Part 29: Malice

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Optimus finally has Megatron trapped, and like a cornered mouse he begins to fight back in desperation. All the punches, kicks and blasts in the world couldn't save Megatron from Optimus going Chris Brown on him. The beatdown has a sense of justice and poetic beauty to it, but as everyone knows poetry sucks. Optimus has Megatron at his most injured state, and all he would need his one final strike. Suddenly Optimus gets something thrown at the back of his head. It doesn't hurt really, but it's like getting hit in the head with a rock. Optimus scans the area and notices that it is a pair of legs, and a very familiar pair at that. Optimus then hears a roar that captivates everyone's attention.

Soundwave: (roaring) "Optimus Prime, bear witness to what I have done to your friend!"

Soundwave throws Prowl's top half to Optimus's feet, and he is horrified and angered for the loss of his friend.

Prime: (tensely) "You've mutilated and murdered him in cold wires."

Soundwave: "It is no different than what happened to my race after you ordered a hit on them, and news flash you missed one."

Prime: "We Autobots want nothing but peace, we would never kill an entire race under any circumstances!"

Soundwave: "Peace through genocide, that is all you monsters ever do, and that's why you must die."

Megatron: (getting up) "Yes Soundwave, he must die for the sake of your race and everyone else's."

Bumblebee and the other Autobots who can stand come over to try and assist Optimus.

Bee: "We're here Optimus!"

Prime: "Autobots, stand back, this is my battle."

Side: "Are you crazy?"

Jazz: "Prime this ain't cool!"

Soundwave: "Very well Optimus Prime, you extinction is today!"

Soundwave transforms into his jet form and flies down to ram Optimus, the two fly into several buildings as Optimus struggles to get on. Megatron takes a moment before transforming to help his friend in the battle. Optimus manages to get on top off Soundwave's jet and begins to shoot him to bring him down, and they crash land into the street. Both get up quickly, and Soundwave brings out his sword arms to engage Prime, who also takes out his swords. The two clash like gods as Soundwave parries each attack and swivels around behind Prime to kick him in the back. Optimus rolls to recover and blocks a double stab attack from Soundwave. Optimus tries to swipe at him, but Soundwave leaps up and stabs him in the ribs, seriously wounding him. Soundwave jumps off of Optimus and uses his ultrasonics to blow him back several yards. Megatron arrives on the scene and blasts the downed Prime with his fusion cannon. Optimus gets up and does an uppercut with his blade to knock Megatron back. What Optimus didn't realize is the Soundwave has a fully charged shot of his sonic cannon ready, and he fires it at the Autobot. But like the savior he is, Longarm comes from nowhere and takes the shot in the chest. Ratchet freaks out and yells to his fallen friend.

Ratchet: "Are you alright Longarm?"

Longarm slowly puts a thumbs up, to Ratchet's frustration.

Ratchet: "You reckless idiot!"

Soundwave and Megatron double team Optimus, and Optimus manages to deck Megatron and block a few slashes from Soundwave, but he gets cut in the back of the leg. Optimus limps as Soundwave picks him up and slams him on the ground. Soundwave takes his blades out and tries to stab him, but Optimus rolls out of the way as Soundwave's blades get stuck in ground. The screaming Optimus takes advantage of this and lands a hard punch to Soundwave's face, knocking him down. Optimus leaps to smash him, but Soundwave uses a moderate blast from his tractor beam, sending him flying through several buildings until he crash lands onto another street. Before he can completely get up, he is attacked by Megatron, who gets him with a flying kick to the chest. Optimus gets punched twice before Megatron shoots him in the back, and Megatron has him pinned to a wall. Optimus gives him a headbutt to get him off and slams his face into the pavement, messing it up. Soundwave intervenes by uses his tractor beams to pull Optimus over to him. Soundwave grabs him by the leg and starts to swing him around Mario style. While spinning Optimus takes out his gun and shoots Soundwave in the chest, forcing him to drop him. Optimus charges at Soundwave and uses his arm to grab hold of his neck and punches him straight in the face. Megatron shoots Optimus in the back and Soundwave tackles Optimus. Optimus kicks Soundwave off and Megatron gives Optimus a roundhouse kick to the face. Optimus dodges a slash by Megatron and stabs him in to knee, causing him to fall while Optimus knees him in the face. Optimus picks up a car and throws it at Soundwave, but his tractor beams catch it and throws it back at Optimus. Optimus jumps up and uses his swords to cut the car in half. While Soundwave runs to Optimus, the Prime picks up the bottom half of the car and bashes Megatron aside with it. Soundwave uses the tractor beam to pull Optimus again, dragging him across the street. Optimus ditches the piece of the car and sees Megatron charging his fusion cannon. He swivels behind Megatron and grabs his arm, pulling the trigger that sends a large shot into Soundwave, causing him to fall hard on his back. The enraged Megatron reels his head back into Prime's face, cracking his mouthplate. Megatron smashes his fists down Optimus's neck, and Soundwave gets up to unleash his quartet.

Soundwave: "Rumble Frenzy, Ravage Laserbeak eject. Operation: Prime Extinction."

As Optimus picks up and throws Megatron into a building the twins leap on him, crawling shooting, and kicking him wherever they can. Optimus grabs both of them and bashes their heads together, knocking them out. Ravage and Laserbeak charge at Optimus by blasting him with his cannons and missiles, and mauls him to the ground. Optimus grabs Ravage by the tail and slams him into Laserbeak. Soundwave has had enough and thirty to forty tentacles each with claws and pincers all emerge from different parts of his body, and launch them all at Optimus. He cuts a few of the first ones off, but their number is far too many, and each one embeds themselves into his armor, and they all send an electric charge into his body, and it is too much for him to take as he falls onto the floor defeated. Megatron and the quartet approach their foe as they begin to taunt his defeat.

Frenzy: "Not so tough now are you ya bully!"

Rumble: "Looks like you got a Prime problem!"

Frenzy: "Good one Rumble!"


Megatron: (gloating) "And so it ends here, a dynasty of hypocrites and weakness dies on a barren and primitive rock. Quite poetic justice if I do say so myself."

Prime: (calmly) "Even if I do die here today, there will always be someone who will take my place to oppose you."

Soundwave: (snarling) "Then I will kill them all too!"

Megatron: "It ends now, you may have the honors Soundwave."

Soundwave: "Very well, but I must do something first Megatron."

Megatron: "And what might that be?"

Soundwave brings out a tentacle holding a very strange device. He puts it next to Optimus's face.

Soundwave: "This is a polygraph that I invented myself, and believe me it works. Not even the king of lies Starscream could beat it. I'm going to ask you this once Optimus: Did you order a hit on my people?"

Prime: (taking a deep breath) "No."

The results calculate and reveal it to Soundwave.

Soundwave: "He's telling the truth."

Megatron: "Interesting, then who did it?"

Soundwave: "Who indeed."

Soundwave puts it up to Megatron's face, much to his surprise.

Soundwave: "Tell me Megatron, did you have anything to do with my race's extinction?"

Megatron: (baffled) "What? No!"

The answer calculates to Soundwave, who views the results, and Soundwave looks back up at Megatron.

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