Part 26: Savior

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Ace and the drone are flying in the air and finally finish off the remaining Vehicons, as they briefly celebrate the remaining drone is shot down by a mystery assailant. It isn't long before it is revealed to be Thundercracker.

Ace: (calmly) "It's Thundercracker."

Weazel: "You need to get out of there."

Ace: "Not happening."

Weazel: "You're going to die if you face him alone."

Ace: "No, I have a plan this time."

Weazel: (pleading) "Please don't he's"-

Ace turns off the link between them and activates it with Thundercracker instead.

Thunder: "You look familiar."

Ace: "That's because you took me down at my base when you first came here."

Thunder: "Oh now I remember, and it looks like you are ready for round two. Too bad it won't go the way you want to again."

Ace: "I don't make the same mistake twice."

Thunder: "Yet you are fighting me again."

Ace: "Then prove you're the best."

Thunder: (triumphantly) "Then prepare to meet your doom!"

The two go into a dogfight as the chase is on. Meanwhile on the main part of the battle, Splicer and Waspinator are busy fending off the Autobots. Splicer gets an inconvenient call from Knockout.

"Hey little brother, you won't believe what happened while I went on a little detour today!"

(trying to fight Cliffjumper) "What happened?"

"I met this guy, his name is Breakdown, and he's coming to work with me in the lab to help with Shockwave's new test subject."

(putting Cliffjumper in a full nelson) "That's great."

"But wait there's more!"

(knocking Cliffjumper out) "What is it?"

"He s a maestro behind a buffer. Never has my finish looked so fresh and shiny!"

(nearly puking) "Umm ok."

"Things are going well, how about you?"

"Well I'm trying to fight off some Autobots right now, so if you don't mind I have to go."

"That's really important? What's more important than my finish?"

"My finish, and the Autobots are trying to ruin it."

-gasp "Those fiends! Kick their tailgates for me!"

"Will do."

Splicer shoots at Ironhide, and it misses and hits the wall of a building. But it was a shot from his sniper rifle. The bullet begins beeping and explodes, taking a chunk of Ironhide's shoulder. Waspinator transforms into his wasp mode and charges at Prowl. He takes him up in the air and the two fight for quite some time. Prowl eventually lands a punch in Waspinator's wasp mode eye, and the two begin to spiral down to the ground. They both crash into a brick building very far away from the rest of the battle and are now unconscious.

Megatron and Optimus are still fighting, but now the tide has drastically shifted into Megatron's favor. Megatron kicks Prime hard in the gut, causing him to fall to his knees. Megatron turns on his thrusters, grabs Optimus by the face, and starts grinding his face on the road as they slide by.

Back at the alleyway, Brimstone is still dragging himself toward the trapped Spike and Carly, and Bumblebee is way too injured to help his friends.

Brim: (struggling) "I can't ugh... wait to wake up next to your corpses tomorrow! Wait... what's that?"

Everyone in the alley pauses for a brief moment as they hear a revving of an engine. It gets closer and closer until something blacks out the sun. The figure is barely visible, but that soon changes when it lands on top of Brimstone. It is none other than the motorcycle from the meteor. Brimstone attempts to shoot at him, but the bike is driving along the walls of the buildings. Guns emerge from the bike as it lands a shot into Brimstone's head crystal, and it gets blown off of him. He fires another shot, but this time it hits a building, and the debris falls on Brimstone, only leaving his head and neck visible. The rocks form a tiny ramp behind Brimstone, and the bike uses it, and his back tire lands on Brimstone's neck. Spikes emerge all over the bike's back tire, and then it begins to rev the tire up. Sparks fly everywhere as the spikes grind across Brimstone's neck, and his screams of pain die out as the lights fade and his head flies off near Spike and Carly's feet, finally ending the monster's life for good. Bumblebee somewhat recovers from his injury and tries to converse with this mystery savior.

Bee: "You saved us... why?

Spike: "Who are you?"

?: "That isn't important right now, but the kids need to get to safety."

Carly: "Then what should we do mystery dude?"

?: "I'll take you out of this city and return you when the fight is over."

Bee: "Now hold on a second. How do I know I can trust you?"

?: "I just saved you from that sick freak, now let me ask you a question: What's more important to you right now, killing Decepticons or saving humans?"

Bee: (begrudgingly) "I see your point, very well then. Be safe you two."

Spike: "We will."

Carly: "Don't worry about us."

Bee: "That's when I worry the most."

The kids both hold onto the driver as the bike speeds off through the alley and disappears. Bumblebee goes out on the other side and exits the alley. Just as he does this he is attacked by an unseen enemy, and it turns out it is Dropkick, and Blastwave transforms behind him to see what they got.

Dropkick: "Well look who it is Blastwave, we got Bumblebee all to ourselves."

Blast: "How'd we even get here son!?"

There is a small fight between the three, but Bumblebee's injury in addition to being alone don't help his situation. Bumblebee falls to the floor, and the other two just laugh sadistically.

Dropkick: "This is just too much fun!"

Blast: "Yeah let's go again!"

Dropkick: "If only Brimstone was here to see this."

Blast: "Yeah... where is he?"

Dropkick: "I don't know... wait what's that?"

Dropkick drags Bumblebee to the alleyway, and the two Decepticons see what's left of Brimstone. Dropkick and Blastwave are understandably angry, and become increasingly violent.

Blast: "Brimstone's dead son!"

Dropkick: (infuriated) "You killed Brimstone!"

Bee: "I didn't kill him."

Dropkick: "Oh, then why is it that you have a small hole in your stomach? I recognize those burn marks anywhere. Only Brimstone's crystal can do that."

