Part 6: Shockwave and The Teal Autobot

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So what do you think about this one?  Would love to hear any type of response. 

  Shockwave walks out and pauses to take a look at all of his surroundings of the Decepticon propaganda and improved buildings that he and his team accomplished. He then watches as the twin suns go into sunset.

"All of this beauty is so... logical."

Shockwave transforms into a tank, and drives out of the tower. He follows the signals from his scanners to the docks. Transforming, he notices that the damage is quite severe. There are fires scattered around the area, and the camera drones are all destroyed.

"This can't be right, the scanners must be malfunctioning. There must be more than one Autobot here. Nobody can do damage of this magnitude alone."

?: (hidden) "Actually you're wrong, it's just me."

"Where are you Autobot?"


The Autobot appears in car form from the top of a building and drives straight into Shockwave's face. The car is teal and has many exhaust pipes around the sides and back. it begins to transform and reveals himself

"Hmm scanners indicate that you met my brother in the past, so you must be that teal Autobot that he stopped from getting to The Ark."

"Yep, that's me"

"What is your name?"

"You can call me Hotshot."

"Alright Hotshot this scenario can play out in two ways, and two ways alone. You can surrender and be imprisoned, or you can die an excruciatingly painful death. Resistance is futile, and escape is illogical."

"Hmmm, I choose option 3, getting your ugly hide out of here."

Hotshot begins the battle by shooting Shockwave with his blasters. Most of them just bounce off of him because of his incredible size and shape. Shockwave remembers back to when he last spoke to Megatron about trying to shoot the Autobot. Shockwave has the unfortunate privilege of being called the worst shot on Cybertron. In the billions of years in his existence, he has only made 7 successful shots. Logic dictates that it is nearly impossible for him to hit his agile foe, but he tries anyway. What happens next is the equivalent of giving Michael J Fox a gun. The shots from his dual photon cannons keep shooting everything except for Hotshot, who finds this amusing.

(mocking) "Looks like the safest place for me to be is in front of your gun Shockwave!"

(annoyed) "Interloper, your termination is imminent."

"Yours maybe, but not mine!"

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