Part 25: No Way Out

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Ace is flying in the air talking to Alan, and they are both busy bringing the heat to whichever Decepticon and Vehicon they can find, and they notice the Skywarp clone on top of a building shooting at Optimus and Sideswipe. Tyrone catches up with the Autobots to help take down the clone.

Ace: (via comm link) "Optimus, me and the drones will circle back and hit thing this thing in the chest, and you finish it off."

Prime: "On it, Sideswipe, create a distraction."

Side: "Thought you would never ask!"

Sideswipe shoots at the clone while Optimus climbs up top another building nearby to gain higher ground. Ace and the drones circle back to the area and begins to pelt the clone with missiles. The clone returns fire, and destroys one of the two drones with missiles. The clone begins to charge up its black hole gun. Optimus jumps up in the air and shoots his ion blasters into the right side of its face, and it gets blown clean off, and the clone begins to stagger back s missiles from Ace's jet and the drone knocks it over, and the clone falls face first into the ground, taking some of the building with it as it falls.

Ace: "Yeah!

Weazel: "We did it!"

Ace: "You mean me and Optimus did it."

Weazel: "Shut up."

Side: "Hurry Optimus, hit the recall button on the cannon!"

Optimus picks up the arm of the clone and hits the recall button, and we see a black hole forming, but this time instead of sucking it blows out everything that was sucked in recently. Humans, soldiers, and tanks all fall out, but a few humans die because of the speed of the release. As a few people get up, the Autobots realize it was too late for them. They begin to glitch out like a computer program. As it turns out their molecular integrity has been compromised. The time stuck in that pocket dimension is tearing them apart molecule by molecule, and they begin to go up into the air as each piece separates into nothingness. Finally Jazz pops out, and Tyrone comes over to see if his friend is in one piece.

Tyrone: "Come on Jazz, speak to me!"

Jazz: (waking up) "Oh.... who turned out the lights?"

Side: "Are you ok Jazz?"

Jazz: "For a guy who went into a black hole, I'm pretty good."

As he says this he begins to glitch out, and everyone understandably panics.

Jazz: (panicking) "I don't want to be just molecules, it's bad for my complexion!"

Suddenly the glitching begins to stop altogether.

Tyrone: "Why did it stop?"

Prime: "Things with more mass need more time to break down, it looks like we got here in the nick of time."

Jazz: "Can you not cut it so close next time guys?"

Side: "We will try."

Unfortunately brief periods of peace like this don't last very often. Megatron flies down and dropkicks Optimus, and Sideswipe tries to leap on top of his back. Megatron doesn't even look behind him, and he simply reels his fist back, which knocks him out. Jazz fires a few shots at Megatron, but he is grabbed by the head and thrown far away, which actually lands him near Ratchet and Beachcomber.

Ratchet: (amazed) "Jazz, you're alive!"

Beach: (weakly) "Hey man."

Jazz: "You ain't looking too good Beachcomber. Think you can save him doc?"

Ratchet: "I sure hope so."

Jazz briefly glitches out again, which freaks everyone out.

Jazz: "Chill, it's just me adjusting.

Fear: (in the background) "I heard chill! Feel the fury of Fearswoop!"

Cliffjumper comes running back, and is on fire. Beachcomber gets up and puts him out with his liquid nitrogen, and falls down in pain.

Cliff: "Hey Jazz, nice seeing you back."

Jazz: "Sup."

Ratchet: "Don't overexert yourself Beachcomber."

While Ironhide and Prowl battle Fearswoop, Splicer, and Waspinator, we go over to Longarm, who is towing Wheeljack over to Ratchet. Wheeljack is looking very grim as he is leaking bad and his eyes constantly flicker on and off.

Wheel: (faintly) "I'm not going to make it.'

Longarm: "Don't you dare say that to me."

Wheel: "Face it, I'm as good as dead."

Longarm: "No you're not, it might as well be me today."

Chip: "Why do you say that Longarm?"

Longarm: "I've been taking the bullet for so many Autobots that I might as well go today. The old me is gone, and once Dropkick is dead I might as well go too."

Chip: "We don't let our past define us Longarm, it's what you make of yourself in the future that transforms you."

Longarm: (touched) "I guess I never thought of it like that. I guess you're right."

