Part 10: Grief and Dissapointment

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Brimstone and his goons come back to the base, where they get a less than welcoming response from everyone.

Splicer: "Hey look everybody it's Brimstone, Dropkick and Blastwave.... why isn't anyone else happy about this?"

Brim: "It's good to be back."

Fear: "There's that unpleasant Brimstone and his cronies."

Terra: "What wastes of Energon they all are."

Thunder: "I actually like Starscream better."

Fear: -gasp- "Thundercracker, say it isn't so!"

Thunder: "Yes I really mean it."

Rumble: "We can never look at you the same way again."

Wasp: "Waspinator think they all smell."

Skywarp: (sarcastically) "What a valuable and revolutionary thing to say Waspinator, your contributions to these conversations are leaps and bounds ahead of us all."

Wasp: "Skywarp so nice to Waspinator."

Skywarp: "Yes whatever floats your hovercraft."

Brim: (loudly) "Megatron, I'm home."

Megatron: (condescending) "If it isn't the biggest disappointment since Starscream."

Brim: (undeterred) "I love you too."

Megatron: "I see you also brought the rest of your friends with you. How... generous of you."

Dropkick: "We got cut off on a little detour, won't happen again."

Megatron: "Indeed it won't."

Soundwave launches some strange device at all three Decepticons. The small shell then embeds itself deep into their circuitry, causing them to be in excruciating pain.

Brim: (in pain) "What did you do to us?"

Megatron: "Thank you Soundwave, I needed that. I know you're wondering what my little gift to you is, and I'll explain that. These are new tracking devices that are now in your skin. Attempt to remove them and they will explode. I know you may think I'm insane, but believe me when I say that nothing of importance would be lost if you die."

Blast: "That's cold man!"

Fear: (in the background) "I think you meant hot!"

Terra: "Hush Fearswoop."

Megatron: "Now Blastwave, I would punish you even worse if you weren't Shockwave and Shockblasts' younger brother, but don't abuse your privilege."

Blast: "Of course."

Megatron: "Dropkick, you have done virtually nothing since joining, but your very first act of loyalty is still fresh on my mind."

Dropkick: "Thank you Megatron."

Megatron: "As for you Brimstone, well I have nothing for you but disappointment."

Splicer: "Oh my, you guys look terrible, I'll start with you Brimstone.... don't mind me Megatron, you can keep going."

Brim: "I think you should know something Megatron, I haven't return empty handed."

Megatron: "Oh really? Then explain to us all what you mean."

Brim: "I have terminated an Autobot for you Lord Megatron."

Megatron: "Which one?"

Brim: "Hubcap."

Megatron: "The old man.....(infuriated) YOU IDIOT!"

Brim: (shocked) "What?"

Megatron: "Do you realize what you've done?"

Brim: "Yes I killed an Autobot."

Megatron: "Out of all the Autobots to kill, you killed the old and helpless one."

Brim: "He wasn't so helpless when we fought him."

Megatron: "Because you are weaker than he is and it took three of you to put him down!"

Brim: (standing up) "It's one more than you've taken out Megatron."

Splicer: (impatient) "Please hold still Brimstone, if I cut your throat while trying to fix you it would be.....practically unintentional."

Megatron: "Have you ever heard the phrase you are only as strong as your weakest link?"

Brim: "Of course."

Megatron: "With Hubcap out of the way the Autobots no longer have a weak link."

Brim: "It's one less Autobot you have to deal with."

Megatron: I would have spared him, he was going to die eventually anyway. If you were to kill Optimus, Prowl, Longarm, and Ironhide, then the war would be over. But instead you kill off the least relevant Autobot of the team."

Brim: "You don't understand Megatron, it was necessary."

Scream: (walking in) Then enlighten us Brimstone."

Brim: "I tore into his wires and circuits with my saws, and for what felt like forever I just dug deeper and deeper. And it just felt so ravishing, so.... (taking a perverted breath) satisfying."

Scream: "How repulsive."

Megatron: "Indeed Starscream, Brimstone's constant failures are a burden to us all."

Brim: (boldly) "You are an idiot Megatron."

Megatron: (angered) "Care to rephrase that last sentence?"

Brim: "No, all you ever do is sit on your throne like some high and mighty dictator. In reality, all you really are is a coward who fears death because you know that Optimus Prime is the only one who sees through your arrogance and cowardice. The Autobots have no hope with their friend gone."

Megatron is understandably pissed and grabs Brimstone and throws him against the wall.

Megatron: (beyond furious) "I should rip out your spark for that, but then you wouldn't learn a lesson in death. You speak of hope like it's so easily lost, so let me educate the incompetent, and maybe you will all learn something. Hope is what fuels all the Autobots, perhaps more than Energon. What you must realize is that as long as they have hope, they will keep fighting. You have to take out their source. Instead you gave them a new hope because you took down their oldest and weakest member. Now you have only made them stronger than before, and their chances for victory have therefore increased. On behalf of all of us we give you thanks for sealing our fate."

Frenzy and Rumble in the background: "You suck Brimstone!"

Splicer: -sigh- "Now I gotta fix you up even more now. You really shouldn't make Megatron mad like that."