Bee: "Yes he did shoot me, but I didn't kill him."

Blast: "Then who did?"

Bee: "It was some bike guy, he came out of nowhere and took his head off. He was a savior."

Dropkick: "Yeah right he totally exists, just like you are totally going to make it out of here alive."

Dropkick slams Bumblebee on the ground and takes out his pincer claw weapon, holding it above Bumblebee.

Dropkick: "I know he would have wanted you to die in the worst way possible, and this is for him!"

As Dropkick is about to put the final blow in Bumblebee, Longarm comes out and starts shooting him, Dropkick gets punched very hard in the face, cracking his visor, and Blastwave gets thrown across the street. The two cons get up and discuss their plans as Longarm helps Bumblebee up.

Dropkick: "Well look who it is, Longarm has come to die too."

Blast: "About time!"

Longarm: "You ok bumblebee?"

Bee: (relieved) "I am now!"

Longarm: "This ends now Dropkick."

Dropkick: "I couldn't agree more old buddy. Blastwave, you take tubby and I'll take this yellow murderer."

Blast: "On it!"

Longarm: (offended) "Tubby? Now that hurts."

The four go into an all out brawl as lasers and explosions happen all over the street. Blastwave spams his chest cannon in a 360 degree spin as Bumblebee leap, and spins to dodge each shot. Dropkick and Bumblebee duel ax vs pincer as they clash again and again, but Bumblebee's injury begins to get the best of him as Dropkick takes advantage of this and uppercuts him with his pincer and kicks him to the ground. Longarm isn't doing much better as the slow moving Autobot is being outclassed by Blastwave's speed. Blastwave shoots him the chest three times with his chest cannon, and Longarm tries to do a backhand, but Blastwave ducks and gives him an uppercut. Then he strafes behind Longarm to kick him in the back, and then kicks him in the face.

Longarm: (getting kicked) "Never liked him anyway."

Bee: "Umm Longarm, want to switch?"

Longarm: "Good idea."

The two swap opponents, and the the tide begins to slowly turn in their favor. Longarm cuts Dropkick across the chest with his beam sword, and Dropkick responds by stabbing him in the chest with his pincers, thought they don't do much as it gets stuck in the armor.

Longarm: (mocking) "What's wrong buddy, can't put another hole in my chest?"

Longarm uses the hook from his tow truck mode to stab Dropkick, and the hook tears out a bit of his chest along with part of the windshield on his chest from his truck mode. Dropkick breaks free and kicks Longarm back as he shoots him with his blasters. The shots just keep bouncing off him as he brutally knocks Dropkick far into the wall of a building.

Bumblebee and Blastwave fight, and Bumblebee takes control as he dodges the cannon fire and shoots his enemy twice with his plasma cannon, causing him to stagger back a few steps. Blastwave sends out his tire weapon, which bounces around the walls and hits Bumblebee square in the face. In slow motion we see it grind his face a tiny bit, and it goes back to Blastwave's arm like a boomerang. Bumblebee cuts Blastwave with his ax, and Blastwave hits Bumblebee with a left swipe. Bumblebee activates his missiles and shoots at Blastwave, he tries to shield himself with the car door on his arm, but it gets completely destroyed. At this point both Decepticons decide it may not be in their best interest to stick around.

Blast: "Dropkick, I think we should go!"

Dropkick: "Agreed, let's get out of here."

The two transform and drive off, and the Autobots follow suit. The chase begins leading everyone back to the center of the big battle. Bumblebee is catching up with the pair, and then Blastwave decides to take matters into his own hands. His cannon appears out of the rear of his car form and begins shooting at Bumblebee and Longarm, Bumblebee dodges, but Longarm's tire gets shot, and he crashes into a street light. He recovers and uses his balance servos to pick up speed and run along the walls shooting at Dropkick. Dropkick turns around and hits Longarm with a charged shot to the chest. Longarm gets knocked off the wall, and then Dropkick shoots at the wall where Longarm fell, and the debris covers and traps the Autobot. Bumblebee manages to pursue them back to the place where Ratchet is healing everyone, and Wheeljack gets up and throws a grenade to Bumblebee.

Wheel: "Use this Bumblebee!"

Bumblebee transforms and throws it dead center into Blastwave's cannon. It begins to beep and explodes, causing him to start swerving left and right. Blastwave begins to transform, but the second explosion happens, and more pieces of him fly off. Blastwave barely gets up and is disoriented, before he can react, the final explosion in his chest happens, and pieces of him are now everywhere as all there is left is a mangled corpse. Dropkick slams on the brakes and sees the horror in front of him.

Dropkick: (screaming) "Blastwave no! You killed my friends, and I'm going to kill you!"

Dropkick and Bumblebee fight, but this time he fares well against the Deception. He uses his ax to cut across his chest, and shoots him with his plasma cannon. He punches Dropkick in the face and kicks him back. The injury begins to take its toll again, and Dropkick shoots Bumblebee several times. He takes out his pincer and stabs him in the shoulder. Dropkick knees the poor boy in the face. Dropkick kicks Bumblebee several times in the stomach while he's on the ground, and take out is pincer weapon to kill him. Before he stabs Bumblebee, he gets shot straight through the chest by an orange beam, and it goes clean through and does burn damage. The fatally wounded Dropkick turns around to see it was a dusty Longarm, who has a very determined look on his face.

Longarm: "Now we're even Dropkick, now let's see you walk away from this."

Dropkick: "I can't believe it... you actually got me."

Dropkick falls forward on the ground dead as Longarm takes a deep breath, and then faints.

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