Logan X Reader: Wolverine's Death (One-Shot)

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William Stryker, the one who gave Wolverine his metal claws and the one who has experimented on mutants for years had finally come up with a serum. A serum that could kill any mutant or any human. The serum was a red liquid that if was taken in heavy doses could kill you.

It had been 2 years since Logan had been apart of the X-Men, you missed Logan dearly, come on you both were love. It devastated you when he left and you weren't the same ever since he left.

You were walking down the street in a small local town, you were going to visit a friend, she was a scientist at an organization in the town, you walked inside and was greeted by a man by the name of Stryker.

"Hello, I have been expecting you, your friend is a bit busy but she'll be right out, what's your name again my dear?" Stryker asked.

"Oh, my name is ____________" You replied in a quite shy tone.

"Follow me, you can wait with me until your friend is finished with her experiment..." He smiled and led you upstairs and into a lab room, he closed the door behind you.

You turned around and saw Stryker about to stab you with a needle that had red liquid in it, you quickly dodged and hid under a table.

"Come here you little brat!" Stryker growled trying to climb under the table.

Suddenly a tall muscular looking homeless man with long dark brown hair and long dark brown beard burst into the room and grabbed Stryker throwing him across the room.

"Run!" He shouted walking up to Stryker grabbing him.

You quickly crawled out from under the table and ran out of the room, you ran downstairs than out of the building, you ran behind the building and leaned against the wall panting a bit.

A few minutes later

You felt a hand touch your shoulder, you gasped and turned around seeing the man that saved you standing feet away from you, you looked at him closely.

"I-It... I-Is that really you?" You asked looking at the man's brown eyes, you knew those eyes anywhere.

He nodded and fell to his knees moaning in pain.

You quickly knelt down, "Logan what happened?" You asked looking at him worried, warm tears began streaming down your cheeks.

Logan opened his jacket, Logan had multiple gun wounds, "He got me with the needle..." Logan muttered, "He gave me a full dose..." Logan muttered weakly leaning against you.

"Oh god..." You quickly wrapped your arms around Logan's neck, "No... No... You can't die... All the times someone has tried to kill you, you always heal from it!" You cried gently moving Logan's hair out of his face.

Logan was silent and just looked at you sadly.

"Oh god Logan, you should have just let him get me..." You gently ran your fingers through Logan's thick hair, more tears flowed down your cheeks, "You can't die... You just can't..." You cried kissing Logan's forehead.

"I love you... Goodbye..." Logan muttered softly as tears began clouding in his eyes.

"No! Don't you dare say that! The Logan I know wouldn't give up so easily!" You cried kissing Logan passionately, you suddenly felt Logan lean into you and stop moving.

"Logan...?" You asked gently shaking him, "Logan say something!" You cried.

Logan's dead body fell to the pavement.

You quickly got up and ran toward your apartment that you were renting for a few weeks, you opened the front door of the apartment building and ran inside, you dashed up the stairs but stopped falling to the floor sobbing heavily.

After a few moments of collecting yourself, you stood and wiped your tears, you walked into the apartment building and saw Stryker standing feet away from you.

He grabbed you and pinned you against the wall stabbing you in the stomach with a needle injecting the red serum into you, he let you fall to the floor and just walked out leaving no trace that he was ever there.

You winced, your vision blurring, "Logan..." You muttered managing to get up off the floor, you walked out of your apartment leaning against a nearby wall for a few minutes.

You walked into your bedroom and lay down on the bed, you fell asleep within minutes.

A few hours had passed

You awoke to the sound of someone in your kitchen, you sat up and carefully stood, you leaned against the door frame seeing Logan making coffee.

"Logan?" You looked at the clean shaven man, he looked like his regular self again.

"Hey" Logan smiled at you, "I healed... Your friend came up with a cure, amazing friends you have" Logan chuckled but looked down, "I'm sorry I scared you..." Logan walked up to you.

You quickly took a step back looking at Logan worried, you couldn't let Logan find out about Stryker poisoning you, you quickly ran out of the apartment and out onto the street.

"_________?!" Logan quickly ran after you, Logan ran out into the street calling your name.

You quickly ran into the lab trying to find your friend, you screamed her name, you ran up to the secretary's desk.

"I'm sorry ma'am, she went back home..." The secretary muttered softly.

You growled and quickly ran back downstairs but fell to the floor coughing up blood.

Logan walked into the lab, "________?" He looked at you extremely worried, Logan picked you up and carried you out of the lab, "It's going to be okay..." Logan said and quickly carried you back to your apartment.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I was just so scared..." You muttered coughing up blood on Logan's shirt.

Logan quickly lay you on your bed, "Your friend gave me another sample of the cure in case Stryker got you, she told me she had to flea the country to hide from Stryker" Logan said and turned around holding a needle.

You lay there on the bed not moving or breathing.

"__________?" Logan asked quickly injecting the cure into your neck,"Please wake up..." Logan begged.

You just lay there dead.

"No...No... No!" Logan shouted angrily and fell to his knees.

You suddenly awoke panting, you sat up and saw Logan on his knees looking up at you, "Logan!" You cried and fell to your knees hugging Logan tightly.

Logan wrapped his arms around the back of your legs lifting you up as he stood.

You wrapped your arms around Logan's neck kissing him passionately, "Don't you ever, ever leave me all alone like that..." You begged kissing Logan again.

"Never..." Logan said kissing back, Logan gently pinned you to the bed, "I love you so much, I was such an idiot to leave you and the X-Men" Logan said lovingly grasping your hand, he kissed you again, this time even more passionate. You smiled happily and just enjoyed Logan's warm embrace that you missed so much. You were so glad you had your Wolverine back.

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