Part 12: King Fishing

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Spike and Ron return home to check on poor Judy. To their shock she is going full Charlie Sheen with 7 cigars in her mouth. She sits in a fetal position while they just watch her go crazy.

Judy: "Aliens....everywhere.....everywhere."

Ron: "Honey, it's time you sharpen up."

Judy: (snapping) "How can I do that when there are psychotic aliens everywhere!? They are going to probe us and eat our brains!"

Spike: "That isn't the Autobots thing. I don't know about the Decepticons though."

Judy: "All I ever wanted to do was have a normal life and a normal family, then you screw it up Ron!"

Ron: (astonished) "Me? What did I do?"

Judy: "You just had to bring him to work with you that day, you messed everything up!"

Ron: "Then maybe you shouldn't have let him come out of your-"

Whoa there, that was about to be a little too graphic, there are more important things to be focusing on anyway. While the Witwickys argue over who did what, near a desert there appears to be a meteor shower....but there is only one in the sky, and it's heading for Earth. Luckily it's a small meteor, so the crater is only about 3 yards wide. The meteorite then cracks open, and out comes a unique looking motorcycle. It comes with a rider in an all black outfit and helmet. The motorcycle then speeds off into parts unknown with unknown purpose.

Meanwhile The dean makes himself some tea. To his surprise he looks up to find Dr. Archiville sitting on the sofa.

"Emile, is that you?"

"Who else would it be? I see you still got your record player laying around. Hmm Beethoven's 5th, a classic. This will be perfect for white noise."

(confused) "White noise?"

"Of course, why else do you think I'm here?"

"You realize that you no longer work here right?"

"Indeed, which is why I'm here to settle a score."

"There is no score that's going to be settled, I'm calling security."

At this moment Ravage and Laserbeak jump through a window and surround the dean, eyeing him like helpless prey.

"You see Richard, even when finding out that aliens do exist you still won't give me my job back. That is why the education system is so flawed. With bigots like you in charge, the young minds will never learn anything."

(in fear) "This is an outrage!"

"No, this is poetic justice. Alright boys, enjoy your meal."

Dr. Archiville starts up the record player to play Beethoven's 5th and turns up the volume to the max setting. He makes himself some tea while watching Ravage and Laserbeak rip him to shreds. The screams are blocked out by his smile and the music.

Now we go to the Autobot's base, where Jazz has made a near complete recovery. Optimus chats with Prowl and Cliffjumper about their suspicions about Megatron and Ratchet's emotional state.

Prowl: "I've never seen Ratchet explode like that, what should we do?"

Prime: "We have to let him be, he is free to feel that way about me as he chooses."

Cliff: "But he's wrong about Optimus right? ...Right?"

Prime: (sadly) "I wish that none of it was, but sometimes I think he's right. I did have chances to take Megatron down, and I never did it."

Prowl: "There was always something in the way, it was beyond your control."

Prime: "Maybe, or maybe I really am a coward."

Cliff: "That's Megatron, plus he smells."

Prowl: (sarcastically) "What an astute observation Cliffjumper."

Beachcomber walks over to Wheeljack and Ratchet to check on his mystery science project.

Beach: "Hey dudes, did you finish that thing I totally gave you?"

Wheel: "Just finished a few minutes ago, I still don't know why this was necessary."

Beach: "I told you man, we'll need it later."

Wheel: "If you say so."

Chip: (walking in) "Hey Wheeljack, you should check out the museum some time and see some dinosaurs."

Wheel: (intrigued) "Dinosaurs you say?"

Chip: "Yeah, big strong lizards that roamed the planet before humans even existed."

Wheel: (scratching his chin) "You're going to have to show me these dinosaurs some time."

While everyone discusses random events, Terradive is now preparing to leave for his solo operation.

Fear: "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

Terra: "Indeed, you are still too damaged, and where I'm going your flames won't be of much help."

Fear: "Oh, good luck."

Terra: "Thank you, I'll need it."

Splicer: "Good luck Terradive!"

Scream: (sarcastically) "Yes, good luck Terradive."

Terradive detects the obvious sarcasm and blasts Starscream with his trident, much to Megatron, Thundercracker, and Fearswoop's amusement. He leaves through the ground bridge, and his location to attack is the open sea, with many aircraft carriers in the vicinity.

"Ah the sea, how I've missed you."

He dives into the sea, and begins to go into a metamorphosis. his hands become webbed, and his feet become a giant fish tail. Being the king of the Seacons comes with the benefit of becoming even more powerful underwater. His first act is darting through the water towards an aircraft carrier like a torpedo and causes a huge hole to start sinking the ship. He jumps out of the water, transforms, and then begins striking another with his missiles. He makes his way to a third and begins to blast the parked jets with his tridents and watches the humans scramble to survive.

(triumphantly) "Kneel and bow lesser beings, before the awesome power that awaits you!"

