Decepticon bios

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  So who stands out to you the most and who do you think will live or die?

Megatron:  Also in the same position. I'd rather keep his portrayal a pleasant surprise to newcomers. I think he'll be a favorite for sure. 

Melee: Sword and purple Energon mace

Guns: Fusion cannon, which is one of the most powerful weapons out there. He also has a dark matter cannon which fires a single concentrated red laser.

Voice used: Prime Megatron

Dropkick: Dropkick once fought for the Autobots and was friends with Longarm. This changed when he realized the Decepticons are more his speed. To show his loyalty to his new team, he blew a big whole in his buddy's chest which nearly killed him. Now he usually hangs with his friends Blastwave and Brimstone because the three of them are like that rude street gang you always hear about.  His design is based off of the toy from the first Bay movie, and not the version from the Bumblebee movie.

Melee: A pincer claw thing on his arm which he uses for picking things up and stabbing.

Guns: His two tube like fingers on both hands double as pulse blasters. He can charge them up for more damage, and he can combine all four blasters for one huge shoot. This shot is so powerful it can even send someone like Prime flying a few yards.

Soundwave: Megatron's communications officer and best friend, Soundwave was Megatron's first follower and real friend he ever made. The two of them have a true understanding and share much in common. Soundwave was part of a distinguished race of Cybertronians called Shifters. They were hated by the rest of society because their abilities were far different than the rest of the population. They could erase emotions to increase their powers. Megatron promised his friend to bring peace among the races, but before that could happen the entire race except Soundwave was wiped out. All that is known is that it is from an Autobot attack, but there is no idea who exactly did it. For these reasons he hates all Autobots including Optimus, and won't stop until all Autobots share the same fate of his race. With his 10 deployable minions (you will see 4 for now) his powerful ultrasonics, mini tractor beams, tentacles that can hack anything, and sheer might, he seems quite capable of doing just that.

Melee: He has mini arm blades, and he can use his tentacles for stabbing. Two of the tentacles have swords made from the wings of the jet.

Guns: His Sonic Cannon sends out a concentrated bursts of pure energy. A fully charged shot can rival Megatron's Fusion Cannon. He also has a Pulse blaster which can fire a blue laser.

Starscream: He has Prime's Starscreams look, personality, and the boldness of his G1 counterpart. He isn't the biggest or the strongest of the bunch, but that sure doesn't stop him from from running his mouth. Autobots and Decepticons alike think he is really incompetent. In fact, it is just the opposite. He is one of the most competent characters, but he has a constant pattern of bad luck. He winds up being the laughingstock of both sides, and the fact he is a big coward doesn't help him either. We all know he wants to be leader of the Decepticons, but we never really knew why. He has a real personal reason behind this. Once you find out why, you may find yourself on his side.
Melee: His claws and the spikes on his foreamrs can be used like arm blades

Weapons: He has Dual Null Ray blaster. While not the most powerful weapon, anyone who takes enough hits find their circuits getting thrown off balance, finding time for him to close in for the kill. He also has super missiles which cause massive damage to anyone stupid enough to be nearby.

Voice used Prime Starscream

Thundercracker: (Based off of movie comics appearance) The ace of the skies himself, Thundercracker has a need for speed and an ego with no filter. The legendary seeker will fly circles around you while taunting you before ending your life in the most miserable ways he can think of. He always likes to be the first one to start a fight because he revels in being first. He will fight dirty just in case a fight doesn't go his way. To Thundercracker, no Autobot or human can catch up to him, especially no human jet.  He too hates Megatron for the same reason as Starscream, but wound up hating him too.

Melee: Chainsaw

Guns: Gatling gun and missile launcher.

Voice used: Animated Thundercracker

Skywarp: (black and purple movie Starscream with G1 head) Skywarp is the most mature of the trio. He doesn't like to fight though, so he creates clones of himself to do the fighting for him. Despite being more refined, he is a big prankster who often likes to push his friends down stairs. The fact that he can teleport can cause trouble for friend and foe alike. As the scientist of the team he lets his clones out into the world while he makes miracles for the Decepticon cause.
Melee: none
Guns: (he and his clones all have these except the teleportation ability) Gatling guns and a black hole gun. Anything sucked up inside it can be brought back out as long as it is done before 30 minutes have passed.

Terradive: Once the king of Cybertron's underwater race the Seacons, he joined forces with Megatron after being convinced that it would suit his people better. He is a truly dangerous opponent due to his amazing fighting skills and the use of his trident. Land, sea, or air, he will find and kill any Autobot in the way. He is best friends with the pyromaniac Fearswoop. The two could not be more different, and yet somehow they're the greatest team ever. Oh, and he's Ratchet's archenemy for some reason.

Weapons: His wicked trident, which can also fire a blue laser in a straight beam, or in a pattern of his choosing. More information on the trident will be revealed later. He also has a missile launcher on his shoulder.

Voice used: The first voice in this video. Pay no attention to anything else. 

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