Autobot Bios

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  With every bio I tell you what their weapons are whether it's melee, a gun, or in some cases some sort of power. So if you read this please tell me what you think and who stands out. 

Prime: I'm withholding info on Optimus here because back then I didn't realize just how much I was going to develop him.

Melee: Twin Energon blades.

Guns: Twin Ion blasters which act like medium range shotguns. It is very precise and can kill smaller enemies instantly. He also has two laser rifles which is used for long range combat.

Bumblebee: Bumblebee is the youngest member of the group.  His youthful spirit helps Optimus and the others keep fighting the good fight. He is ready to end this war with his new friends.

Melee: Energon ax

Guns: Plasma cannon and Micron missile launcher

Ratchet: Prime personality. Isn't very fond of humans yet. Also the second oldmest member of the group and 5th in the command chain on Earth.

Melee: Buzzsaw used for dealing out pain and surgeries.

Guns: Energon beam gun and sticky grenade launcher.

Ironhide: Movie personality and Prime's 4th in command. A more developmed version of

Melee: none

Guns: Heavy Iron rifle, Pulse shotgun, and short range grenade launcher.

Jazz: The smallest and most laid back of the team, he grows fond of the humans and their culture.

Melee: Metal staff

Guns: Crescent missiles and pulse cannon.

Sideswipe: This guy has an ego that rivals Starscream's. He is so in love with his new form that he stays in vehicle mode for most of this story. He is one of Bumblebee's best friends but likes to go on missions with Ironhide because they make an awesome team. Sideswipe was born with the special ability of Stealth Force. This is a modification that allows his vehicle mode to be enhanced with weaponry and agility that would be restricted in his other forms. Also replace his VA with Darren Criss from RID. He's the essential Sideswipe.
Melee: Arm blades
Guns: Pulse pistols and a mine launcher.

Beachcomber: Beachcomber has always been a rebel, but after getting a massive head injury upon his arrival to earth, those traits have only been increased. He now acts like what the humans call a "stoner", with the wires hanging from his head to look like hippie hair. He wants peace not war, but he isn't afraid to fight the cons and "the man" to accomplish this. The only authority he respects is Optimus, and this puts him at odds with Prowl.
Melee: none
Guns: Liquid nitrogen gun and slug repeater.

Voice used: Mordecai from Regular Show

Wheeljack: Wheeljack was once a Wrecker, but left the team because their leader had extremely cruel tactics that he wasn't pleased with. He prefers being the team's crackpot inventor anyway. He is often at the end of the younger member's jokes because most of his inventions just blow up in his face. When they do work however, they make miracles for the team. He doesn't see humans as very bright, but the witty Chip Chase may change his mind.
Melee: Dual swords
Guns: Photon blaster and Pulse pistol.

Hubcap: ( DOTM Que appearance) The oldest member of the team may look like your average old man, but don't judge this book by his cover. In his youth he was one of the best warriors that Cybertron had ever seen. After all, he was the one who trained Prime. He is Brimstone's archenemy, and now that they are on Earth together, he can finally settle the score.
Melee: Huge buzzsaw and giant spear on his back.
Guns: Twin rib pistols.

Longarm: Primes 3rd in command is someone who you would definitely want to have with you on the battlefield. Long ago he was betrayed by his friend who caused a near fatal injury to his chest. Luckily Ratchet was able to save his life by implanting very rare and virtually indestructible form of Cybertronian titanium as an armor for his chest. He uses this gift to help take the bullet for his friends because it cushions nearly every attack. When they ask if it hurts, he replies that it tickles.

Melee: Uranium beam sword. This acts like a lightsaber, and also acts like a projectile. Not only that, but it functions like a boomerang because it always goes back inside its gun. He also uses the hook from his tow truck to slap cons around like no tomorrow.

Guns: Uranium beam and twin lasers hidden inside the back lights of his tow truck.

Hotshot: Bumblebee's twin shares his energy, but is the far more reckless of the two. He is more concerned about showing off to his comrades than anything else. His spark is in the right place though, and will always go the distance for his family. Most of his accomplishments are made on dumb luck rather than skill, and as you know luck must eventually run out.

Guns: Flame throwers and mini shoulder mounted missile launchers.

Prowl: Prime's 2nd in command is the one of the best marksmen in the universe. He rarely misses his target and he can improvise just about any situation. This makes him a robot Macgyver. Despite having a more mature attitude, he sure likes to talk trash to his opponents. He has a compulsive need to establish order whenever Prime isn't around. This puts him at odds with his younger teammate, especially Beachcomber. He likes his new vehicle form because it displays some authority over others. Don't mistake his need to give orders as the result of a big ego. He loves his family and would do anything to protect them.

Guns: High powered Energon super pistols, which have a firing rate equal to a machine gun.

Cliffjumper: Cliff is a model Autobot due to his competence in battle and loyalty to the cause. He hates traitors, and always thinks there is one amongst any team. The only things he hates more than traitors are Decepticons. The very word grinds his gears and send him into a rant. He can't wait to shoot that silly grin off of Megatron's face.

Melee: Dual energy swords on both arms. He also has a hammer which also transforms into a heavy gatling gun.

Guns: The hammer gun and triple photon blasters on each hand.

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