Wheel: (fading) "I'm gonna go sleep now."

Longarm: (panicking) "Don't say that, remember the time at Metroplex when you and me were trapped together and all we had to defend ourselves was a single grenade?"

Wheel: "Oh yeah, that was crazy."

Longarm: "It sure was, and guess what? We're here."

Longarm carries Wheeljack to Ratchet, who now is suffering from work overload.

Wheel: "Ehh... what's up doc? Hmm that's weird Starscream's patch just blipped."

Ratchet: "Two of you are in critical condition now? (under his breath) The races you guys make me run."

Longarm: "I haven't seen Bumblebee anywhere, I'm going to look for him."

As Longarm transforms and drives off to look for Bumblebee, we now transition over the the kids being trapped by the psychotic Brimstone. At this point what little self control he had left has no quietly left the premises.

Brim: (at his most disturbing) "Oh what fun shall I inflict on you first? Oh I know, I'll rip out your spines and suck out your spinal fluids. Yummy!"

Spike: (scared) "Don't hurt us!"

Carly: (frightened) "Have mercy!"

Brim: (reminiscing) "Mercy huh? I remember pulling out her eyes back on Cybertron, she never needed them anyway."

Spike: "You aren't going to get away with this. Bumblebee's gonna-"

Brim: (laughing hysterically) "Bumblebee? That yellow weakling can't save you from me, nobody can. I'm going to rip out your ribcage, and then I'm going to cut each rib individually, and then I'm going to stab both of you in the eyes with them. Finally when Bumblebee does arrive, all he will see is the little artwork I've left for him."

Carly: "You sick freak!"

Brim: (feeling happy) "Thank you child, it warms my spark to hear you say that. And for that your death will be swift, his however will be much... much worse."

Spike: "You monster!"

Brim: (the sickest he's ever been) "Too late for a swift death, I will burn my laser down your neck. But enough talk, let's get started."

Brimstone picks up both of the kids and laughs will evil glee. He then drops them and watches them fall down.

Brim: (absolutely cruel) "Oh what fun this is, I haven't felt this aroused since I mangled Hubcap!"

Brimstone picks them up again and pins them to the wall.

Brim: "I think it's high time for a makeover. The kind that involves deep and painful cutting." Carly gets thrown into some garbage bags and Spike gets thrown on top a metal garbage can. Spike slowly and painfully gets up as he punts one hand on his pants. Suddenly he remembers that the gun that Wheeljack gave him is still in his pocket. Feeling brave for the first time in his life he decides to make a bold move.

Spike: "Carly, get over here!"

Brim: (softly) "If you run, it will be all the more satisfying when I catch you."

Carly goes behind Spike as he pulls the gun out of his pocket. Brimstone laughs as he sees the nonsense in front of him.

Brim: (scoffing) "What's this? You're going to hit me with that ineffective weapon? What a farce!"

Spike turns the gun on and we see a laser lock on to one of his eyes.

Brim: "Huh?"

The gun fires, and in slow motion we see a single green laser go towards Brimstone's face, and it completely destroys his right eye. Brimstone puts one hand to his eye while he moves around the walls, crashing into them.

Spike: "That's for hurting me and Carly!"

Meanwhile on the other end of the alleyway unbeknownst to everyone else, Terradive is busy making short work of the tanks from the human military.

(boasting) "Do you pitiful humans truly believe that you can take on the full might of a king?"

Terradive gets shot in the back by a tank, and in response he turns around and disintegrates it with his mighty trident. All is left is blue smoke and sparkles that surround him in a very watery pattern. This pretty moment is short lived as more tanks appear and shoot him. As he is knocked to the ground he reveals a missile launch on his shoulder, which he uses to blow up two tanks, the third blows off his launcher while he is shot in the back again. At this point Terradive is terribly wounded and has a brilliant idea.

"Megatron would understand that I had to retreat because I couldn't hold off the army right? Yeah... I'm sure he would, but it's a gamble I have to make. (calling Fearswoop) Fearswoop, we should get out of here."

(over comm link) "I would love to, but as it turns out I have been (puts on sunglasses) disarmed. Yeah!!!"

"... Ok then see you back at base."

