DarylXReader: A Walking Dead Christmas (One-Shot)

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You had just been welcomed into the jail by Rick and the rest of the group, Daryl Dixon had found you on a run and Michonne thought it would be right to bring you in.

Rick was patting you down for weapons, he had already taken your crossbow and knives that were on you, he patted your legs and pulled out a hunters knife from your boot.

"Take off your jacket..." Rick said.

"No..." You muttered.

"Come on dear, why don't you take off that jacket so we can see that beautiful body?" Merle chuckled.

"Shut up Merle" Daryl said sternly.

"Take off your jacket" Rick repeated.

"Kiss my ass!" You growled at Rick.

"Oh this one is mouthie!" Merle laughed.

Daryl rolled his eyes.

You growled angrily taking off your jacket.

Rick patted your waist, he suddenly saw the long deep scars on your back, "What are those from?" He asked.

"None of your business..." You growled.

"Where are they from, we're going to have to find out sooner or later, we don't like keeping secrets from our other members" Rick sighed.

"You don't need to know about my past thank you very much" You put your jacket back on.

Rick handed your weapons to Glenn, "You'll get these back after we've begun to trust you" Rick said.

"Now Daryl will lead you to your cell and keep an eye on you" Rick muttered softly.

Daryl grabbed your arm and dragged you up the stairs to the top and pushed you into a cell, Daryl closed the cell door behind him.

You growled and fell onto the bunk bed.

Daryl pointed his crossbow at you, "You try anything and I'll put an arrow through your head, you hear?" Daryl let out a slight growl.

You rolled your eyes and closed the blanket, "Turn you ass around eh?" You sent a glare at Daryl.

"Why?" Daryl asked.

"I have to change dick-head" You rolled your eyes.

Daryl growled and turned around.

You turned around and opened your bag pulling out a worn out band T-shirt along with some worn out skinny jeans that were ripped up.

Daryl turned around and pointed his crossbow at you but you didn't even notice.

You slowly began to get undressed.

Daryl gasped and looked down, his cheeks went a slight shade of pink.

You pulled on your skinny jeans.

Daryl shook his head and looked up and saw deep scars on your bare back, Daryl gasped and put his crossbow down, "Those are abusive scars eh?" Daryl muttered softly.

You slipped on your shirt and put on your leather jacket turning around, "Excuse me?" You suddenly realized Daryl was watching you get changed.

"Your father beat you, didn't he?" He asked.

"Shut your mouth! You ever! Ever tell anyone about that and I'll kill you..." You growled punching Daryl.

Daryl growled and grabbed you pinning you against the wall, "Just because your father beat you doesn't mean your going to get attention" Daryl growled.

You growled angrily and kicked Daryl in the groin.

Daryl winced but held you against the wall.

You punched Daryl and grabbed him by his jacket and through him against the wall, you pulled of Daryl's jacket and through it on the floor.

You watched Daryl get up the floor, you gasped seeing scars on Daryl's back.

Daryl punched you and grabbed you pinning you against the wall.

"Your father beat you too...?" You looked at Daryl shocked.

"Shut up!" Daryl growled.

"Make me!" You growled angrily.

Daryl suddenly pressed his lips against yours, he than pulled away grabbing his crossbow bursting out of the cell.

A few weeks had passed, it was almost Christmas and Daryl had just got back from a run, Rick wouldn't let you go out on runs yet and you usually were stuck in your cell.

You heard a small clang on your cell door.

You sighed and climbed down from your bunk bed, you opened the curtain and saw Daryl on the other side of the cell door.

"What do you want ass-hat?" You growled.

"Can I come in?" Daryl asked.

You rolled your eyes and nodded opening the cell door.

Daryl walked in and closed the cell door behind him, he opened his bag and pulled out a Santa hand and put it on your head, he took out another hat and put it on his head.

"The hell you doing?" You asked looking at Daryl curiously.

"What does it look like?" Daryl pulled out a small fake Christmas tree and put it on the nightstand along with decorations on it as well.

"Daryl?" You looked at him shocked, you never in your life thought that Daryl would be one to celebrate Christmas, he was a tall, rough, handsome, but those bright blue eyes held so much sadness but Daryl's personality tried to hide it by being an asshole most of the time.

Daryl pulled out a present taped and wrapped in old news paper, "I couldn't find any wrapping paper..." Daryl muttered.

You looked at Daryl and held the present in your hand, you defiantly could tell it was a wrapped up crossbow.

"Go on... open it..." Daryl muttered.

You sat down on the bottom bunk of the bunk bead and began opening the present, you sat there for a moment, "Excalibur, Matrix 380 Blackout?! Where did you find this?" You stood looking at Daryl shocked.

Daryl let out a chuckle, "Well me, Rick and the others came across a hunting store... and I found that..." He muttered.

"Daryl this is amazing!" You ran up to Daryl and hugged him tightly, you than quickly took a step back realizing you had just hugged Daryl Dixon.

Daryl looked at you surprised, "I um... I'm glad you like it..." Daryl muttered.

You looked at Daryl worried, you didn't have a present for him, you suddenly grabbed Daryl by his shirt and pressed your lips against his, you had to go on your tippy toes in able to reach his lips.

Daryl just stood there letting him kiss you, he was completely shocked and had no idea how to react.

You pulled back, "Um... sorry..." You sighed and took a few steps back.

Daryl suddenly grabbed you and pinned you the bottom bunk.

"Daryl!" You gasped.

Daryl quickly began kissing you passionately.

"Daryl...?" You were surprised at his actions.

"What?" Daryl looked at you, "Do want me to continue or not?" Daryl snapped.

You blushed, "Hell yeah!" You smirked wrapping your arms around Daryl's neck letting him continue to kiss you passionately.

About a hour later, you stumbled out of the cell blushing, Daryl wasn't far behind you and he was fixing his clothes.

Rick looked at Daryl and you curiously.

Glenn and Maggie couldn't help but laugh.

"What the hell you looking at Asian boy?" Daryl growled at Glenn.

Glenn and Maggie quickly walked away.

"You can go work in the crops, Daryl I need to talk to you..." Rick muttered.

You blushed and fixed your clothes walking off to go work on the crops.

Daryl walked over to Rick but watched you walk away.

You knew Daryl was going to continue acting like that ass-hat he was, you didn't quite know if you guys were a couple, you didn't know if maybe you two would kiss again, but you defiantly knew now that you had something live for and maybe the world wasn't so bad because you had someone who cared about you.

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