Teletran-1 picks up the disturbance, and Wheeljack reports this to Optimus.

Wheel: "Optimus, we got a Decepticon energy signature in the open water!"

Prime: "Pull the video footage."

Prime sees the destruction on the big screen and realizes the scale of this disaster.

Prime: "There is only one Decepticon that can do that kind of damage on his own in water....Terradive."

Prowl: "What's the plan Optimus?"

Prime: "We have to take him down before he hurts more humans."

Wheel: "Great thinking, but we still don't have an accurate space bridge because of Cliffjumper."

Cliff: "I said I was sorry!"

Prime: "Then how will we get to the water?"

Beach: (confidently) "I got a plan man."

Prowl: (hesitant) "You.... do?"

Beach: "Yeah man."

Prowl: "If it involves seeing your beast hunters then I don't intend-"

Beach: "It's not that man, here take this."

Beachcomber hands Optimus, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Prowl, and Cliffjumper some strange and angular objects.

Prowl: (confused) "What am I looking at?"

Cliff: "Looks like you can eat it, too bad Wheeljack doesn't know anything about that!"

Wheel: "Screw you Cliffjumper."

Beach: "For once I'm ahead of you dude, it's called a surfboard."

Prime: "Surfboard?"

Beach: "Yeah, I totally saw this film called Surfs Up, it was so radical man."

Cliff: "You saw a movie that inspired you to do this?"

Beach: "Yeah, I figured we would need to fight that Terradive dude."

Prime: "Good call Beachcomber."

Prowl: "He got lucky, that's all."

Cliff: "Don't be jealous Prowl."

Prowl: "I'm not jealous...I'm not."

Prime: "Alright Autobots lets get going, and Cliffjumper, get the bait."

Bee and Side: "Bait?"

Cliff: "Alright! I've been waiting for an excuse to do this."

As the five leave a lone tear goes down Ratchet's face. He looks down and says quietly so nobody could hear him say "Be careful."

They arrive at the scene and activate their surfboards to travel to the aircraft carriers.

Prime: "Autobots...surfs up!"

The 6 speed up, and it isn't long before they are greeted by Terradive in jet form. He blasts missiles at them, and they barely dodge the barrage. The explosions send out miniature waves that Beachcomber rides like a pro.

Beach: "Cowabunga man!"

Prowl takes out his pistols and begins shooting at Terradive, but the slippery Decepticon dodges each shot with ease. Optimus joins in, making the task far more difficult. Prowl eventually shoots one of his wings, and he slowly crashes into the water.

Bee: "You do realize he's more powerful underwater right?"

Prowl: (facepalm) "Scrap."

Sure enough Bumblebee is right when he charges out of the water and knocks Sideswipe off his board. He then shoots Bumblebee off his board too, and Prowl is forced to dive in to save them because they can't swim well.

Prowl: "I told you to take swimming lessons, and now you see what happens when you don't listen to me."

Side: "Hey, that wasn't friendly."

Prowl: "This is war time not friendly time!"

Prime: "Beachcomber, Cliffjumper, we need to get aboard that ship!"

The three do a daring move as they only barely get onboard the ship. We now see that Cliffjumper was carrying a crate. The other three climb aboard and examine the crate.

Bee: "What do we need that for?"

Cliff: "You'll get a kick out of this one."

Cliffjumper opens up the crate to reveal a large fishing rod with some bait inside.

Side: "Ok I'm confused, how is this supposed to help us?"

Prime: "Terradive may have the advantage underwater, but we can level the playing field with this. No Seacon, including the king himself can resist the oldest trick in the book. Cliffjumper was once a champion fisherman before the war."

Cliff: (proudly) "I once caught 3 Sharkticons without any bait."

Bee: "Impressive."

Prime: "It's your show now Cliffjumper, do us proud."

Before Cliffjumper casts the line Terradive comes out of the water for a brief mocking session.

Terra: "Well if it isn't 5 moving targets and Optimus Prime."

Prime: "It ends here Terradive, surrender now."

Terra: "You dare to threaten a king Optimus? How pitiful you truly are."

Cliff: "Give me five minutes alone with you and let's see who's really pitiful."

Terra: "Sounds tempting, but I have a better idea, killing you. Water you waiting for Autobots? Hahhaha...(to himself) oh Primus, Fearswoop was right."

Bee: "What did he say?"

Terra: "Um, nothing."

Terradive then braces back like a dolphin to taunt the Autobots, and that angers Cliffjumper greatly.

Prime: "Alright Cliffjumper, it's time to go fishing."

Cliffjumper casts out a line and the bait goes into the water. Terradive is laughing his head off until he sees the bait floating next to him. His eyes widen in astonishment as his primal instincts begin to take over. There urge to bite it becomes too strong to overcome.

Terra: " bite."

Unfortunately for Terradive he opens his mouth, falling for it hook, line, and sinker (pun absolutely intended) and for a moment feels a sense of self satisfaction. This isn't very long because he immediately feels the repercussions as Cliffjumper begins to reel him in.

