carried you into the living room, he watched as cops fled the house, he carefully set you down on the couch and knelt in front of you looking at you concerned.

"They took everything..." You muttered softly.

"Look at me (Y/N)!" Mulder begged, he gently cupped your cheeks and turned your head from side to side, "Did they say anything to you?" He asked.

"They told me if I continued my research they would kill me..." You mumbled.

"Did... Did they hurt you in any other way...?" Mulder asked, Scully came up behind Mulder explaining to him that there was no longer anyone in the house and that they had broken in through the back door.

"Let her talk!" Mulder shouted.

"Mulder... They didn't do anything else..." You muttered softly, tightly grasping Mulder's hand, "They're going to have to do more, they know better than that" You said sternly.

"Are you okay?" Mulder asked, kissing your forehead.

"I'm fine..." You muttered softly, your cheeks turning a bright pink.

"Whoever did this to you, I'm going to find them and punish them" Mulder growled angrily, he stood about to walk away when he stopped noticing you were still holding his hand.

"I'm fine Mulder, really..." You said, you were about to stand when he quickly stopped you.

"I'm taking you to the hospital" Mulder said sternly.

"Mulder, I said I was fine... It's just a black eye and a blow to the cheek, Scully went through medical training, she can look at me" You muttered softly.

"Take a few minutes Mulder" Scully said.

"Could you give us a moment, please?" You smiled, giving her a soft smile.

She nodded and walked off.

"For once could you just believe me?" You sighed.

"I always believe you" Mulder said sternly, "I've always believed in you, through everyone of your books, through your research, how could you ever think I don't believe in you?" Mulder asked.

You looked down and blushed.

"I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Mulder smiled, he pulled out a small velvet ring box from his pocket, he got down on one knee and opened the box.

"Marry me." Mulder asked.

"Of course, I will marry you Fox Mulder" You smiled happily, pressing your lips against his, you wrapped your arms around his neck leaning into the kiss. He cracked a smile and slipped the ring on your finger, he wrapped his strong arms around you pulling you into a loving hug.

© Fan-Fic written by Mind-Wolf

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