Megatron: "Starscream, here is Brimstone's remote control. Do with him as you wish."

Scream: (smiling) "Gladly lord Megatron. Prepare for suffering that only you can comprehend Brimstone."

With that Starscream turns on the device and puts Brimstone through fate worse than death. His screams echo throughout the base, but Starscream's sadistic grin of satisfaction drowns out all the noise.

Back at the base Beachcomber goes to Wheeljack and Ratchet coming with a strange object.

Beach: "Hey Wheeljack, I got a favor for you man."

Wheel: (scratching his head) "What exactly am I looking at?"

Beach: "A great idea, we'll need it later man I just know it."

Prowl: "Last time you claimed to have a good idea I found you hooked up on a combination of Energon cocaine, mushrooms, heroin, and weed."

We cut to a flashback during a quiet time during the war. Beachcomber then takes all four at the same time and goes into a strange trance. Prowl finds him sitting in a corner alone when he tries to help him.

"What are you doing Beachcomber?"

"Heyyyy Prowl, wanna see my beast hunters?"

"What are you babbling on about?"

"I can taste colors."

"Ok no more goodies for you."

Beach: "Those were good times."

Wheel: "Ok, I guess me and Ratchet can work on this, ah here come Bumblebee and Longarm now."

Everyone comes to greet their friends, but see the horror before them as Longarm is seen carrying the corpse of Hubcap. Everyone including Cliffjumper, who now has a large dent on his head from Wheeljack, runs over to see this.

Ironhide: "Oh no."

Cliff: "What happened?

Side: "Is he ok?"

Bee: (emotional) "I'm sorry guys -sniff- ,but he's dead."

Ratchet: "How did this happen?"

Spike: "He died saving us."

Ratchet: (coldly) "So this is your fault.'

Jazz: "Easy Ratchet, now's not the time to point fingers."

Ratchet: "Are you kidding me Jazz? These humans cause us nothing but trouble, and now they cost us Hubcap!"

Wheel: "Its not their fault, it's Cliffjumper's.

Cliff: (shocked) "What did I do?"

Wheel "You were the one messing with Teletran-1. If you didn't then he would still be alive."

Cliff: "Hold the phone, how do we even know how long ago this happened? He could of been dead long after you fixed it. I think you just didn't pay attention, and now he's dead."

Beach: "Whoa dudes, let's not get like this."

Prowl: "Shut up Beachcomber, I don't think you understand the weight of this."

Beach: "How about I shove liquid nitrogen where the twin suns don't shine man?"

Prime: "Enough fighting, what happened Spike?"

Spike: "Me and Carly went out, and then this Decepticon named Brimstone attacked us, and he fought him off, but he killed him. -sniff- He died saving us, I feel so guilty."

Cliff: "Brimstone? Wait till I get my hands on him, I'll kill him for this."

Prime: "It wasn't your fault."

Ratchet: "Yes it was."

Spike: "He wanted me to tell you something Optimus. He said to never lose hope."

Ratchet: (enraged) HOPE? HOPE?!! Hope is what brought us in this mess in the first place!"

Prime: "That's enough Ratchet."

Ratchet: "You're right Optimus, it is enough. I've had enough of all of this, and it's time I've really spoken my mind. You keep trying to sell this war as a way to boost your ego, and truth be told you actually like war. All the fallen friends we've had just to be pawns in your game of chess just make me sick. You keep saying we have hope like that means something, so let me tell you what you really mean. Hope is what got us into this mess, and it's the reason why Hubcap, Hotshot, and so many others have lost their lives for your ego project. You had so many chances to take out Megatron, but you let him go because you want everyone to see you as a martyr. I see the truth Optimus, you are a selfish coward, and now that we are on this barren rock we really have no hope. I might as well kill myself now and spare myself the impending doom of Megatron."

Longarm: "You stepped way out of line Ratchet."

Ratchet: (cruelly) "Really? Open your eyes Longarm, and maybe you will see it too, or did you forget about Dropkick? I can't believe all of you buying in to his lies. Our fate was sealed the moment we arrived here, now get out of my way.

While the Autobots take in Ratchet's harsh words, a disgruntled Carly goes outside and cries with Spike coming to visit her.

"I never thought you could cry."

"Neither did I, I always thought I could be strong enough for anything, but I guess I was wrong."

"It's nothing to feel ashamed about."

"It is though, it's all my fault."

"No it wasn't."

'It was, I was the one who made you sneak off with me, and now he paid the price."

"Nobody could have seen this happening, not even him."

"It still hurts all the same, and I'm sorry for everything. This time I really mean it. Life is too short for all this to happen."

The two make up and the next day a funeral is held for their fallen comrade. Optimus gives a eulogy about their friend to strengthen them.

"Hubcap was a dedicated soldier and a friend to us all. But I knew him as my mentor and teacher. without him I could not be standing before all of you today. We will hurt, we will struggle and stumble, but we will never give up. He made the ultimate sacrifice for us all today, and I intend to make sure his death wasn't in vain. Farewell my friend, may your spirit rest easy and find peace to wherever you may be now. Till all are one."

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