Human Bios

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Spike Witwicky: He is just your average teenager. Too average to be exact. He isn't very popular, and gets bullied quite often. His only real friend is Chip, who surprisingly gets more girls than him. His dad is trying to get him in the oil business by taking him on a private tour of the worlds largest oil rig. Little does he know his life is about to change forever.

Chip Chase: Chip is a is definitely a geek, but unlike the rest of them, he happens to be a hit with the ladies. Nobody knows how he does it, but he sure never lets his buddy forget about his success. His greatest accomplishment however is his natural gift with technology. This gets the attention of Autobot Wheeljack.

Carly Spencer: Carly wants to find adventure, but sure goes about it in all the wrong ways. Selfish, ignorant, spoiled, and needy, she is a sociopath in the making. She isn't very impressed with Spike or Chip, but being part of an alien war can change you drastically.

Ace Johnson: Named the best fighter pilot in the entire world, he never lost a duel in the air. That is until a certain blue jet took him out with ease. Now he and what is left of his unit must team up with with the Autobots to save his planet and settle an old score.

Tyrone Hardy: Ace's best friend and weapon specialist, Tyrone just wanted to relax until aliens came down and destroyed the base he was stationed at. He isn't particularly happy about teaming up with aliens to defeat aliens, but he has to deal with it in order to get payback for having his chillin time ruined.

Alan " Weazel" Jenkins: A friend to both Ace and Tyrone, Alan is a drone pilot who got the nickname Weazel for being able to weasel his way out of any situation. Usually at the end of his friends jokes, they need his strategic advantage to help combat their new enemies.

General played by Bruce Willis: He is the general of the base where our military heroes are stationed at. Don't expect much for him because Willis is a one trick pony.

Ron " Sparkplug" Witwicky: Spike's father who is an important employee in the oil business. He likes to tease his son about not being man enough. He wants the best for his family, and being part of war doesn't exactly help his situation.

Judy Witwicky: Judy is your stereotypical 50's mom in the modern world. She complains quite a bit. It's a miracle Ron is able to put up with all this drama with her ridiculous needs. When the war breaks out on her turf, all she is thinking about is whether or not she left the oven on.

Dr. Arkeville: A remarkable genius who became an Oxford professor, he was fired after his superiors deemed his theories of extraterrestrial life were far too insane for their support. The bitter doctor has a huge opportunity when the Decepticons are found in need of assistance. He offers to help give them knowledge of our planet in return for a front row seat at the enslavement of his race. But is teaming up with an evil race of aliens really a good idea?

Ok now that the bios are done I want to let everyone now  that all dialogue is done via script format. I found to be the useful since my work feature large amounts of characters. I'll put part 1 up either today, tomorrow, or sometime soon. Hope to hear your feedback soon :) 

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