Terradive flies back to base without his missile launcher, which is now on the sidewalk. At the same time this was happening, Bumblebee was searching for Spike when he finally sees them trapped by Brimstone, who is flailing around like he is being attacked by bees. Bumblebee runs over to to save his friends, but gets tackled by an unknown assailant. It turns out to be Payload of all people.

"What are you doing Payload?"

"Standing my ground."

(frustrated) "Look I really can't deal with you right now Payload!"

(angry) "That's what everyone always says to me. You suck Payload, we can't deal with you right now Payload, go kill yourself Payload! I've had it!. It's about time I show everyone what I can do!"

"And what would that be exactly?"

"Killing you, maybe now I might get some respect."

Payload charges at Bumblebee, who simply steps aside to dodge him, and Payload trips over a rock and falls face first to the ground. Bumblebee uses this to advantage to get closer to his friends, but Payload activates his chest claw, which shoots out and grabs Bumblebee by the leg, ,and pulls him back to the fight. Bumblebee breaks free, but Payload picks him up and throws him across the street, which surprises the Autobot.

Brimstone finally gains focus again through his remaining eye and becomes enraged.

Brim: (screaming) "I will cut you in half for that!"

Brimstone uses his head crystal to fire a laser at the gun, which melts, giving Spike a second degree burn. Brimstone picks up both kids and brutally pins them to the wall, but Spike is able to break free as Brimstone pursues him, and he sees a new opening caused by his flailing, and Brimstone only barely misses catching Spike again as he goes through the alley.

Brim: (shouting) "Very well then, I guess you leave your lady to die then, she needs a haircut."

He activates his free hand's buzzsaw as it slowly approaches Carly, and Spike is out on the street panicking over what to do, but then he sees the missile launcher that was separated from Terradive, which still contains two missiles.

Bumblebee is still fighting Payload, and manages to kick the lowlife Decepticon off of him, but he is grabbed by the leg, and Payload punches his face on some rubble, and Bumblebee has finally had it. He puts on his battle mask, and turns around to clock Payload in the face. Bumblebee lands two more punches, but Payload ducks on the third and counters with an uppercut. His chest claw comes again to throw Bumblebee around like a ragdoll, but Bumblebee uses his micron missiles to take blow it off.

Brimstone draws his buzzsaw nearer and nearer to Carly as a rock is thrown at the back of his head. He turns around to see spike struggling to hold the missile launcher.

Spike: "This is for anyone else you have ever hurt!"

He launches the missile at his left arm, which is blown clean off, and it and Carly fall the ground as Carly frees herself. Brimstone again flails around in pain.

Bumblebee gets a roundhouse kick to the chest from Payload , but Bumblebee decides to end this fight now as he takes his Energon ax out. He takes a swipe at Payload's chest, which burns because of the axe's heat, and then Bumblebee gets on his back and shoots him with his plasma cannon. Payload manages to shake Bumblebee off, but Bumblebee does a low blow and cuts off Payload's leg. Bumblebee decides to spare his enemy and runs to the humans. Payload is in shock and puts what pieces of his leg are left back on, transforms, and leaves the city.

Brimstone for the first time in his life has fear in his eyes as Spike prepares to launch the final missile at him.

Brim: (pleading) "It was just a joke I swear, I really didn't want to disembowel you and decorate my room with your organs! Take a joke!"

Spike: (boldly) "Not a chance, and this one... is for Hubcap!"

The final missile hits Brimstone square in the chest, and the explosion takes one of his legs as he falls flat on his chest, and the light on his eye goes dim as it turns off. Bumblebee runs in to see what has happened.

Bee: (shocked) "Whoa! What happened here?"

Carly: "My hero!" (hugs)

Spike: (a little embarrassed) "I finally stood up for myself."

Bee: (impressed) "You sure did. You really did a number on that guy. In all truth he was a sick bastard and the whole universe is a better place now without him, so how about we get out of here?"

Carly: "Thought you would never ask!"

What the three failed to hear was the sound of charging as a red laser goes straight through Bumblebee's stomach, and he goes on his knees clutching his stomach. It turns out Brimstone is still alive, but barely. The kid try to run, but he stretches his arm out in a sweep attack, which makes them both fall on their faces, they struggle to get up as they see him dragging himself Terminator style as he draws nearer and nearer.....

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