Cliff: (struggling) "Whoa, I got a whopper Prime!"

Prime: "Keep on it Cliffjumper!"

Beach: "You can do it man!"

Terradive proves to be quite the catch as he jumps through the water and waves, and each time he does so he makes dolphin noises each time he flies out of the water. He also bends back and forth like a cartoon fish when it struggles to break free.

Cliff: "I don't think I can hold on!"

Prime: "Come on everyone, pull!"

Cliff: "Give it up already you amphibious bastard!"

All six Autobots pull hard enough until finally they manage to pluck Terradive out of the water and onto the ship. He flops around like a fish out of water, and the other Autobots save Optimus laugh at their opponent's humiliating situation.

Cliff: "Look at him squirm!"

Prowl: "How amusing."

Beach: "He's totally trippin man!"

Terra: (spitting out the hook) "Curse you for humiliating me like that Optimus Prime."

Cliff: "Take that you freaky fish guy!"

Terra: "I am not a freaky fish guy!"

Prime: "Surrender Terradive, or you won't like what will happen if you say no."

Terra: (getting up) "Again I'm a king, and I never surrender to a weakling like you."

Prime: "Yet you surrendered to Megatron."

Terra: "False, he gave me an offer that I liked, and we have joined forces ever since. As leaders we have something called respect for one another, not that you would know the meaning of the word."

Prime: "I wouldn't be talking about leadership considering what you do to your people."

Terra: "Oppression is what keeps them in line, that way we have more order and power. Sacrificing a few freedoms for the sake of security against unwanted surface dwellers like you. I made the right decision, and that's why you are so weak."

Prime: "You are hurting your people, it isn't right."

Terra: "Do I look like I care? You baby your troops, and that's why you lose so many, we will win Optimus, I assure you."

Prime: "Not today."

Optimus shoots at the Seacon by firing a massive bullet, but Terradive unleashes his trident and destroys the bullet, and it disintegrates and splits apart right by his face.

Terra: "King of the Seacons, remember?"

Optimus and Prowl fire at him, but he deflects with his trident, and blasts the bullets to remain unharmed. He shoots Bumblebee off the ship with a straight shot, and Sideswipe goes on the offensive. He leaps at Terradive and clashes blades with him. He puts up a small fight before being thrown off the boat. Optimus and Prowl charge at Terradive, and he blocks each of their attacks and jabs Optimus with the blunt end of his trident in his stomach. As Optimus clutches his stomach Prowl goes hardcore and does impressive fight moves that finally break his defenses and lands a solid punch to the face that gets him to stagger back a few steps.

Terra: (wiping Energon from his mouth) "Impressive Prowl, but not impressive enough!"

Terradive lunges toward Prowl and picks him up. He tosses him up in the air and swings the blunt end of his trident like a baseball bat, sending Prowl far away from the fight. All that remains is Optimus, Cliffjumper, and Beachcomber.

Terra: "Unlike my partner in crime I don't use brutish tactics, I'm much more skilled and quicker on my feet."

Cliff: "Only person I know who needs quick feet is Starscream, and he's a coward."

Terra: (angry) "I am no coward!"

Terradive angrily lunges at the Autobots, and that's exactly what they were hoping for. Beachcomber activates his liquid nitrogen gun to make the floor slippery, causing him to fall. He quickly gets up and swats Cliffjumper away. Beachcomber leaps on his back and starts kicking him, and is thrown off really hard on the floor. Optimus has a swords vs trident battle with Terradive. They parry the other's moves with quick succession and skill, and Cliffjumper takes out his energy sword to help Optimus out. Terradive does a sweep attack that knocks Cliffjumper and Beachcomber off their feet, but Optimus jumps over it and hits him with a flying kick. Terradive lunges at Optimus and stabs him with his middle blade. Optimus pulls it out and disarms Terradive, and then swings the blunt end of the trident right across his face. The knocked down Seacon tries to fight back, but to little success. Optimus fires another big bullet that lands straight to his chest, which sends him bouncing like a pebble thrown into the water. Optimus throws the trident into the ocean and departs with the Autobots, their work is done.

Terradive returns to the Decepticons and is greeted by Fearswoop and Thundercracker.

Thunder: "So, how did it go?"

Terra: "Disastrous."

Fear: "Roast any Autobots?"

Terra: "No."

Fear: "You suck."

Terra: (hurt) "Gee thanks, I really needed that."

Fear: "Kidding!"

Thunder: "Good one Fearswoop!"

Terra: (annoyed) "Ugh!"

Megatron: "Our Vehicons are nearly ready, and we will need one final distraction. Splicer, you are just the person I need for this mission, think you can handle it?"

Splicer: "You know it!"

Megatron: "Excellent, you will begin tomorrow. The Autobots will never know what hit them."

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